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  • Once you pop, you can't stop.
  • Because it's easier and maybe even quicker and less painful. All you have to do is put that noose around your neck, kick the chair out from below your feet or maybe jump from where you stand...
  • It is a horrible way to go if you get it wrong and contrary to what people believe there is a significant failure rate associated with hanging. People who have failed in hanging attempts often end up with brain damage and a significantly worse life than before their suicide attempt.
  • well whats not a horrible way to go? seems in the mix to me.
  • i believe who choose that method in the presence of other fast and effective methods are doubtful whether they really want to do it....
  • Not worth the time.
  • I cannot even imagine taking my life let alone hanging myself! I do not know!
  • Um ... a lack of understanding about the act they are about to perform?
  • Because if done the way it's supposed to, you're neck will break when you fall and that'll be a quick and not so painless death. If your neck doesn't break, you'll suffocate and that is a pretty horrible way to go. I'm not saying supporting suicide, but I'm not alienating people that do it either, I don't think it's right to judge people unless you know their full history and background. Just say it's wrong and immoral and dramatic and selfish isn't always the case and if you are feeling depressed enough to do it, hearing that you're sick isn't going to make you want to stick around. Don't judge people so harshly.
  • Also my answer wasn't so much directed at the asker so much as some of the repliers
  • They want to die and make a statement at the same time. They want their death to be dramatic and painful for whoever is "supposed" to find them. Usually, it's an effort to get back at someone.
  • cause they dont have a gun.. not very many other options.. maybe they dont like taking drugs.
  • Perhaps they are in effect 'executing' themselves since hanging is historically, a common form of capital punishment and part of a sort of 'cultural psyche'? Maybe it depends on the mind-set of the victim, whether they feel persecuted by life or whether they feel a need to escape their problems? If the latter, taking drugs and falling asleep might seem like a good escape. But if you're angry with the world/yourself then the concept of punishment might come into the act? I don't know but I have known people who've killed themselves by this and other methods, wrist-cutting, drugs etc., Very sad.
  • "Razors pain you, Rivers are damp. Acid stains you, Drugs cause cramps. Guns aren't lawful, Nooses give. Gas smells awful, Might as well live."
  • To make a statement. It is also quick.
  • And it is the easy way to go. Tell me when you are adding numbers together do you use the calculator or your head? Alot of people use the calculator. Why? Because it is easy! You see when it comes to convience people don't care what it does to them just like when it is convient to get a candy, however do note that if you eat candy your teeth rot. Well then why eat the candy? Well it makes you happy and it is conviently located. The same applies to suicidal people.
  • Lots of people use hanging because it's a slow death. This gives plenty of opportunity for them to be rescued. I didn't think of that till I was told by a passing Psychologist.
  • hanging is clean and neat. it is important for some people to make their demise efficient and easy for a quick clean up. plus the tools are usually readily available. just a slip trip and a fall. people who arent neat blow themselves in the head with a shotgun.
  • I am well hung !
  • Ignore my last comment I hope you are not shopping for the best way to do away with yourself.
  • Well my mother suffered from pain due to a neck surgery gone bad back in the early 90's and a jaw surgery gone wrong in 2005 no doctors could help the physical pain she has endure through out the years and gave up by hanging herself at the age of 55 sep. 3rd 2009..I am so sad.. I love you mom,your daughter carrie....and please people don't judge a book by it's cover my mom tried to hang on for as long as she could.
  • Well my mother suffered from pain due to a neck surgery gone bad back in the early 90's and a jaw surgery gone wrong in 2005 no doctors could help the physical pain she has endure through out the years and gave up by hanging herself at the age of 55 sep. 3rd 2009..I am so sad.. I love you mom,your daughter carrie....and please people don't judge a book by it's cover my mom tried to hang on for as long as she could.
  • I think that alcohlol and or drugs may have a lot to do with it.When someone is depressed to begin with add a depressant to the equasion and there you have it. You want out NOW! There is no other solution and your brain cannot function clearly under the influence. There is no reason or thought of anything good. Your reasoning skills go to sleep. The world has crashed down on you and you have lost all hope. No one cares nothing will ever change and everyone would be better off without you anyway. Guaranteed the majority of suicides are under the influence or have a severe mental disorder to begin with. Can't say I have never thought of it or come close myself. Sometimes life just sucks and to live is to die so why bother?
  • It's the easiest at the time. They may have no access to anything else.
  • maybe cause they think it will work better

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