I, box of toothpicks, box of matches
Cry me a River
Corn on the cob -
Linda Joy
"800 kernels The number of kernels per ear can vary from 500 to about 1,200. A typical ear has about 800 kernels, according to corn experts. Imagine how many kernels are found in an acre of corn!"
Many is relative. And don't get me started on the relatives! In a classroom 30 students is many. But if that class is elelmentary P.E. the number is about 100! But if we're talking about a toothache one is too many! Things that are many people on earth, germs, grains of sand, examples of many! haha
More than two (as that is a "couple")
too nnany
A lot, such as a box of paper clips.
More than some
My hubby used to use the expression TNTC Too numerous to count. He told me it was an official medical term. However I can't prove that.
If I try to count the number of the thing that is there and cannot do so within a few seconds, than I say "many." So, I suppose it depends on how the things are organized. If there are seven rows of seven each plus one extra, then I can quickly do the mental mathematics 7x7+1 = 50. However, 50 in a heap is "many."
A pack of rubber bands.
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