Do you? I'm always wearing mine. If I put them down somewhere I lose them. That's not a good thing I can't see my phone without my glasses, and they're harder to find when I can't see. LOL I always keep my backup pair when I get a new pair in case I do lose them. I wore my backups three days last week because I lost my glasses. I was just about to post a question on answerbag asking if anybody had seen them when I found them.
I only use them for reading so most of the time they're in my pocket, but I find if I'm in a situation where I'm putting them on and taking them off too frequently to bother putting them in my pocket then I tend to twirl them. Glad you found your main pair. -
Linda Joy
Mine are progressive bifocals, with transition lenses. I only take them off when I shower, brush my hair and sleep or if I'm cleaning them.
Not anymore the last time I did that the leg came off and I had to get my glasses fixed after finding an old pair and not able to put the screw in. I used to use put the old glasses on the find mine.
Linda Joy
Did you actually break the leg of the glasses or the screw came out? Walmart's optical will fix those screws for you. They're really hard to see when you don't have your glasses on! -
Rick Myres
Yes the leg came off. Walmart optical is where I got mine then got them fixed. They put a new screw in for the old leg off the other glasses at no charge. I know they are hard to see when I don't have them on. Now I can't joke with people saying I put my glasses on to find my glasses. -
The leg has fallen off a couple of mine, but as they're reading glasses I can easily get a new pair for just one dollar when that happens.
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