-'s a toss up between battleship and Uno.
I love to play Uno! I haven't played that in so long. I wonder what I did with those cards! ~runs off to find the them~ ^_^
Scrabble... It's the best... [And your Vocabulary grows too...]
Scrabble. I haven't played in many years and I could use some help with my vocabulary.
Scrabble. In my oipinion it requires mores skill than the other games, though Battleship is a very close second.
I like them all for different reasons. But if I had to pick one I owuld say Scrabble. I'm a word person.
UNO! WOO! so fun
I love to play scrabble.
UNO (cards are flying every single way....everybody uno, everybody play) lol
battleship..i like to sink things..
Uno... Scrabble...
I prefer UNO but battleship is fun too. It's so hard to choose
uno and ill beat you
Scrabble™. All the way.
I like every one of those games for different reasons. Battleship - brings back child hood memories UNO - fun times with my mother, sister, and friends growing up. But Scrabble holds the dearest memories, playing with my grandmother. She was a master at crossword puzzles so naturally she would whoop me almost every time (I think she gave me some sympathy wins). When she past away my mother asked me if there was anything of hers that I wanted, I told her I wanted her scrabble set but it was lost at the nursing facility she was at. I to the this day I can not see a scrabble set and not think of her.
I think I enjoy UNO the most.
scrabble, uno, then battleship for me.
Uno es numero uno.
B-8 I sink your Battleship Battleship all the way.
Scrabble is always good especially for handheld devices when you don't have time to play with other people.
scrabble, because it makes you use your brain LOL!
I love scrabble but am thinking of trying this, without the rock, of course:)
Scrabble all the way. Though a good game of Uno is fun. You'll probably beat me at Scrabble though, which is why I'll want the rematch in Boggle.
A game of all three to keep it from getting boring.
Uno. It is perfect for those who are looking for a fun game to play with their family or friends.
Uno. I like Scrabble against "regular" opponents who use "regular" words. Those weird two- and three- letter words that no one in the U.S. has ever used...yeah, they're in the Official Scrabble Dictionary, and they give the person who's memorized them an unfair advantage over everyone else.
Scrabble for sure. Each person bets 1 to 5 bucks to play, winner takes the pot. 3/9/23
Scrabble. I like word games. One rule I'd insist on is using an egg timer. I think its totally unfair to wait for a player to take forever to make a word and to be fair it wouldn't be right for me to take a long time too.
Yup, that's exactly how we used to play it too. We would use the timer from the boggle game. -
Deconoo Happy you like my reply. Yes timers make a lot of sense. Otherwise the game could take hours and hours.
Boggle. The ones you listed are too easy to lose pieces. I like online puzzles for the same reason.
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