• I'm not sure I can be of help. I (probably like you) am the abused. I've read a number of books that help define verbal abuse. "The Verbally Abusive Relationship" by Patricia Evans is a good one. I'm afraid that I'm probably headed towards separation/divorce (with 2 kids). I need an answer to "how can it be proven" just like you.
  • An abusive relationship is a interpersonal relationship characterized by the use or threat of physical or psychological abuse. Psychological abuse includes emotional abuse, verbal abuse, threats, coercion, intimidation, and humiliation Above from What is deemed legally abusive is dependent on what the laws are where you live, so there is really no better answer for the first part of your question. It's hard to really prove something like this, but a few ideas: -Testimony from others who have witnessed verbally abusive behavior -Statements form counselors (if you have consulted any) about being treated for the effects of verbal abuse -Keep a log of dates, times, and the exact things that were said that you feel were verbally abusive This is a tough one. Hope this answer helps :) Good luck.
  • I went through a divorce due to physical and mental abuse. I did have a restraining order on him, I'm sure that helped prove my case. I know I was a complete mess during the questioning by my attorney. I think the judge can tell by your testimony, but as it has already been said, it wouldn't hurt to have some witnesses to back up your statements. I personally didn't need anyone else's testimony. My ex proved to be himself during the divorce proceedings. All the best to you.
  • go to You can ind tons of abuse information
  • You can have witnesses or tape recordings/phone messages. If there is no evidence or witnesses, it is your word against his.
  • Buy yourself a small Digital Voice Recorder, with a condenser microphone. This works very well.
  • If there are no recorded evidences, then other circumstances/actions are used to substantiate your words/or that of other person.
  • Keep records on paper - recorder - and through your friends - If you take them to court I'm sure they'll show their ass and the judge will be able to see through it - You go to counseling and learn why you need to move on -
  • very hard to do so, unless you either tape it, or have witnesses. i know. I suffered it as a child and teenager. people often say, "But it's over, Get over it." Well, I have, but the scars remain. I hate confrontational situations, and I work so hard never to say the things that were said to me, to my own children or my husband.
  • You may contact me. Been there 16 years! When first try to get away unsuccessful, I decided to both video and audio record abuse. Second attempt to end it came and I was shaking all the way; however, I had ample proof. I didn't want to get him angered, so I taped for my peace of mind and definately proof of what I said. Domestic Violence in the form of verbal, emotional and psychological abuse is domestic violence. MIne was the spouse (can be either sex), who went everywhere, met out with friends, volunteered at church, all the leadership qualities that made him seem so 'stable'. It was the initimate times: at home, in the privacy of our home, whispered, expressed outside of anyone who would have otherwise been shocked to hear. No one could imagine him being so cruel and reversed of the 'upstanding member of our community". Herein lies the horrible fact: Spoke with my attorney. Audio tape is absolutely inadmissible as evidence in domestic relations court, unless first the abuser is informed that he,or she, is being recorded. My chest clenched so tightly that day. So, I started to inform him. He spoke to an attorney,who informed him to make the statement, "you do not have my permission to record me." INadmissible once more. I was so afraid. I took the risk, gave verbal testimony, and was granted a restraining order. In the counselors office, having had to wait upto two weeks for the actual deliverance of the order to him, he had contacted the counselor, and it was relayed ot me that after the paper was sent to his mothers, he called the attorney, who then informed him that it would not be enforcable unless it was physically served upon him. Again, non of the huge amount of tapings were allowed. But, I stood firm, received the divorce,and am now wanting to change our law. IF a patteren of abuse is able to be provided, and enough times an abuser is told the victim is recording the spouse, it should be excluded from the no consent statutes and 5th. It should stand on its own, because of the real facts of the patterns of abuse research proves. I took the risks, and am still scared about the possibility of my voice angering him. But, someone has to speak out. It won't help me, but, it will our children.I am giving out my email to anyone this story might help, past, or current. I am not angry, that solves nothing. I am, though, completely determined to change this law. With that said, here is my email [email protected]
  • anything they say thats mean, you can always tape it
  • Verbal abuse usually doesn't have a formal legal definition. It's usually the same thing as "harassment" Chicago divorce attorneys
  • It depends on the jurisdiction you live in as to what "verbal abuse" is. And it's not always going to be against the law.
  • I don't believe there are any formal criminal definitions of verbal abuse. If this pertains to a civil case, and you believe that something another party has said to you in the past could help your case, then it'd be good for you to depose any witnesses to the offending statement(s). I'm going to guess that there is a possibility that there may be no witnesses and the conversations may not be recorded. If that is the case, you can still bring it up. If the other party denies that such a conversation was had, then it could go either way for your case, depending on your credibility relative to the other party's.

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