He does everything in His time.
Very savvy. -
He took millennia in the tales, about 4000 years. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Rick is a wise man. ^_^
If people would do some study and learn some things about the Lord God they might understand a little more. In His time he did do it pretty quickly, God had the Word come to earth as Jesus Christ 5 1/2 days later. To us here on earth that is 5500 years. This is attested to in the book of Adam and Eve. Not readily read by most Christians and others but has been accepted as authentic by a number of Biblical scholars.
Indeed, one day to God is a thousand years to mankind.
Ask God... within you all of this time..... Have a conversation...
I have my own answer, and it is no different from what is posted above. I am curious to know what others think of this subject. AB is about sharing views, so it is up to us to take reasonable answers into consideration. -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
We are dough 68, if you look at your answer, I gave you a thumbs up for answering. What did you expect, my toes? -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
I didn't know you felt this way about yourself. lol -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for clarifying! -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
Yep, we have been here before. What you are doing is giving Baba more feedback. lol -
we are dough 68
Baba is the AB member in whose comments you are in: -
*Facepalm* -
Baba will forgive you.
Why ask AB? Try asking him!
Isn't AB about asking questions? It is fair to say that not every ABer is as blind as a bat. lol -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
God hasn't partaken in AB (to the best of MY knowledge) -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Let's test your knowledge. You never know if there are certain AB'ers who are guided by the Holy Spirit. -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
It's very personal I assume! -
It's not personal at all. Christians are supposed to be the salt of the Earth.
He had to wait until humans built up a big sin debt in their account. Also, who would have nailed him to the cross? Jesus would have whupped Kane's butt, but the might of the Roman Empire?
Very wise answer. -
Not true, The Lord God does not keep a tally sheet. Jesus was nailed to the cross for the forgiveness of our sin not sins. Adam and Eve created the original sin, the sin of disobedience. They ate of the fruit of the forbidden tree of good and evil the only command at the time. The sin Jesus was put to the cross was the sin of disobedience. Every sin committed is a sin of disobedience to the Lord God's requirement and Jesus Christs law of Love. Think about it. -
Thinker, I agree with your original answer, but to your comment: what Bella is really saying is that who was Jesus going to die for, just Adam and Eve and their early descendants? Was Cain supposed to nail Jesus to the cross? Or maybe Seth? This is exactly what I had in mind. I did not bother answering my own question to see what others had to say. -
I have read your comment here as well as Bella's several times and cannot come up with an answer for you. Jesus went to the cross to save us all from sin for those who believe or not. Who did the actual nailing is not important. What is important that He was the sacrificial Lamb. All sin from Adam forward required a blood sacrifice for forgiveness. Jesus put an end to the blood sacrifice as we whom believe once for all. We are as Adam and Eve were before the fall. -
Thinker, you made it clear in your original answer in regards to creation. My question is based on what God skeptics consider a contradiction, and it is a believers duty to correct the skeptics. Quote: "Jesus went to the cross to save us all from sin for those who believe or not." Exactly, although in the times of Adam and Eve, the call was too early. Which is why the Old Testament had a schoolmaster for the remission of sins. -
It is amazing that some people actually believ this "kojira no heh"! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
ReiSan, it sure is amazing to believe in certain things. How dumb can you be to sit there and know what we believe, while you do nothing about it. :D
not sure,maybe you need to ask god that question
Actually, I was inspired to ask this question to see if there were any rational thinkers on AB. Go read other people's answers so you can see for yourself that people do think before answering. I'll give you a thumbs up as usual for stopping by. lol
The story did manage to sneak past our editors. -
we are dough 68
Maybe a Size 9 like me or bigger. -
we are dough 68
I'm 5'7" in height, and 6'0" feet tall in 5" inch heels. -
we are dough 68
I actually do part-time modeling. Models are supposed to be tall, unlike dwarves, just in case you're one. -
we are dough 68
4'9" in height is short. -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
You're pregnant, so you should know. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
BTW, you are only embarrassing yourself furthermore. -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
Keep dreaming. -
we are dough 68
In our conversations, you are 0-100. That means, 0 wins and 100 losses. Try again. -
lol -
Think again. The "lol" means, this is how I play AB.
If Jesus were sent right away, who would he have taught? Who would he have preached to? Who would he have cured?
we are dough 68
we are dough 68, throwing mud at other ABer's is not considered a debate. You might to want challenge what LizzyP said as to: Who was He going to preach to? Who was He going to cure? -
we are dough 68
Jenny The Great ⭐
You either challenge what LizzyP said or you go back in the sandbox. -
we are dough 68
we are dough 68, you left them in kindergarten class. Now go get them. lol -
we are dough 68, don't worry, just tell the maintenance crew you forgot your toys. Maybe they will give you a lesson on how to use the jackhammer, just in case my comments are not enough. :D
* Is it wrong to ask sincere questions about the Bible? By no means! Jehovah wants you to use “your power of reason” to prove the truth to yourself. He does not want you to believe just because others do. So use your thinking ability to gain accurate knowledge. That knowledge can then become the firm foundation for genuine faith. (Read Romans 12:1, 2; 1 Timothy 2:4.) One way to gain such knowledge is through the study projects that you choose to pursue. ** Some have chosen study projects that involved studying Bible prophecy or the Bible’s historical, archaeological, and scientific accuracy. One fascinating prophecy to consider is Genesis 3:15. That verse introduces the Bible’s primary theme, which is the vindication of God’s sovereignty and the sanctification of his name by means of the Kingdom. That one verse, using figurative language, sets out how Jehovah will solve all the suffering that humans have experienced since Eden. How might you study Genesis 3:15? One way would be to prepare a time line. It could list key scriptures that show how God bit by bit shed light on the individuals and arrangement referred to in this verse and that prove that the prophecy will be fulfilled. As you see the scriptures form a harmonious unit, you will surely conclude that the Bible prophets and writers must have been “moved by holy spirit.”—2 Pet. 1:21. *** A brother in Germany wrote: “The Kingdom theme runs through the Bible like a golden thread. That is so, even though about 40 men wrote the Bible. And many of them lived at different times and did not know one another personally.” An Australian sister was moved by a Watchtower study article in the issue of December 15, 2013, that dealt with the meaning of the Passover. That special observance is closely connected to Genesis 3:15 and the coming of the Messiah. “That study opened my eyes to how wonderful Jehovah is,” she wrote. “For someone to have thought of this arrangement for the Israelites and for it to be fulfilled in Jesus really impressed me. I literally had to stop and contemplate how incredible that prophetic Passover meal was!” Why did this sister feel that way? She thought deeply about what she read and got “the sense of it.” This helped to strengthen her faith and drew her closer to Jehovah.—Matt. 13:23.
Quote: "Is it wrong to ask sincere questions about the Bible? By no means!" I couldn't agree more. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that All-Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is useful for teaching, for reproof and for correcting in order for the man or woman of God to be equipped for every good work.
My brother God has many children and all of them must be created yet , that is our lady the mother of God Saint Virgin Mary mother of all creatures. Our lord Jesus Christ will never came until the promised time . Paul said 1000 years is one day for The Lord and 1 day is 1000 years. Lord Christ is God himself. The Old Desired Covenant of God must be came in the promised time, Because all generations in the old testaments must be created since they have all to be saved. Since Adam and eve has been rebelled against the Most High they have cursed children this is us. the sons of Adam all the people that have to create d also must have to be saved. Even when they sinned they accept to make The devil their master. Our Lord must face death alone, the most unknown horrible death that no one can understand. Covenant is not that easy. Jerusalem must be Build And the cross of the Lord must be Build by King Solomon when he brought the tree of good and evil. Solomon brought it from paradise, then Solomon makes it cross and keep it under the temple years later The MIghty Lord has descended upon Earth. so the people Agreed to use that cross to be very fit for the lord because they did find the cross in the temple and they did not find the right cross so they use the right one. Also, Moses has to Be endowed with the commandments. additionally, the history must know the Lord GOD has come and died for the ultimate sacrifice. God is a living God all-knowing and he chooses the best time ever in the world to save Humans at last.
It did not occur to anyone to invent such fiction for a long time.
Before we start this debate, how can you disprove that it is such fiction? I'll go first, it is said, mankind is created in the image of God. Jesus is God. How can you disprove my claims? Besides that, you are nothing but talk without anything constructive to say.
Isn't being told to leave Paradise enough?
Hawaii is also known as paradise. -
Vittorio 'Sam' Manunta-Lowell
Plenty of delightful,places, Venice, StMoritz, some of my homes etc -
Jenny The Great ⭐
There you have it. What more can you want? LOL
Time is an earthly thing. Even on another planet time is measured differently. That's why the principles that were laid before the foundation of the earth are eternal.
The truth that God has given man freedom of will is widely accepted. However, the understanding that we can appropriate the promises of God by our free-will decision to believe them has been attained by relatively few. A great Biblical scholar said, "Find that promise of God... believe... and you'll receive it". Immediately after the fall of Adam and Eve, God implemented His plan of redemption, announcing His promise of the seed of the woman (Jesus Christ) who would redeem mankind. Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." From that point on, it was up to man's free will decision to believe in God's promise of the coming redeemer. For the promise to be fulfilled, mankind would need to become "fully persuaded" of it, just as it was needed for Abraham as he believed God's promise to him. Romans 4:20,21 "He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform." It took Abraham a few years to become fully persuaded of God's promise. In the same manner, it took mankind many generations to believe in the certainty of a coming redeemer so that Jesus Christ would be born.
You don't send a fire department to extinguish a match. Eve's sin was believing a talking serpent - which is strange in itself...I mean, how many fermented grapes did she have to consume before she realized she was having a conversation with a talking serpent? I can just imagine..."Well, I'll be darned! A talking serpent! Hey Adam! Come see this talking serpent! Gollllly!". She sinned when she fell for the serpent's lies and ate the forbidden fruit. And for that, she was responsible for all women having pain during childbirth. Adam's sin was listening to Eve. Had he slapped her silly, they might have stayed in the Garden of Eden. But because he listened to her and also ate of the forbidden fruit, he cursed all men to suffer never-ending nagging from women.
Adams sin was blaming Eve, and not taking responsibility for his own actions "It was the woman you gave me."
(Unsatisfyingly vague answer:) We know from the Bible is that it was not "the right time". *** For an example of one such case: we learn from Jesus that divorce is wrong (with one exception) despite the fact that Mosaic Law allowed Jewish men to divorce a wife "for any reason". When Jesus was asked how it could be that divorce was wrong when The Law permitted it, Jesus answered (paraphrased) that the Jews of Moses' time would not have been able to bear the superior moral instruction. So "for a time" Jewish men were permitted to do that which was less than perfectly moral. Jesus came when that "time of permissiveness concerning divorce" was over, when that superior morality was "ready" to be adopted by (some) people. I point out: that is only one reason we glean from the Bible. There are others.
In the OT God is with man in a pillar of fire he therefore gives grace and punishment straight away. The Law was given to know sin, and hence we became cursed, but that was never meant to be a permanent thing because that would be cruel, it was to show man that he could not save himself by his own means. Where as in the NT, he gives us Christ as a saviour, and a long period of grace where man can either choose to continue sinning, or accept Christ as his Lord and Saviour, remain just earthly and after the flesh (carnal), or die to self and the flesh, making him a new creation and become the temple of Gods spirit, hence God uniting man back to himself through Christ. Man's ego is so strong and full of pride, sometimes it will take him to reach rock bottom before he is willing to surrender, or unfortunately death. But Christ must be accepted with faith, for in the garden we put faith in the serpent (shining one) and not in God, we put faith in ourselves "I want to be like God," Hence, the answer was already there, as the bible says in Colossians .“Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
That's a very good question that I have never thought about before. I have no answer. 😏😕😖
Jenny The Great ⭐
No worries, thumbs up for stopping by.
He was a regular human person born to a mother and father just like you and I.
Genesis 3:8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. 9 And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? John 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
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