Placenta burgers served with a warm glass of breast milk. Though it might have a small but dedicated following....
Goat's Head Soup Is Us
Fried and roasted grasshopper with plenty of salt and Root Beer as a chaser. LOL
Chocolate Covered CockRoaches on a stick, with Maggot Puree` dipping sauce.
Possum Guts with a Side of Gopher Ribs Sauteed in Gorilla Dong ;)
day-old, warm sushi
Intestine pie with jellied brain salad and a side of eyes. Oh ... and a cup of fresh hot puke to wash it down with. Name of vendor - Yuckers !! :)
Camel Testicles and peacock-egg salad.
Armadillo enchaladas & possum nachos
liver and onion on a stick pavement possum rabid rabbit
Chitterlings, head cheese and souse.
Peanut butter and toe jam sandwiches with chocolate covered brussel sprouts for dessert, and a glass of lumpy, spoiled milk to wash it down.
Turnip juice!
Duck's blood soup, fried grasshoppers, chocolate covered ants
Farts and Franks.
pigs testicle soup.
Hullo Mrs. C. Sorry to bother you, but it appears we have a Bot in our house.... Been posting the same message over and over....
Road kill stew...
there back mrs. Cleaver!!!!!
Frogs legs, chicken feet and snails, topped up with ants, maggots and silkworms.
One that only serves ham and cheese sandwiches.
Rocky Mountain oysters served with a variety of dipping sauces.
Frog legs. lol 🐸
Cow pies, buffalo chips and dirt cookies?
There is a type of blue cheese from Sardinia Italy that is cured with maggots.
Linda Joy
casu martzu.
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