Send em all to Antarctica with a parka and a loaf of bread and see who makes it back.
Indeed - I have no use for the extremes in either party. Unfortunately, with all the widespread conspiracy and non-Fact crap infecting the Republican Party, more and more of them are becoming extreme. -
Army Veteran
I don't see any orange bias, do I? -
No, just a fat, orange, whore-buying, White Supremacist POS.
the Right Winged wacko's by a mile ... after all they hide behind fairy stories written by men and then have the hide to put them forward as facts
All very good points. -
Army Veteran
OH - you mean like CNN.
Left wing wackos actually have reasons for their statements, and can state them articulately. Right wing wackos just say "Uhh.. Mommy didn't mention that, so.. KILL HIM NOW!!"
Charin Cross
thumbs down! -
Why Charin - do you hate facts that much? -
Army Veteran
Oh, yeah - your "idol-in-chief" can't articulate two words on his own. It's no wonder you can't understand Republican diction. After being brainwashed by the Marxist Left, you had an alphabet explosion in your head. -
"Oh, yeah - your "idol-in-chief" can't articulate two words on his own" -- Neither can Emperor Orange. All he can say is BIG LIE, BIG LIE. And none of you can prove any of it. Oh, hey! Look at Maricopa! More of your NON-FACTS and conspiracies! 1465 and his TINFOIL HAT! -
Army Veteran
Look at the call to impeach Biden - only 8 months in office and already his head is on the chopping block. Even his own party is fed up with the disgusting POS. With his mental faculties on the decline, he should never have run for President and the voters knew it. That's why he had little or no attendance at his campaign rallies. So how does an idiot President get elected? By cheating. Whether you want to gloat about the Maricopa County audit or not, the evidence speaks for itself. As for the audit, why was there a protest against it in the first place if it was on the up-and-up? There were legitimate questions about it and thus, they had a right to do the audit. Anyone who tries to block an audit of an election they claim is "accurate" has something to hide. An audit would only verify the claim if it were, in fact, "accurate". -
"As for the audit, why was there a protest against it in the first place if it was on the up-and-up?" Because they knew how it would turn out. They knew it would be a TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY. And, WHOA! They were right!! -
Army Veteran
"As for the audit..." - the protest came from the Left, but your question "why" remains... "why, if it was on the up and up?" Democrats rejoiced at the recount audit - and why not? Counting the same fraudulent votes a second time will come up with the same results - so they were satisfied. What they were afraid of was a forensic audit that would prove illegals and dead people voting as well as people voting multiple times. THIS is the reason they protested the audit.
Right wing wackos by a long shot.
Charin Cross
thumbs down! -
Why Charin - do you hate facts that much? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Orange Don, He doesn't understand them. lol
wings are bad, mmm-kay.
Any form of extremism is bad, but I'd prefer extremism from the left. At least left wing extremists don't try to tell people what they can't do in the privacy of their own homes, and they don't try to breach the separation of church and state.
And they aren't white-supremacist racists who enjoy lynchings and meetings wearing hoods with eye-holes... -
Army Veteran
Chicagoan, it's time you got an education. Lynchings and hood-wearing were the KKK - a product of Democratic terrorism against African Americans that began just after the Civil War. You want to talk about racists? Who was it that said, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black"? (Hint: it wasn't a Conservative). -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - Slavery was the Status Quo back in 1860 before the Civil War, ergo it was the CONSERVATIVE (CONSERVATIVE MEANS TO CONSERVE) position. Don't compare Dems and Reps today with those of a bygone era because their positions have reversed. Ronald Reagan and Jesse Jackson were never allies. lol Mlk would have never said Ketchup was a Ketchup or that the poor should eat Govt. Cheese.
Does it matter? I mean, wackos are . . . wackos.
Left wing wackos have multiple single issues. IE peta activists. Right wing wackos are all the same single issue, a Hitler-esque following of their holy book. At least the left has a little variety.
Army Veteran
The mental ward has "variety" and that's where most of those on the Left came from. And you have absolutely no education on Hitler except for the propaganda that you've been indoctrinated with. (No, I'm no "Nazi". I've just taken the time and effort to educate myself on actual documented facts - something most people are afraid to do.) -
"I've just taken the time and effort to educate myself on actual documented facts" Unfortunately, you never speak factually here. Just the usual, GOP daily conspiracy crap you can't prove. MARICOPA! MARICOPA!! 1465 - President of the TINFOIL Hat Club
They're equally dangerous. They should be free to express their wacko opinions but be charge of absolutely nothing.
I think JANUARY 6 shows that the right wing is a little more extreme, even a LOT more extreme. And then, add in all the right-wing White Pride racist groups, etc, and it becomes even more clear. Not many left-wing groups out there that are arming-up and getting ready to kill people - that's a Red State thing. -
Army Veteran
I have to laugh at you "warriors" who are stuck on January 6th. You hinge on one event that has been twisted out of context by the Left but ignore the 4 years of violent protests that were sanctioned by the Democrats. I've said it before and I'll continue to say it - denial is no substitute for intelligence. -
"that has been twisted out of context" See. Another lie. We've seen the video & audio footage. People & cops dead as a result. We've seen & heard a lot of the trials since then. Eat it. Only a coward can deny what happened that day. -
Army Veteran
The video and audio footage was not what was claimed by the Left - there was no malice in what he said. "Stand down" is not commensurate with "attack the Capitol"- they're opposite in meaning. Denial is no substitute for intelligence. -
"Denial is no substitute for intelligence." -- The irony, a conspiracy pusher who doesn't heed his own words.
Whichever side happens to be in power at the moment. Talk about arrogance you can cut with a knife!
I've resolved it doesn't matter WHAT side they're on. It just depends on the "person" themself!
The left wing has a strong utopian ideal and a totalitarian method. In other words, they want to make the world perfect, and are willing to force you to do more and more and more until it becomes so. And when i say "force" I mean with guns, dogs, chains, barbed wire and whips. I live in a formerly Communist country (Ukraine) where literally a third of the people were intentionally starved to death to force the other two thirds to accept totalitarianism, and after that horrible winter of 1932 the leftists still used concentration camps, secret police, torture cells, unemployment, public shaming, starvation and a lot of other things to maintain control. Then when it became apparent that they never would arrive at a perfect world, those in charge kept doing it so that the people on the bottom would produce luxuries for them. Left wing is definitely worse and has left 150 million corpses behind to prove it.
For what you are saying, it sounds as if the left of the Ukraine is the right side extremists in the US. -
Roger - I think you have your terminologies reversed. LOL -- the guns and dogs and barbed wire and armed killing groups, etc, those are the RIGHT WING in the US... -
Army Veteran
Interesting to note is that Ukraine was under Soviet influence from 1922 to 1991. The period mentioned by Roger Kovaciny falls directly on that timeline. It's interesting, too, that the violence seen in America over the past 4 years by the Left follows the same pattern of violence as the period described by Roger. And considering that the Left represents Communism, it becomes obvious that what he said is accurate. It's a sad thing when people speak authoritatively on subjects that they're not educated on. -
LOL - I've NEVER seen anyone who so horribly misunderstands and misrepresents what words like Communism and Socialism and Marxism actually mean. You throw them around like a 5-year-old throws a frisbee - sloppy, poorly, randomly and with no consistency or understanding. You sound an awful lot like someone who gets their talking points from extreme rags like The Federalist or World Net Daily. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Zionism? So you think Jews are Satanists too. That's anti-Semitic.
Any 'extreme' can be a burdensome & aggravating situation. In the political world extremism does NOT happen by accident. Political extremism is a carefully thought out & well orchestrated process & highly managed to reach an intended target, goal or both. Extremism such as the politically driven religious right & Islamic Jihadists are designed to GET YOU ATTENTION & FINANCIAL/POLITICAL BACKING. There will always be GG's(Gully Gullible's)looking to follow a 'cause'. Lots of noise, balloons, fireworks & a pumped up emotionally(pathos) charged extremist agenda increases membership thus political power.
Depends -- what drives you more crazy? People who say wacko things that you have to spend time opposing despite the fact that what they're saying is complete BS? Or, people who say wacko things you don't agree with because what they're saying is complete BS -- but that other people hold you responsible for? Honestly, I'd suspect that the most annoying wackos are the ones who claim to be on your side, and I don't think it matters whether you're a liberal or a conservative. Because in addition to being wacko, they are actively trying to morph your agenda into theirs -- and sometimes you're required to be nice to them. And give them cookies. At least I don't have to break open a bag of Keebler's for wacko people on the other side. LOL.
The trick is not to take their argument too seriously. Let them rant. Left wing or right wing. It will be hard to supress a laugh.
I'd say equally bad, but with a slant towards the right wingers- for now. Because right wingers have had control, and proved themselves to be just as uncaring as the left wingers. But they try to use "god" as their justification.
both are bad
They are both wacked!!
Doesn't matter which wing. A Wack-o is a Wack-o.
Being too extreme one way or the other is wrong. The world is not black and white.
Bet you can't guess what I think....LOL
Left wing wackos are in general, worse than the average right wing wacko, in my opinion, not to mention that there are far more left wing nuts than right wing ones. Also, I believe that the general cynical view of right wingnuts reflects more on the poisoned perception of them by the Democratic masses, and less on their actual alleged radicalism. Left wingnuts, if I may, are sensitive and abrasive, whereas many GOP members are pegged as right wingnuts simply because they believe in the Bible, wholeheartedly, unreservedly. And while there are some right wingnuts that are as bad as the most hardcore of the left wingnuts, most of the GOP adhere to the Christian faith, not just the religion, or adhere to the Conservative mantra, or adhere to some other similar tradition(s).
"whereas many GOP members are pegged as right wingnuts simply because they believe in the Bible" -- which is bad enough, but then, you have them totally abondoning any of its values. They support the Orange Emperor who buys whores, sexually assaults women and brags about it, is an open, racist, White Supremacist, evades paying taxes, illegally dodged the military, led an attack on our own US Capitol building while congress was in session. How is that christ-like? How is supporting a POS like that a christian thing to do? Nothing can come close to the hypocrisy of Bible-people and their hatred for others. -
Army Veteran
In this one comment, you have proven how out-of-touch you are with reality. Nothing you said is true. Your credibility is close to matching Biden's popularity poll numbers.
i have to agree with Dmitri... i've been thinkin this way a long just always seems to be the line between the parties.....there seems to be a FAITH to the rightwing side and the left just seem to be such aggressive, dominate, me i had mentioned this a while back to my brother,did he kinda get that impression? he said yes, the left don't seem to be as "Godly " in their thoughts and actions....not virtuos., anything goes..but ..thatsJustme
They are all wack-jobs and should be duly ignored or laughed at, depends on the situation.
Extremists on both sides are a little whacky, but it seems to me that the right wing extremists are more violent. Tim McVeigh, the worthless POS who blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City, was very right wing. Some right wing talk show hosts, like Glenn Beck, seem to enjoy churning up their listeners' outrage against the government. Playing on fear, polarizing already like-minded people even further away from the center, can be a very dangerous thing.
extremism of any kind can be dangerous. i'm just glad the moderates are getting bigger.
The one who thinks the one on the opposite side of the fence is a wacko is the worst.
non-partisan wackos
I think all wakos are bad....No one should lean too far one way or the other in my opinion
a wacko is a wacko, left or right, they recite the same kind of bitter anger against the others. when a strong wacko group comes to power, e.g., german nazi's in 1933, then left wing wackos must rise to challenge them. so, wacko's on both sides can serve a useful purpose at times. the constitution says that congress won't make laws impinging upon free speech. no where does the constitution say that wackos who advocate violence mustn't be corrected. the radical right attempted this in the 1950s with the mccarthy witch trials. now, folks like glenn beck are strongly emotional, unstable, and ought to be put in a psychiatric hospital.
By reading most of these answers the question should be rewritten in 2 ways, Who's worse: People who believe in God or people who don't? or Who's worse: People who believe like me or those other people? My answer however would be left wing wackos, because we have 3 of them running our government right now who want to completely change our way of life to fit into their left wing ideologies despite the will of the people.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Slow down, nobody is going to get rid of Christmas or force you to marry your brother. Stop listening to Tucker Carlson.
To be honest with you they are both about the same, its just that you have seen a whole lot of the right wing wackos lately.
Anything with the word "wing" in it should raise insane alarms. However, given the choice, give me left wing.
both are pathetic, I always go against the majority party; I dont like it when they start getting cocky with there political BS, but currently whats worse than that is these Obama messiah wackos, those people are freaky!
I find them equally bad and obnoxious. +2
I can never get it straight..left or right of what...and what is the meaning of left wing/right wing? Would the people who wrote the declaration of independence have been considered left or right wing wackos by British patriots?
In my opinion, right wing wackos are somewhat worse, but not be far.
Centre forward wackos.
As I've stated on another thread, on the far right you have the anarchists (no government) and on the far left you have the socialists/fascists/communists (total government). Both are wrong.
left wing. just look around politically. it's a cluster****!!
Whichever one thinks they are more powerful at the time. As much as I didn't care for Trump's rhetoric, Trump himself was not a right-wing extremist by any stretch, but the right-wing extremists sure seemed to think he was on their side, so they went wild. Now that Biden's in the White House, those people have mellowed out just a little bit, but the left wing extremists feel emboldened.
Lets do the world a favor and get rid of both of them, both sides of the extreme.
I just got off the phone with a REALLY extreme right wing idiot that was all BLM and those groups are terrorists and he even used Antifa groups as all white and all his people. He wants me to write a movie of how Democrats in the future will be a terrorist organization. I've a couple of ideas about it, but I'm not going to do it as the Republicans are in the exact same boat.
Near as I can tell, the right wing wackos aren't rioting in the streets over dead criminals.
How can they when so many of them are busy dying in hospitals after swallowing Horse Medication... -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Quiet Orangeone, they haven't figured that one out yet. lol -
Army Veteran
"Horse medication" - another worn-out and propagandized talking point. But continue to use it, they will - they have little else in their bag of misinformation to offer. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - I want to thank you for the opportunity to get out the truth about my "Liberal, Left-wing, Communist, Marxist, Socialistic Propaganda. Without you I couldn't do it. lol -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Oh and BTW 1465, I hereby ban you from celebrating Christmas; again. lol
there are only left wing wackos. all you have to do is see what Biden is doing to this country.
They're both bad. Several years ago I would have said that the left-wing wackos were worse. But it's early 2021 right now and the right-wing wackos have definitely taken the cake over the last year or so with things like Qanon conspiracies.
They're both equally crap. Both want to control you and take your money.
It wasn't the left who stormed the Capital Bldg and tried to kill everyone on Jan 6th.
Army Veteran
You mean, "it wasn't the Left who was charged with anything". I don't deny that there are a few sour grapes in the Conservative group - people who are easily influenced by their emotions. The Left is full of these kinds of people - that's how so many have become so misinformed. But the question of the day is, "what about the Antifa that were present?" Trump supporters don't have a history of violent protests - something or someone triggered them. There was Antifa there and they co-mingled with the MAGA group to incite the attack. Look at the ones still in custody? They have no bail and are being mistreated. When Antifa protesters destroyed federal property throughout 2020, they were given a slap on the wrist and let out of jail without bail. Democrats were behind that and also the treatment of the January 6 detainees. The difference in the way both issues were handled coincides with the Democratic agenda. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - You know I'm going to fact check you, so why lie? Here is what Politifact says about Antifa at Jan 6th riot. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Again you are making baseless claims. It must suck to be so desperate.
Right Wing Waco's are terrorists. Left wing wackos are called "Humanitarians."
The Left is a Machiavellian group that supports Marxism. America has functioned well in its 200+ years of existence. It's only been since the Obama (a Communist) administration that any political group has tried to subvert the Constitution and take over the country. Their intentions became even more transparent when Hillary lost - so much so that they launched a massive 4-year hate campaign against Trump for no other reason than he won. It didn't matter what good he did for the country, they did everything they could to oppose him, including sacrificing the American economy, organizing Bolshevik-style protests, colluding with the Chinese to create a worldwide virus that resulted in national emergencies to put control into the hands of the government, and cheating on the 2020 election to get Pinnochio Joe into office - who has destroyed everything he's touched. Even his own party is starting to turn on him.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - You need to play another recording. -
Army Veteran
Why? Not enough people have heard this one.
right wing wackos and left wing wackos are each terrible. They are extremists and being as such they are, by definition , extreme views.
Both as equal, because there job is to swing from one extreme to another in order to create tension and conflict, put it this way, have you ever had a choice of two great electorates? Or is it always picking either the lesser evil, or the one that supports you financially the most, regardless of the impact on the opposing peoples. When you have only two main parties, all you are going to get is friction and imbalance and that is what they want. There is never a fight for equality, or justice, it's between the haves and the have not's, with the middle class in between who by the looks of covid are heading the same way as the have not's which then you will know we are heading for communism, however communist or conservative, both rule under totalitarianism, so long as a few rule the many, the kings and queens and knights cannot win, if the pawns (everyone who is not a multi billionaire) refuses to play. .
I don't recall any "right-wing wackos" burning down some 700+ businesses.
Right wingers can cause more damage than the left wing can.
Given the face that there hasn't been a left wing conspiracy since the Viet Nam war, and we just had an attempt to overthrow the government on Jan 6th. I think its safe to say the Right is more dangerous. lol
The right want to stand in the way of progress.
Just 2 sides of the same wacko coin IMHO!
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