I don't know what "Family Search Indexing" is. I can't imagine wanting to do it on my phone when I have a perfectly good desktop - with a usable keyboard and mouse - available. Is "Family Search Indexing" something that can only be done, or best be done, while away from the desk?
Linda Joy
I described indexing briefly in the comment on the next answer. It is not easier or best done on the phone, but its a good option for those that don't have such a privileged life, or for those that want to do something productive instead of just playing a game to fill the time waiting in a waiting room. I was really excited about this when I was having to go to the family research center to do it because I didn't have a home computer at the time. I've been privileged to own three since then! I'm very blessed! -
Yes, I can see where that would be handy if you didn't have a PC. My PC cost about $250 (refurbished components from Walmart), which is almost as cheap as my iPhone. If you're on a tighter budget, you can do a Walmart refurb PC for about $150. could before this recession thing. Not sure about now. -
Linda Joy
I got a refurbished Dell from Walmart for $100, then I got a laptop when I thought my display was going bad. Turns out it was just a bad cable connection. So now I have the desktop, the laptop, and a phone. Had to get a new phone a little while back when they dropped service on my old phone. The new one only costed $40. -
Yeah, I really like the low-end Samsung series phones, but I needed an iPhone for web development.
I have no need for a family search index site. My family ancestry goes back to Switzerland, 1465. I'm sure others might make good use of it - if they're interested in knowing (most won't be - doing the legwork takes too much effort).
Linda Joy
Indexing is looking at photographs of historical information snapped before the information was lost and keying it into a searchable database for others to use for family history. Some info is from obituaries, some from draft cards, birth records and such. I don't have to "need" something to help others. -
Army Veteran
Judging by the other answers here, I can guess that not that many people even know what a family search index is. It's their loss, perhaps. -
Linda Joy
So I see!
It just means you will get more freeloaders knocking your door my mothers cousin joined one of those sites done the DNA test a couple of months later she got an email from a lady on the other side of the couuntry asking about my Mums brother he had another child and run out on the girl 40 years ago. They pretend to visit us but spend all thier time at the beach in the boat or riding our horses.
Linda Joy
Just because that's what happened to you doesn't mean it will happen to me or others. This is not the same thing. Please look at the comment above to see what I'm talking about. No one contacted me as a result. I've just made friends with others that are helpful and charitable and felt good about helping. I don't know why there are so many nay sayers here. Its like no one can stand hearing good, uplifting, positive encouragement anymore. Everyone always has to point out the dark cloud that may or may not ever happen, but boy you better not even try to be happy here!! Its not allowed!! -
Good luck to you, all its done for me is invite more freeloaders, bloody women and familys might like that sort of stuff I don't. I didn't know them for 50 years I don't want them staying at my house now. The wife likes it. Bloody wogs showing up out of no where eating my food drinking my beer. -
I like it when she visits them. -
Linda Joy
So, you didn't even read what indexing is. Its not the same as genealogical testing or even genealogical research. But obviously you don't want to know because you want to keep your prejudiced ideas. So go ahead and keep your head in the sand about anything you don't want to learn about because (in my best Jack Nicholson voice) "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!"
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