Linda Joy
How often? -
4x a week -
Generally, Excercise.
Only times I've ever had to run was for neither of those reasons.
i run up my 14 steps every time i use em,i hang on though..... for exercise only π
I run for emergency purposes only: there's a dog after me, I gotta pee real bad, I'm trying to catch up to something or someone, etc
I only run baths!
Neither. People have been deluded into thinking that running promotes good cardiovascular health. But it does nothing more than just walking does. Plus, running is a high-impact exercise that could affect the joints later in life. And even walking isn't that beneficial for a weight loss plan. Walking one mile only burns around 85 calories. The only real advantage of walking is that it promotes circulation - which is important for maintaining one's proper health.
For cover only.
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