How does someone "heal" a limb that is missing?
Check out the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemene (Luke 22:50-51 -Christ healed an ear that had been completely cut off). As far as I know, that is the only recorded instance of God healing an amputee.
This is just way I see it.. why would He? I had a friend who lost her dad to cancer a few years back and it shook her faith badly.. she could not understand why God would allow such things.. but this is not of His doing. This is not the Kingdom Of Heaven or the time of the promised Eternal Peace. We will die of famine, disease etc .. If he cured everyone/everything.. there would be no free will to believe.. Many need to see with their eyes to believe something.. He wants your heartfelt belief.. not just because He shows you. Many live for this world and I can understand questioning like this.. I did it and may again but if you believe in Jesus Christ.. you know that the ways of this world we live in is but a blink of an eye and the time of peace has not yet came but will and there will be no suffering.. this is basically our world and we are not meant to live forever or without pain and suffering. I cannot explain it right and I apologize but this is a small response based on my beliefs and knowledge I personally have so you may not agree. Just my two cents.
It's simple. He, she, it... whatever, isn't there.
uhhm. this is question for you and God. How can we answer this?
There are animals which God created that can re-grow severed tails and limbs, make their own Vitamin C and never get scurvy, run faster than we can, fly, carry more weight, defend themselves better, not freeze in winter and so on. If God loaded us down with the physical apparatus necessary to do all these things, we'd be the size of a winged mastodon with arms. As it happens, however, we are the most successful and adaptable species on earth, outside of tiny creatures like insects and worms. God isn't a magician. He doesn't wave His hand and make the ridiculously impossible happen, although He does sometimes do things that nobody else can do, such as reverse the flow of time and entropy in a place like the tomb of Lazarus. And there is one time that He supposedly caused an arm to regrow--or at least re-attach, check out the Three-Handed Madonna on the Web:
God gave us pain and difficulties so that we would not forget him, if the amputees truly know God, then they may not be healed but their life will be so much easier
Listen, this is a serious question and I tend to keep away from all of that. Just on lighter note: because he did not take permission from God when he went for amputation. He made hiw will and God is letting him live with his will. It is just a joke, no means to offend none.
Why should He care about missing limbs when other things, such as spiritual wellness, are clearly more important?
There's a fairly logical explanation for this, but I'm sure that if you asked a question like this, you probably would'nt listen to this kind of logic anyway. EDIT-Okay then, if I won't get bombed for it. The only logical answer is that God either is'nt there, or just does'nt care.
God created a system of justice for us, where there is opposition in all things. He must teach us what misery is, so that we can fully comprehend His grace, and be thankful for our joys and blessings. He's not just going to come down and fix everything that happens to us during our life on earth. However, I believe that when amputees are ressurrected, they will have perfect bodies again, and their limbs will once again be in tact. So, in short, God does heal amputees, just not in this lifetime.
GOD has,does and will.Being healed does nessesarily mean to grow another limb. I know quadroplaligic that will tell you she has been healed and is still in a wheelchair.hope this helps GOD bless
Imagine you had a friend (a real, physical one). He had the power to fix a problem of yours. It would cost him nothing to do so. It is not illegal or in any way immoral for him to do so. He has the time to do so. He has promised to do so repeatedly. You hear constant stories from people for whom he has done so. You have been a loyal friend for years, giving up much of your life for him. He continually professes love and affection for you. He continually promises to meet your needs if only you will have enough faith in him. You continue to ask him for help, patiently, expectantly and faithfully. He never fixes your problem. How long do you keep calling him a friend of yours? How long before you assume he a) doesn't think much of you or b) can't do what he said he can? God really has got it made. Healing you is a miraculous sign of his presence. Not healing you is a wonderful sign of his wisdom. A 99.999999% failure rate in answered prayer throughout history is considered a glorious sign of his presence and wisdom. Maybe we're praying to the wrong one? Maybe we should be asking Allah, or Mithra, or Odin, or Neptune, or Apollo, or Zeus, or Shiva, or Helios, or Ra, or Aknahten, or Thor, or Loki, or Sol, or....(hopefully you get the idea by now...)
Why doesn't "he" prevent and heal alot of things? Oh, it's "his" will...HA!
As George Carlin put it, "The least you can say about God it that he is incompetent, and maybe just maybe doesn't give a shit."
In the next world, God makes all anew. They will be whole and have life in abundance.
Because he thinks they need to learn a lesson is the excuse I've been told. In truth, I think it's because he doesn't exist.
It's relatively simple. The Bible is a falsification. I'm not saying that God doesn't exist (I don't have the answer to that question). Let's analyze something. If God has a plan for us, what difference does it make if we do anything differently in our lives? God's plan is apparently absolute, and we can't change it. If that's the case, and heaven forbid that given this plan we still have free will (which is contradictory, but I'll entertain the thought), if God's plan is for me to live to be 97 and die a peaceful death, I could go out and murder five thousand people, without a consequence of being put to death. By anybody. Let's pretend that my killing spree happens in Texas. After all, I have the free will to travel to Texas, and the free will to murder people. Given the fact that I have murdered 5,000 people, I would surely be put to death by the great state of Texas. Granted, I would probably be on death row for a while, but if I did this when I was 18, it certainly wouldn't be until I was 97 for my execution. And furthermore, the Bible has some things in that that are quite repulsive, and I'm sure that nobody in modern countries practices them. For instance, the Bible proclaims that we can't work on the Sabbath; it's a day of rest. We have a local Christian bookstore that's open on Sunday here. Furthermore, we're supposed to punish people who defy this commandment. Guess what the penalty is! Death. That's right. We're supposed to kill millions of people around the world simply because they work on Sunday. And it gets better! We're condemned to hell if we don't, given the fact that the word of the Bible is absolute, and in its own words, "perfect". In today's world, we would scoff at that idea, whether we're Christians or not. The simple truth is that it's safe to say 99.9% of all Christians are doomed to hell by their own holy book. One of the most disturbing things to many people in our world, Christians included, is the severe inequality in nations such as Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to do much of anything. And many Christian people disagree with the policy of oppressing women. Here's an interesting tidbit of information; the Bible says that women should be oppressed. They're not even supposed to speak in Church. Not even a word. So clearly, our leaders in the churches of the world haven't even read the Bible, given that women are allowed to speak. Or are they just denying that the Bible is really the word of God? Any way you look at it, we're all doomed to hell according to the Bible. We can safely condemn about 48% of the world's population because they don't believe in the Christian God. Statistics say that around 40% of Americans have cheated on their spouse (or someone who they are with), and it's pretty safe to say that not all of the people who have done this will admit to it. Considering that 65 to 70% of all Americans are Christian, and the fact that practically all Americans have been in a relationship with someone, that means that at least 5% of American Christians should be condemned. And that's assuming that the other cases of "cheating" were completely contained to everyone else, which simply isn't true. Obviously not all non-Christian Americans have cheated. Given some other things that we should supposedly condemn people for, we're all doomed. There is nothing you can do for salvation, because there is no place where you can fulfill all of the laws set down in the Bible. It's as ridiculous as Islamic law. You're just convoluted in thinking that your religion is absolutely correct. You can clearly see that other religions are nonsense, but you can't apply it to your own religion because it's implanted in your brain. However, my final statement is this; Believe in anything you want. There is no God to persecute you for believing in anything, so praise God, Allah, the Great Pumpkin or even the Manson family. It's your choice, and believe what you may. No "God" is going to do anything to you in the end.
As has already been said, He is either not there or does not care.
Theologically he doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Many, especially those who are young in the Christian life, are at times troubled with the suggestions of skepticism. GOD NEVER ASKS US TO BELIEVE, WITHOUT GIVING SUFFICIENTE EVIDENCE UPON WHICH TO BASE OUR FAITH. God has never removed the possibility of doubt. Our faith must rest upon evidence, not demonstration. Those who really desire to know the truth will find plenty of evidence on which to rest their faith. WE LIVE IN A WORLD FULL OF SIN, many of the stuff are just consecuences of living with sin which is all around us. We are pilgrims in this wolrd. we are going to heaven. there there will be no more pain, no pore sickness, and thats how everything was supposed to be. but us humans got away from God. this is the consecuences of our actions. Now listen!: The word of GOd, like the character of its divine Author, presents mysteries that can never be fully comprehended by FINITE beings!. mysteries too deep for the human mind to explain. There is sufficient evidence of their divine character. anyways if you want to know more write me at [email protected]
G'day Jairaya2007, Thank you for your question. There is no doubt a complex theological reason for this. Alternatively, he may not exist. Regards
To the author of, You are asking an educated and an intelligent Christian. I presume that you are equally educated and intelligent, also. Based on your unfounded conclusion that God is imaginary, why did you presume or believe that the God of Christians is all powerful; and because he is all powerful, he must heal even the amputees. No educated and intelligent Christian amputee will ask the all powerful God to restore his amputated legs or limbs or any part of his body! If you are educated, even in the most elementary knowledge of science, you must know the entire anatomy and the processes in the human body. The human body has the power to heal itself through its immune system. It is the body’s main defense mechanism against all outside intruders. Even the food you eat is treated by the body as a foreign object; so the system digest it. Before fire and the advent of cooking, we ate everything raw. All animals in nature eat raw foods. We are the only animal on the planet which cooks its food. Animals in nature don’t seem to have the extensive list of diseases that humans do, including obesity. Note: The consumption of cooked food causes digestive leukocytosis (sometimes spelled leucocytosis,) which is the sudden increase of white blood cells in the bloodstream after consuming cooked food. The presence of digestive leukocytosis suggests that consuming cooked food is foreign to the human body. My immune system as a Christian dictates me that I must digest you; and this it how it goes. The immune system is a delicately balanced, wonderful system that enables the body not only to avoid disease, but to heal itself if symptoms of illness arise. According to Arlene Taylor, Ph.D., director of Realizations, Inc., of Napa, California, “Eighty five percent of illnesses are believed to be within reach of the immune system. By our lifestyle choices, we can make its job easier or more difficult. Miracles can and do occur–but in general, if it heals, the body heals itself. Ideally, preventive strategies are our best bet.” ( The human body can heal and replace diseased tissues of any particular organ; and that is known to science. Most medicines given to aid the healing process either simply reduce discomfort or protect against further attack. The body has all the mechanisms to replace damaged cells or repair damaged body parts. There really aren’t any medicines that will effectively speed up or improve the process. The human liver can regenerate itself. The liver is among the few internal human organs capable of natural regeneration of lost tissue; as little as 25% of remaining liver can regenerate into a whole liver again. App. 67% of a liver can grow back in one week. This is predominantly due to the hepatocytes acting as unipotential stem cells (i.e. a single hepatocyte can divide into two hepatocyte daughter cells). There is also some evidence of bipotential stem cells, called oval cells, which can differentiate into either hepatocytes or cholangiocytes (cells that line the bile ducts). Even the kidneys which was thought, sometime ago, that can not regenerate itself, is now found to be (with the use of live cells in alternative medicine) able to regenerate itself. The kidney has the potential to regenerate itself provided that the damage is not too severe and the kidney’s structure remains intact. But one thing is scientifically sure, when a part of the body is amputated; there is no way that it can regenerate. This is known, even to the elementary students of medicine. Therefore, no educated and intelligent Christian will ask the Christian God who ordained everything in its proper place, for a miracle to restore the amputated part of his body. There are a lot of cases of legs to be amputated which were miraculously healed. These are documented in hospitals and laboratories throughout the world. Four patients are presented, each of whom represents end stage occlusive peripheral arterial disease with gangrene of the involved extremity. These patients had exhausted all traditional forms of therapy and they had all been referred for surgical amputation. Instead of surgery, intravenous EDTA chelation therapy was instituted with complete success in each case. These gangrenous extremities all healed and were saved from amputation. Long-term follow-up, extending for more than a year, indicates that all four patients are continuing to do well, with their previously gangrenous extremities intact and pain free…Read more on: Gangrene Cured by Strongly Oxidized Water Announcer: “When diabetes becomes serious, a person’s feet can become severely infected. This condition is called gangrene. Tonight we will report on a case in which a man whose doctor determined that his foot would be amputated because of gangrene caused by diabetes was cured by strongly oxidized water.” Reporter: “This patient was told that his foot had to be amputated due to a condition caused by diabetes. His toes were infected very badly and he was cured by soaking his foot in hyperoxidized water twice a day. At the same time, he drank more than five liters of alkaline water daily in about four months, his toes recovered, as you can see, and are normal just like those of a healthy person.” Right: “Seven days after he was admitted to the hospital Left: “Four months after his discharge from the hospital showing healthy toes. I am not inventing an answer to defend my God. All you need is to search on medical journals, especially, regarding alternative medicine. It is your assignment, if you are intelligent enough, too. A diseased liver, kidney, or heart has been miraculously healed throughout the history of medical science. God and nature ordained that the human person can live under God’s grace with amputated legs or arms until he comes to life everlasting. It was written in the Bible, 2000 years ago, in the very words of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 18:18) “Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.” (Matthew 5:29) “And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.” I will repeat, God through nature ordain things in this life. The black person can not change his skin; neither a leopard can remove its spot (Jeremiah 13:23). “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.” An enemy of God like you will not say anything good about the Christian God. That is but natural for you. A lion, by nature, will not protect a sheep in its den. It will devour it. Perhaps you a natural enemy of God? (2 Peter 2:12) “But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption…” To my readers, imagine a person ascribing defamatory statements to the God who said: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise.” (Ephesians 6:1-2) “So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.”(Ephesians 5:28) Take care of your children and your family. (1 Timothy 5:8) “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” “…Thou shall love thy neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39) Pay your dues to whomever it is due. (Romans 13:7 ) “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.” (Deutoronomy 5:21) “Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s.” (Exodus 20:14) “Thou shall not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:13) “Thou shall not kill.” The God of all good characters and morals, being defamed by a bald headed man who understands nothing even himself. Would you believe such a man? Then, go to hell with him! I would rather believe in a God who understands my rights; my wife’s rights; my children’s rights; my neighbor’s rights, and understands my infirmities and weaknesses, (my weaknesses and infirmities testifies that he is greater than I am) to whom all praises and glory belongs forever. Amen.
Cant imagine some one growing a new arm or leg!!!! Gods and goddess's dont work in this way!
Who said He didn't??? Many accounts in Scripture have the "Jewish Leaders" following Him around trying to prove Him as "Just a Man" & Not the Son of God. In Luke 5:17-26 Christ is confronted about His "Healings" & put it to the "Jewish Leaders" in v. 23 by asking which is easier to do, "Heal a person Physically OR Spiritually Forgive their 'Sins'"??? Christ DID BOTH!!! Now, as I hear it told, "Eternity" is a bit Longer than a "Humans Life Expectancy" in these wretched "Shells"??? So,...God has Provided the "Most in Healing" for Eternity, Before we Existed in Time! God is Great!!! Here's the Doctrine on it. Enjoy! John DOCTRINE OF HEALING A. During the First Advent, healing was used to verify and establish the fact that the Messiah had come to Israel. Healing was not used to alleviate suffering, but to present the Messiah. B. There is no "healing in the atonement." That is a false satanic doctrine. "Healing in the atonement" would imply lack of eternal security: a sick Christian would be a lost Christian. C. God often provides illness as a means of divine discipline, 1 Cor 11:30. D. Good health is not a sign of spirituality or salvation. Beware of judging those who have lost their health. E. In the pre-Canon period of the Church Age, God the Holy Spirit sovereignly bestowed a temporary gift of healing on certain men to establish their credentials as apostles and other communicators of doctrine. Healing established the man as from God. 1 Cor 12:11. F. All temporary spiritual gifts were designed to take up the slack in the Church Age until the Canon was completed and circulated. G. However, once the Bible was completed (96 AD), all temporary gifts were withdrawn to be replaced by doctrine. H. Certain gifts, such as miracles and healing, were no longer necessary to establish the authority of Bible teachers and doctrinal communication. I. Temporary gifts include prophecy, miracles, apostleship, healing, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. Tongues ended after 70 AD, since it was a sign to warn the Jews of the coming fifth cycle of discipline as prophesied in Isa 28. J. Since healing was designed as a credit card rather than to alleviate suffering, it was always removed once the authority of the communicator was established. K. For example, Paul in Acts 19:11-12 cf Phil 2:27; 2 Tim 4:20 when he could no longer heal his close friends. L. God can always heal anyone, but healing is not the order of the day in this stage of the angelic conflict. God never heals through an individual, only through prayer. Those who allege they can heal are totally evil. Healing will be the order of the day again in the Tribulation. M. No human being has any gift related to healing now that the Canon has been completed. However, in our Lord's day Jesus performed acts of healing to focus attention on Himself as the God-Man, the Messiah, and the God of Israel.
I'm stumped. Why?
This question has been asked before (can't find the link right now though. There's even an entire website devoted to it: My theory is that it is because god doesn't exist as a 'real' thing, outside our own minds...
There are only a few explanations for why god doesn't answer prayer, which is your real question... 1. God doesn't exist... 2. God is a liar... 3. God hates you... I'm going with God the god hates us theory. I mean, take the story of Job. God, to glorify himself to Satan, allows Job to loose all of his belonging, to loose his family, and to become very ill. What kind of sick person would do that to someone unless they really hated them?
Cycles of construction, destruction, healing and loss are part of Deity. Deity is everything, including the reason that the limb was lost. Now, if you mean a personified, loving deity dedicated entirely to good...the only explanation would be that the deity is incapable. Otherwise, the deity is apathetic (not loving) or malevolent (not good).
God doesn't exist.
The question is not why "won't" God heal amputees, it's why "don't" He. Even as humans, we have power to do many things, but we pick and choose. The question makes no sense, because you could regress and ask why He didn't stoip the amputation to begin with. God doesn't hate us, on the contrary, He lets us do just about anything we want, and that's where we get in trouble. I've been around long enough to see most of the things that happen to us, we caused them somewhere down the line. If the way of Satin is so great, then pray to him for a new leg.
I cant seem to wrap my arms around this one.
because he doesnt exist.
he would if you said the right words. first off God is not a good word to include. what is his name?
Becauseeee he doesn't exist.
why should He? why, if we have spent our whole lives spitting in His face, offending Him in every possible way, disobeying His law, not caring to spend a second with Him, not caring to do a single thing that pleases Him, after He gave His own Son for us, after He did it all for us so we can spend eternity in His presence, why, oh WHY should He give us our arm back? why? will this make eternity any better, to have an arm for a few more years here on earth?
ahh you must have seen the videos and gone to the website it's a good argument and one I agree with. another site to check out is some other videos to see are
My son believes and has unquestioning faith in Santa Claus. Yet he doesn't bring my son not one gift, and my son is a pretty good kid. Pretty much the same thing. You can have unwavering faith in something, but that doesn't mean it will do anything real for you. It's all part of a psychological happiness.
He will!! But one thing at a time! Right now, He feels there is a Higher purpose for allowing the current condition its temporary residence. He has promised an eternal Immortality of body and soul, through one Jesus Christ. Jesus' free gift to all is a raised Incorruptible body, free from misery, anguish, pain and death - all in the eternities, which do Not belong to this 'fallen' earth. The earth will eventually be raised to its own weight of glory, all through the power of the redemption of Christ.
he will heal them.
Sharlitan religious "healers" can easily claim God has healed all the internal and unseen medical conditions - and who's going to check? Growing back a limp is quite obvious isn't it. I once asked a Christian preacher with a "healing" ministry" to "minister healing" to my 15 year old blind friend who only had one eye and it was totally dieased. He wouldn't touch it.
Why did God let tens of thousands of babies suffocate in nazi gas chambers? I actually had some folks answer my fore mentioned question as..."it glorifies God". Amputees? Maybe some how it glorifies God also??? Beyond me tho. Best ask God yourself when the two of ya meet up. At least you'll be getting it from the horses mouth that way!
Some use this question in an attempt to "disprove" the existence of God. In fact, there is a popular anti-Christian website dedicated to the “Why won’t God heal amputees?” argument: If God is all-powerful and if Jesus promised to do anything we ask (or so the reasoning goes), then why won’t God ever heal amputees when we pray for them? Why does God heal victims of cancer and diabetes, for example, yet He never causes an amputated limb to be regenerated? The fact that an amputee stays an amputee is "proof" to some that God does not exist, that prayer is useless, that so-called healings are coincidence, and that religion is a myth. The above argument is usually presented in a thoughtful, well-reasoned way, with a liberal sprinkling of Scripture to make it seem all the more legitimate. However, it is an argument based on a wrong view of God and a misrepresentation of Scripture. The line of reasoning employed in the "why won’t God heal amputees" argument makes at least seven false assumptions: Assumption 1: God has never healed an amputee. Who is to say that in the history of the world, God has never caused a limb to regenerate? To say, "I have no empirical evidence that limbs can regenerate; therefore, no amputee has ever been healed in the history of the world" is akin to saying "I have no empirical evidence that rabbits live in my yard; therefore, no rabbit has ever lived on this ground in the history of the world." Assumption 2: God’s goodness and love require Him to heal everyone. Illness, suffering, and pain are the result of our living in a cursed world—cursed because of our sin (Genesis 3:16-19; Romans 8:20-22). God’s goodness and love moved Him to provide a Savior to redeem us from the curse (1 John 4:9-10), but our ultimate redemption will not be realized until God has made a final end of sin in the world. Until that time, we are still subject to physical death. Assumption 3: God still performs miracles today just as He did in the past. In the thousands of years of history covered by the Bible, we find just four short periods in which miracles were widely performed (the period of the Exodus, the time of the prophets Elijah and Elisha, the ministry of Jesus, and the time of the apostles). While miracles occurred throughout the Bible, it was only during these four periods that miracles were "common." Assumption 4: God is bound to say "yes" to any prayer offered in faith. Jesus said, "I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it" (John 14:12-14). Some have tried to interpret this passage as a carte blanche from Jesus promising His agreement to whatever we ask. But this is misreading Jesus’ intent. Notice, first, that Jesus is speaking to His apostles, and the promise is for them. After Jesus’ ascension, the apostles were given power to perform miracles as they spread the gospel (Acts 5:12). Second, Jesus twice uses the phrase "in My name." This indicates the basis for the apostles’ prayers, but it also implies that whatever they prayed for should be consonant with Jesus’ will. A selfish prayer, for example, or one motivated by greed, cannot be said to be prayed in Jesus’ name. Assumption 5: God’s future healing (at the resurrection) cannot compensate for earthly suffering. The truth is, "our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18). When a believer loses a limb, he has God’s promise of future wholeness, and faith is "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:4). Jesus said, "It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire" (Matthew 18:8). Assumption 6: God’s plan is subject to man’s approval. One of the contentions of the "why won’t God heal amputees" argument is that God just isn’t "fair" to amputees. Yet, Scripture is clear that God is perfectly just (Psalm 11:7; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-6) and in His sovereignty answers to no one (Romans 9:20-21). A believer has faith in God’s goodness, even when circumstances make it difficult and reason seems to falter. Assumption 7: God does not exist. This is the underlying assumption on which the whole "why won’t God heal amputees" argument is based. Those who champion the "why won’t God heal amputees" argument start with the assumption that God does not exist and then proceed to buttress their idea as best they can. For them, "religion is a myth" is a foregone conclusion, presented as a logical deduction but which is, in reality, foundational to the argument. God can heal amputees and will heal every one of them who trusts Christ as Savior. The healing will come, not as the result of our demanding it now, but in God’s own time, possibly in this life, but definitely in Heaven. Until that time, we walk by faith, trusting the God who redeems us in Christ and promises the resurrection of the body.
Well I'm not really a hard beleiver in God, altough I can't say he doesn't exist I just can't beleive in him the way any faith on this world teaches. But God didn't give limbs back to amputees but instead created devotees to help live amputees. Just a suggestion.
Please be patient. God's healing is not finished yet.
If you've read the bible, you'd understand. Second Kings 2:23 and 2:24, god murders 42 children for calling a bald man bald. Joshua 8 god instructs the isrealites to kill everyone in the town of Ai, men, women, kids, everyone. The book of Job is about how god lets Job be tortured and his family killed to win a bet with the devil. . If god is real, he/she/it is a sociopath.
He will. On resurrection day.
Well there is some history that a man from yorkshire England called smiths wigglesworth was often use to heal some of them.
God's omnipotence is somewhat limited
Why should he?
Assuming that God exists, he is well known for testing people, especially in the Old Testament, ie. Moses. It's possible, by this viewpoint that this would be one of God's challenges. For the record, I'm sorry if this causes any offense to those with other ideas, and that also I used to be a Christian before I became Pagan.
Scripture mentions many miracles but if you are referring to healings now, today,maybe He has. Just because you haven't seen it or I haven't seen it doesn't mean that it has happened someplace.
God hates amputees? . But seriously, there is no god. And even if there was he/she/it would seem bound by physics, and therefore can't heal amputees.
Think about it, dude, the G man created the world in 6 days. It was definetely a rush job! How could expect the guy to have thought of every single little detail like growing limbs on amputees? We should all be grateful that at least he covered the part about growing a new tail on lizards...
cos youre not a starfish!lol:)+5
Why doesn't He cure cancer, AIDS, lupus, epilepsy, ALS, GERD, hypertension, autism, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, paralysis, etc?
because it's a test, and many ppl who have limbs removed do so by their own action or lifestyles
He does when they are salamanders. Humans don't get the same luxury because this ability made people jealous and freaked out rather than horny, so the genes for it never took hold.
I can't answer religious questions, but I do question one of the underlying assumptions. Who says I need to be healed? I am fine the way I am and don't really think about having my leg back. People with disabilities are different, but we aren't necessarily suffering. I embrace who I am.
I can't answer religious questions, but I do question one of the underlying assumptions. Who says I need to be healed? I am fine the way I am and don't really think about having my leg back. People with disabilities are different, but we aren't necessarily suffering. I embrace who I am.
...Its part of a trial and trib in a persons life. You gotta learn to live without it, move the best you can and do something from creates a stronger person inside and many people who are amputees have prolly completed things they wouldnt have if they were completely whole. (running, races, swimming,) cuz its a milestone. its part of life. Shows how strong we are INSIDE...and what lengths we will go to bring it OUT the best of us!
Think.....Because he's not real!
God can do all things and nothing is too hard for him. he created everything we see yet we see him not. but like the wind we feel his effects in our lives.Yes,God has healed amputees before as well as leprosy, all manner of sickness and disease.But do you believe he can do it and is it (look the blind man who received his sight in the bible though blind from birth!)-for his glory? The flesh will die one day for all unless he returns.God is very interested in you now and in your eternal destination (Acts2:38)-and has you as his priority number one.Psalm 139, read it all. I have pain and suffer as many do from physical ailments yet his grace is enough to keep me and everyone.God bless you.
He did! they were put here with too many limbs and he corrected the problem!
God will heal amputees............after they die. See, here's the thing, everything that religions promise to folks is not going to happen while they're alive; they have to wait until they die to get them.
Well, it's obvious that god is really just hank.. and hank wants to give you a million dollars! All you have to do is kiss hanks ass. It works like this: "If you kiss Hank's ass, He'll give you a million dollars; and if you don't, He'll kick the shit out of you."
If God would intervene in any of our business, we would be just so lazy and except that God would do everything for us.
its not a 'god' that heals, it comes from within, healing can take many forms, it may not be a healed leg or arm, but another portion of the soul that is learning a lesson, and receiving a healing of sorts.......... not easy for anyone I understand.
They're not bleeding.
Our lives are filled with challenges. I have what is called "hydrocephalus." I have had 39 operations for that. I have been on the operating table 3 other times, too. Now, I am unemployed! God loves us but he wants us to grow strong and that only comes by enduring trials. Plus, the Bible says to Rejoice in thy suffering. "... but we[c] also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us (Romans 5:3-5, NIV)."
because he doesn't exist
He will at the Resurrection.
Because God is a fictional entity with no powers.
There is current video out of africa and some places in the US that suggest HE does.
So that atheist hacks like you have an excuse to avoid the overwhelming historical evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus.
It's a good question that we can not fully answer. Please just know that whether God does or does not heal an amputee, He is able. The same God that created the body to begin with and all of the earth's resources and the universe in which the earth orbits, would have no problem at all re-creating amputated limbs. Nothing is too hard for God, but He sovereignly chooses when to act.
Because that will be a Divine 'MIRACLE' which invloves creating something new and such MIRACLES were given ONLY to some PROPHETS/messengers of Allah (GOD) Almighty. NO MORE PROPHETS as the prophethood was ended by the last and final prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Faith. As he said "If you had the faith of even a mustard seed, you could command this mountain be cast into the ocean" That's why few "Miracles" with humans doing them occur. We have not the faith we should have.
You are catching on. Watch how the goddies explain this one. Good question, BTW. ~~~~~~
Nobody will answer this question. But true understanding and faith (not this healing cheats) can help the person overcome any difficulties in life. I am not talking about replacing leg or so, but getting the power for the mind to carry on with life. That is where the God is.
Read Mark 2:1-12. In the scene, a crowd watches expectantly for Jesus to perform a miracle and heal a crippled man. But what Jesus does first, before considering the the crippled state of the man, is forgive the man of his sin. This shows that what God sees as our greatest affliction is sin, not missing limbs. He's already solved that problem, so in actuality- we don't need anything else. :P I don't see any reason why God can't regrow limbs, but why should he? He isn't there to solve all our problems, and afflictions- He's already done the big part.
By the powers vested in me as the supreme being, I. . .wait. No god. Oh, yeah.
Apparently God can create a rock so big that even He cannot lift.
There are miracles, but we haven't gotten the knowledge who gets them and when
Good question. Its interesting, I think, that so called miracles generally are things that might actually happen by chance. "God" never actually makes a miracle that couldn't also happen coincidentally, without divine intervention. Funny, that.
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