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I think 16 or 17 should be the youngest. Anything younger than that probably isn't doing it for the right reasons, and probably aren't fully aware of the consequences of their actions. At least at 16 or 17, you are almost an adult, and can at least grasp what is actually happening.
There isn't an appropriate age. Some people mature more quickly, physically and mentally, than others.
over here its legal at 16. i think thats a bit 2 young
I don't think there is a specific number. I just think whoever it is with, is near them in age, and when they lose their virginity they are ready for it, and it's their own decision. Not everyone is the same- so to set a specific number for all- would be ludacris.
At whatever age they are mature enough to be married. When that is varies person to person.
It depends on the teen in question. Some are mature enough to handle the concept and the reality early in their teens. Others don't attain the maturity until they're well into their twenties.
I think 16 is appropriate, IF the people are mature enough for it. If the person is immature, then I don't think any age is appropriate. Its an individual choice.
Wait for marriage. It's not about what's "likely", it's about what's "appropriate". Likely only depends on the individual. I waited.
A lot of well-meaning and right-minded people have suggested that a young person's maturity is the measure for sexual preparedness. Ironically, I've found the inverse to be more likely in my experience of real life: The less mature a teen is; the more likely that teen is to be sexually active. In my opinion, a young person is ready for sex when he or she is prepared to accept responsibility for his or her own protection every single time -- no excuses, no complaints.
I did it at 18 and lived to regret it. Judge it by the relationship. How long is it really going to last? What would happen if you got pregnant? Not an easy decision in any decade...
There is no age, just don't get hurt (both emotionally and physically) and use protection. Contrary to belief, there's nothing wrong with sex. Just be aware every action has consequences. If you know them and are willing to accept them, then you're old enough.
"You can say wait for marrage but in 2007 thats not likely." Thats sad. I wish it was not that way.
This is totally dependent on the person, everyone is different and matures at different ages. However, I think anything before 16 is way too young.
I was 16 when I lost my virginity, but I know plenty of people who did so younger. I would say that when you feel ready, and are making the decision on your own (NOT pressured), and are mature enough not to giggle over the idea of birth control or condoms, you're ready. Then again, it's a personal decision and you'll know when you're ready. Waiting until marriage is generally unrealistic, but not a bad idea.
I think that is up to the ones that are involved.If it is agreed with both people and hopefully with use of a condom,then I don't see anything wrong with it.In the medieval ages people were having sex at a very young age.As society changes the socially accepted age raises or lowers depending on the standard of that age.So I have no way of putting a particular year on it.
When you're able to comprehend the importance of having SAFE SEX. When you're ready to accept the consequences of contraceptive failure (it happens more than most people think), and when you're READY.
i think its ok to have sex when ur body starts getting attracted to a female, its a natural process, the very fact tht we have sexual orientation at a particular age means that our body is ready. ofcourse social issues are there but hey its ur thing u do wht u want with it. u do have to wear a condom though.u do tht eveythins fine.
I say 17 or 18.
Does gender plays a role in all of this...they say boys will be boys
I think a level of maturity is required, not a particular age. In saying that, it is therefore obvious that there is no "age" that is correct. A person needs to be ready and understand what they are doing, not just reach a number.
When your ready. But youve got to be 16 or above.....because its the law.
Around 16 -18 but depending on the emotional matureness of the individual and when they are aware of the health aspects as well.
16 - 20 depending on the maturity level of the person. If a person isn't mature enough to have sex then its better they hold off till they grow as a person.
Maturity plays a big part in each indiviual. Can be anywhere between 16 and 18. I know that never happens, kids just do it whenever they want or whenever they feel pressured or feel like they are the only ones that havent done it. I started at 15 and can honestly say I WASNT ready! Kids dont know what kind of emotions come along with it til they do it and they also arent smart enough to think about safe sex at that age either even tho they have sex ed who actually listens to that stuff and takes it seriously?? Maturity also comes into play with that too so..there really isnt any age thats good..its whenever they are smart enough to make the right decision for themselves.
The age at which they marry.
I think that it is an individual thing. Not everyone matures at the same rate. Sex requires a degree of emotional maturity because of the strong emotions associated with it.
When they are old enough to completely embrace the responsibilities that go along with it, such as pregnancy and protection from STD's.
well I started having sex at 12 ...41years ago and I have never had any problems at all with this ...I have had a great time exploring my sexuality and still do to this day
no younger than 17.... preferably older than 18
It ain't a "when you're old enough" it's when you're married. (pardon my Texan)
It's different for everyone, someone might be 20 and still not be ready. I'd say the youngest appropriate age is 17.
I think it really depends on the individual. You need to be truly comfortable with yourself in body and in mind, and truly comfortable with your partner in the same way. Without that, sex can really amplify any kind of insecurity you have in those realms of thought and make it really difficult to engage in intimate activities in the future. I had sex at 17 before I was really ready and I feel it made it take a lot longer for me to feel good about it, as I am a senior in college and just now have become comfortable with it.
When you are ready to face the consequences of possibly having a child.
Any age! as long as he or she could spell the word responsible! then go for it.
When your parents are dead, and that is what I'm gonna tell my daughter
depends on the person. i started having sex at 14 i know people who are 40+ that still shouldnt be having sex
Whatever age you decide to get married.
It's different for everyone, but I suppose when you feel ready, when you are doing it not to please someone else or because you are pressured, and when you can responsibly deal with contraception and disease prevention, or the consequences of a baby.
That is a very individual question. I had sex at six; not by choice and wish that my first experience had been my decision. When a person feels ready within themselves.
When they are adults and ready to make adult decisions.
About 12. If it worked for god and Mary and he's all-knowing and omnipotent and all that, why souldn't it work for the rest of us mere mortals?
If you live in the Vatican, then 12 is the legal age. So, they must have thought that was appropriate at some time!
Funny question...try relaxing on your own for a while until your ready to enjoy relaxing with others :)
There is no 'good age', although waiting until its legal aint a bad idea. Just go into it with your eyes open. First time its likely to be embarasing, disappointing, potentially painful, & if you were a girl, you'ld probably get dumped afterwards. As your a bloke though just go for it whenever your ready!
When you can afford a possible baby :)
Many responsibilities can follow sexual intercourse. No matter with your method of birth control there is always a possibility of creating a baby. I think sexual intercourse should wait until you can support a child and possibly a wife/husband or they can support you or support each other. Of course not all sex is intercourse and there are many forms of sexual gratification. There is no set age for masturbation and many start at a very young age. Experimenting exploration (fondling) with a partner many do in their early to mid teens. Oral and or anal seems to be a popular way to satisfy both partners without the fear of making a baby and many will do this. Personally I am over 50 and if I knew then what I know now I would have waited for all forms of sexual activity with a partner until after I found the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. There really is no rush in rushing sex with a partner and it should be something much more than it has become in this day and time (as a national past time). My answer is there is no set age or the ideal age I am sure it is different for everyone. The best advice I can offer is think things over and learn that when you have sex with another person there are always things other than sex to consider.
I think it should be around 18 years of age, as a general guideline.
When you are old enough to: 1. Make sure that you are protected against unwanted pregnancy. 2. Make sure that you have taken sensible precautions to prevent infection. 3. Care for and raise a child if that turns out to be the result. 4. Deal with the pain of possibly being dumped. 5. Understand that sex is not the whole part of your relationship -- and that there are responsibilities that you owe to the person that you had sex with.
Certainly not until you are old enough and independent enough to take complete responsibility for the results of your actions, including pregnancy and disease.
when you think you feel comfortable. there is no set age.
basically every person do it when his/her mother did it.if his/her mother did it early than he/she will do it early too.
Judging by the questions around here, probably 13
whenever your emotionaly sorted. no one can say 13 many popel don't get emotionally sorted till there late teens
Having skimmed through everyone's answers I would also like to remind that sex is meant to be fun & enjoyable too. Its not necessarily going to lead to disease, unwanted pregnancy, misery & the end of life as we know it.
start haveing sex in your late 30's....
I would advise any young person to wait untill after high school, ( 17 or 18 in the US ), before having sexual relations with another person. Waiting till after school is completed lowers the distraction level in your life allowing you to dedicate more time to your studies. The key thing is - whatever you do - don't rush "sex", sexual relationships should only start when you personally feel ready for them and not due to some "magic" age upon a calander.
When you are married.
At whatever age you are ready (emotionally, mentally, professionally, medically, legally, and financially) to be married and raise children.
Starting a relationship should not include sex. A strong friendship foundation is first and foremost. The very earliest sex should enter the picture is after you've established a strong committed relationship backed by a strong love for one another-- and are ready to take on the responsibilty of any consequences that may occur.
Start sex when you get marrieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed :))
Until you reach an age when you are responsible enough to marry and have children...continue to have your "relationship" with yourself. For me, I seem to recall that starting when I was about 12. Enjoy!
When you know that you love that person and are ready to take on all the responsibilities that come with a sexual relationship. Sex is always better when you love the person your doing it with. Having sex to young or when you arent ready can be the biggest and most memorable mistake that you can make in a lifetime. Just remember that you will ALWAYS remember your first and wether it was good or bad or how it happened and who initiated. There are alot more factors to consider than just the physical aspect of intercourse.
At any age where it is more than just lust and desire but rather love, trust, and commitment.
When you are emotionally mature enough to withstand the storm of emotions sex can bring. Age 18 or above sounds about right.
I believe that a person should be an ADULT before having sexual intercourse ... By that; I mean they should be able to PAY for the Post and Pre Natal care ... They should be able to PAY for the Hospital Bill of the Mother and Child .... They should be ready to get up at all hours of the night to change dirty, smelly, and runny diapers ... They should be ready to get up during the night to fix formula and feed a baby a bottle ... They should be prepared to get up and remain up with a cranky baby who will get sick from time to time and throw up etc ... They should be prepared to BUY diapers, vitimans, baby food, formula, baby clothes etc .... Where will you, the spouse, and baby live ? Are you SURE ... have you ask BOTH sets of parents as you might be surprised .... So; to answere the question ... I think that sexual intercourse should NOT happen until at least EIGHTEEN Years of age ... at least you are out od high school and CAN get a J O B !! (Cause You're going to NEED one !) NOTE: 18% of ALL condoms WILL be defective ... and 6% WILL come off during sex ... T H I NK !!!
I think it should be when you know you are ready. For me, it was about 13. But I would say, in general 14 is a good age to start.
I was 25.
I started at 17.
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