12-25-2016 Your doctor does what? You should remember that grooming pubic hair was unknown until about fifteen years ago.
Ice man
She shaves her pubic hair, and advised me to do the same. I was too embarrassed to tell her that I've been doing that for 12 years already.
I don't know about that, but my dentist is a superbabe...I often wonder if she has full bush, shaved, or a hitler down there..
Ice man
Bet ya it's a landing strip ! : ) -
Lol...A runway to the hanger.
Never having had carnal knowledge with any of my doctors I have never even thought about whether they do. But before I met my husband I did engage in some swinging activities and more than once I was taken aside by well meaning ladies 12 - 15 years younger who suggested that perhaps I would fit in better if I shaved. Men have never said that to me though perhaps they have discussed it among themselves. On the former AB I did encounter some young men who actually were afraid of our pubic hair.
Ice man
This was one in a series of completely tongue in cheek questions, meant to poke fun at stupid old questions that have been recently re-posted from the archives. I was expecting humorous replies and certainly didn't think anyone could possibly take them seriously. You have proven me wrong. -
Sorry is hard to be humorous when it is expected of me. Or even when it is not. I am mostly pretty serious (well not all the time!) so just please laugh at what you want or take seriously what you want.
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