I don't believe you. Eagles are apex predators in the air. If they simply fly any vaguely upward direction, nothing big enough to harm them is going to be able to give chase. Now, what I would believe and do believe, is that eagles are prone to fly down onto their prey with their back to the sun, so as not to be detected.
The only airborne predators that I know of that go after eagles are the raven and the great horned owl. That explains why your claim might work in instance of the nocturnal owl, but the raven rarely flies at night and its eyes are exposed to the same sun as the eagle.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Huh?! Are you saying that a raven would prey on a fully flighted eagle?! -
That's exactly what I'm saying. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
How is a 2 pound raven going to eat a 10 pound eagle, unless it's already dead? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Maybe you read somewhere that ravens prey on eagles. I'm 100% certain that those are eggs or hatchlings/eaglets. Proportionally by weight, a raven is to an eagle as a badger is to a human. -
How about researching what I said?
no but now i do
Did you know frogs can't swallow with their eyes open? They need to squeeze their eyes shut to push the food down their throats.
Linda Joy
Did you know if you eat a polar bear liver you could overdose on vitamin A? -
Linda Joy
Did you know that the cornea of the eye and the stirrup in the ear stay the same size all your life? -
Linda Joy
Did you know that the nose and ears continue to grow throughout all your life? -
Linda Joy
Did you know it takes 300 psi to crack a macadamia nut shell? -
Cry me a River
Good ones. Thanx for sharing your newfound knowledge! :-) -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
The cornea of a newborn is about 3/4 the size of an adult's. -
Linda Joy
Did you research everything I said to check it? lol. They used to say the eyes, then the cornea, now that's in dispute but we learn more every day! So thank you for the update. And as Bostjan pointed out this information is not newfound, but actually outdated. Just a little useless trivia I could recall at the moment. -
Cry me a River
Useless is right! And like how would anyone except God know? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"how would anyone except God know?" By using a tape measure.
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