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yes i do, suicide is like killing someone, just yourself, and if you a christian/catholic, you will go straight to hell, i hope this has helped you in any possible way, yours truly, brucekennedy AKA willsmith
Yes it is. You broke God's comandment and killing yourself is the same as murdering from a christian perspective. God gave you a lifespan for you too live, and he gave you your life counted day by day, and if you can't handle it, you'll go to hell. You're not being loyal to god.
I don't think it is, God never said that you could give up- don't mark me down- I have problems with this kind of stuff.
I'm not sure if it is a sin or not, but I do believe it is a cowards way out.
When I tried to commit suicide, and came the closest to death as possible, a woman came and visited me in the hospital. She told me that everything was fine and that i wasnt going to hell for it. I was still messed up from the overdose of medications, so im not really sure who she was, but i assume she worked within the hospital
I think that if there was a God and he left a person so cold and alone and desolate that they felt their only way away from the hurt and pain would be to die, then that cannot be a sin. God may help those that help themselves, but unless you have truly been in such a dark place that you can't imagine what it is like to ever see worth or good in anything again, you cannot judge a person that would choose to take their own life. It is a crippling and mind crushing feeling to endure. It can be impossible to believe that anyone, including God, can pull you out of such a cesspool of emotion. I have begged for God to reach out to me because I knew that I was not capable of losing my rage and hurt and needed his help for my release. I was not/have not, yet been reached out to.
No Way! Its actually a favor to mankind...
No, I do not. Like I said the last time this question came up, if you are considering killing yourself, you are not in a postive mental state, or as the Bible would say, "not in your rught mind." If you are not in your right mind, you cannot be held accountable for your actions, therefore you cannot be held accountable for this sin.
Seeing as how we have become our own gods and interfere with the lives of others on a whim suicide sounds like a perfect chance to take control.
"Thou shall not commit murder" Technically suicide is murder because you are ending the life of one human, that being you. So, Yes it is a sin.
no, its a choice
I havn't seen any good scriptural support other then saying you shouldn't commit murder. The church has always taught that its a sin however. Part of this is practical because you don't want everybody killing themselves so they can see God sooner. Out of pure logic though I would say that if God wants you to die then trust me you will die. Killing yourself is placing your will above God's which by itself is a sin. Therefore in that sense suicide could be considered a sin.
I was always taught suicide is a sin. But, hey, if you believe in God, he is the one who makes the ultimate decision. We don't know truly what he will decide.
I don't judge things by sins. What I really wonder is what could cause a person to get to that point. Surely it is far worse to let them get to that.
yaa ,its abig sin. U dont have right to end any life even if its yours.
No, I think that the people who drove someone to sucuide are guilty of 'sin'.
I'll risk being blasted for this one. Suicide is the ultimate contempt for life. It is selfish in its very nature. Life is interconnected. To alter or change a variable is to alter or change other variables and other peoples lives. Try telling a child that someone they loved or needed in their lives wanted to check out because they were in pain. How many years of pain will a child have for the actions of one adult?
I don't believe in the concept of sin. I believe you only get one life, therefore, enjoy it, make the most of it, revel in it because once you are dead there's no more anything, either good or bad. Once you are dead you are like a dead piece of electronics. You'll be recycled and that's about it. I think when one contemplates suicide it is because one is unable to see the good in one's life or the happiness, however fleeting, one may have experienced. I think the conception that we are meant to be happy all the time is responsible for a lot of misery. I believe we are not meant to be happy for more than a few minutes at a time and the purpose of this is to keep us moving, questing to find that feeling again.
Well, I will get all the deeply religious folks and smokers and others against me probably for saying this, but I say what I feel on here, so here is my answer: No. I think it is an individual's decision whether to live or die. Obviously if someone is troubled they need help and support. But in the end, if someone is wanting for whatever reasons to end their life, there is nothing anyone can do. Some people commit suicide by smoking or drinking in excess. It is just never called suicide because it happens in a way that is considered legal and not against the law. But they still killed themselves, even though it took a longer time to do it than if they used a gun or some other method. Yes, it is "illegal" in some states, and yes, I suppose the Bible says it is a sin, I am not sure. But many people, religious or not do not think of any of that if they are fed up with life and wanting to get rid of the pain. If they have no family or anyone who would miss them, for some it is easier to do I am sure. I think it is too bad when people get to this point, but I have seen and known enough people who either did this or tried to, that I do understand why they might want to do it. And I would not add insult to injury by laying guilt on them about it being a sin.
Think about it: The reason a person would want to die is because their life is....unsatisfactory. So, what's the best way to keep them from commiting suicide? Yes, tell them that if they do, their afterlife will be much worse. Basic religious control tactic right there. Plus, I think it's a little more sadistic than usual that God would put a person in such suffering that they'd want to end their life, but also make it so they can't unless they want to be eternally punished.
Suicide is a sin. Self-murder is a sin. But the Son of the living God who love you enough to die on a cross for you to pay the price for your sin sumed it up in his last words from the cross. It is FINISHED! By grace you are save through faith! I would ask, what sin is to great that his blood couldnt pay the price to free you from? Certainly not a sin that is brought about is such undeniable pain as to take ones own life.
Your life is the greatest gift of all. Unless God explicitly asks you, suicide is a sin, in every meaning of word.
No, I don't. I didn't when I was Christian, and now I don't believe in the concept of "sin".
No I dont, Personally I think some people should. I believe all child molesters and rapist should kill themselves to prevent more victims. In that case I think it would be a sin not to.
No. I do not believe in sins in the first place. And any given action should not be considered sinful whatsoever. The whole concept of sins is ludacris and completely debatable and changes swiftly with the era. If you're going to lay down rules as to if things are sinful or not sinful.. they're going to be broken over and over.. and eventually ratified. Do we chop off young men's penises for masturbating anymore? No.
I believe that it is, because the bible says "Thou shalt not Kill". Your killing yourself is just as much murder as killing someone else. I know that people sometimes have very depressing lives, and some come from very abusive homes, etc. I think that a person should seek help if they get to this point of suicide.
No. Sin doesn't exist; it is a religious belief. (This is the psychology section, first of all. Second of all, if you want to talk about sin, you should be under the appropriate religion's section.) Suicide is the act of taking one's own life. None of us can say anything about whether or not the action was ethical without knowing the situation. Suicide is often the result of psychological trauma or a mental disorder (even a temporary one).
Xians, (christians), think suicide is a "sin" because you give up on life. It shows no faith in "god"... theat "he" can help you with whatever it is that's brought you to despair. And also because life is supposedly a gift from this "god".
yes. it is. not to preach or anything but it said in the bible treat yourself nicely and i cant quiet quote but yah it says somewhere that killing the body God gave you is a sin.
well my brother commited suicide and i dont think its a sin because frist off god loves you for everything you do so whats the point for making it a sin. Also it all depends on what the person did it for. See it can be drugs medicaition sickness etc. But theysay suicide is sickness.Most People dont think about it at all. Also who cares about the bible. Im a Catholic and my big brother was religous before he died. He did drugs. So i think to be honest that my brother didnt do a sin. Also if people would listen it just depends on there religon too. But since im catholic and i went through this people have to understand God excepts your for anything you do.
No God = No Sin I think every person has the right to decide when they want to die.
i believe it to be a selfish act due to those u leave behind with the last of ur life, but as for being a sin. Unsure. To me its a moral right thing.
I don't believe in sins. However, I do believe that killing yourself is a personal decision. And though yes, it may feel like it happened for no reason-it does. Everything has a reason. Maybe not to die, but to save another life or two. You never know until you open your eyes and take the time to see what was meant to be. And if you're going to downrate me because you think my answer is cold and heartless, and start sending me bad comments...think before you judge.
No, but I do think it is a tragedy!
I don't know about being a sin but suicide is so selfish!
Yes I do.
I believe it is a sin because of the fact that god gave us life so what gives us the right to take it away. even if it is our own but it isn't our own beccause out life belongs to god
No, i don't believe in the concept of sin, i think that everyone has the right to choose what to do with their life's and if they wish to die, thats their will, now if its right or wrong thats up to the person to decide.
No it is a desperate state of mind usually!
it's murder, but i'm not gonna stop it from happening, i would rather spend my time stapling condoms to people who womanize
im not religious but i do believe suicide is the most selfish act a person can do. i always keep the thought ' there is always someone worse off than yourself' in my head when im feeling low.
I don't know that I believe it's a sin, but I would be afraid to do it myself because I would hate to find out I'd end up in Hell or purgetory or something. Unless someone is in great pain and is dying, in that case, I think if they want help committing suicide, someone should be allowed to help them. I certainly wouldn't want to live that way.
I don't really accept the concept of sin; I'm more a natural consequences kind of person. But I do think that when someone is feeling enough pain, isolation, despair and anguish to want to end their life, the last thing they need is to be saddled with the title of sinner.
I don't really accept the concept of sin; I'm more a natural consequences kind of person. But I do think that when someone is feeling enough pain, isolation, despair and anguish to want to end their life, the last thing they need is to be saddled with the title of sinner.
I do not believe in sin. I am ambivalent about suicide.
How could it be? If we take existence as a human right, then we must logically also have the right to waive said right-of-existence.
During the second world war, there are accounts of people who dived onto grenades in order that their life was forfeited and other lives were saved. In the strict sense of the word, is this not suicide? This is heroism, and these people are martyrs - not to a religious cause, but to the belief that human beings are worth protecting. Suicide is not a sin, but may be unforgiveable in certain respects. If you leave a child who cannot understand why you would take your life, that is unforgiveable.
Suicide is a sin because you are destroying yourself before god has planed. But dont get me wrong, god can forgive. His love and mercy is everlasting.
Someone who committs suicide is not thinking clearly. I believe Gods understands mental illness. However the people left behind are not so able to find understanding when this happens. Turning to God is always the best first response to pain, however God also put medicine and counsiling into a doctors hands so someone in the beginning of such feelings can reach out and get help. When someone is lost in deep depression it can be difficult (impossible) to see clearly. So I think God forgives but putting loved ones through such pain it another thing all together!
i once wanted to commit suicide, and ionce attepmted the act of suicide but did not conplete due the fact i was to scared to to think if it didnt go to plan biutii am still here today and i believe it was because someone helped me through
It's the easy way out...we're all stuck here so make the best of it
nope... i believe that god knows that we are not perfect. he knows that we are in pain (through no fault of his necessarily) but i think he forgives people who commit suicide, because in all honesty they are handing their lives over to him. in my perspective at least
God has given us the gift of life. With that gift comes a set of rules, one being thou shall not kill. This means it is a sin to kill “including killing yourself”. For the excuse of living a painful and depressing life to justify the act of suicide is ludicrous. Why does God let us suffer? God permits suffering in order to teach us and reach us easier. It is when we find ourselves at our lowest is when we learn the most. Christ Jesus has shown us that suffering has great power for good since his suffering led to the Resurrection and the promise of redemption and eternal life. In the bible it does not plainly say “it is a sin to kill yourself”, but we find scriptures that say so. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17 NIV) [16] Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? [17] If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple. Also, (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV) [19] Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; [20] you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. Going back on the “unbearable suffering” part which circulates around the euthanasia issue brings me to my favorite quote by Malcolm Muggeridge. This life in us, . . . however low it flickers or fiercely burns, is still a divine flame which no man dare presume to put out, be his motives never so humane and enlightened. To suppose otherwise is to countenance a death-wish. Either life is always and in all circumstances sacred, or intrinsically of no account; it is inconceivable that it should be in some cases the one, and in some the other. I’m going to reiterate why it is a sin once again. Life is a gift and when we kill ourselves we are saying to God that we hated it. It seems to me as a rejection of him and a spit into his face. God gave us a timeline to live because he knows best and when we cut it short by committing suicide, we are saying that we know what is better despite God’s will. Suicide is a sad action and in my life I’ve have had an uncle commit suicide and several other persons, as well as myself attempt or have seriously considered it. It isn’t right for others to rub it in that suicide is a sin, but they should have compassion and be considerate of others.
No. I think it is a mistake. But a sin?--no.
It depends. Catholics believe suicide when committed in full knowledge and deliberate consent is a complete turning away from God (a mortal sin) and will send a person to hell. There are 3 conditions of a mortal sin: grave matter, full knowledge, and deliberate consent. While suicide (or any kind of murder) is always a grave matter, people who commit suicide may not always have full knowledge of what they're doing. Drugs can definitely impair one's thinking, as can other things, such as diseases, intense pain, or anguish. Therefore, suicide is not automatically treated as a mortal sin. We are commanded by Christ not to judge others so we leave final judgment to God who alone knows each person's heart. For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church: On mortal sin, paragraphs 1857-1859: On suicide, paragraphs 2282-2283: With love in Christ.
Yes, it's a sin, but not in the Catholic spiritual "crime and punishment" sense. It's a sin because it's a selfish, cowardly act that may end your own suffering, but will almost certainly bring suffering and unbelievable pain to everyone who cares about you.
It is a sin. In God's eyes, a sin is a sin. Taking your own life is against God's will. I know of 2 people (they were brothers) who killed themselves. All they needed were two things. Money and a place to stay. Taking your own life is selfish - and an easy way out.
It depends, if it's a sickness or disease I believe God will have mercy. If it's unholy then, yes, it's a sin.
Yes. I have been there. And when I was on the brink, I thought about what it would do to my mother. And I couldn't do that to her. I think that suicide is the ultimate selfish act. It is to forget that you are intertwined in the lives of others. It is to discount the pain that your escape will cause to others. I have had several friends and aquaintences who have lost children to suicide. The depth of their pain cannot be plumbed and it never ends as long as they live. It is to deny your responsibility to and for others. It is also the ultimate expression of lack of faith in God. It is saying to God, I don't believe you when you say you will help me. I don't believe you can. I don't believe that you want good things for me. I don't believe that all things work together for good for those that love the Lord. I don't believe that you can bring good out of my pain and suffering. I don't believe that it will make me a stronger person. I don't believe that relying on you will deepen our relationship. I don't believe that you will send people to help me. I believe you mean to leave me here without friend or comfort for all eternity and I opt out.
Yes it is a sin. 1. Thou shalt not committ murder (Old Testament Exodus). Suicide is not different from murder except that you will not be forgiven once you committed suicide. There is no forgiveness after death. 2. Without faith it is impossible to please God (New Testament Hebrews). Suicide is a strategy used by Satan to deceive people that their current problems are impossible to be resolved. He says that the only way is to kill yourself and rid of the problem. God, on the other hand says that nothing with Him is impossible. So we must turn to God and He will deliver us through the blood of Jesus. 3. Liars, thiefs, COWARDS, ........... will never inherit The Kingdom of God (New Testament Revelations). Suicide is the coward way of running away from the challenges of life. God puts us into tests and by faith in Him we conquer. Summary: Suicide is a sin because it is: 1. Murder. 2. Undermining the will of God and the lack of faith is a sin. 3. A coward way of running away from the problems.
It is for most religious people NOTE I said most not all
yeah it supposedly is, but loads of people do sinful things, so i guess it isnt a big deal.
Who is without sin?
Why do you ask? If the Ten Commandments instruct "Thou shalt not commit murder", and suicide is the murder of oneself, why wouldn't it be a sin?
ALL humans have pain threshholds at which suicide becomes preferrable. Anyone who witnessed the 9/11 bodies jumping to escape the heat, cannot deny this. Those with the arrogance to judge it as "sin", deserve to be similiarly set ablaze. No human has earned the right to say when suicide constitutes sin. It is impossible to measure another's pain, whether emotional or physical. Humans lack wisdom enough to judge even themselves fairly, much less anyone else.
In order for it to be a sin, you would have to believe in God.
First I don't believe that is for me to judge and in the second place -what if it is, what we going to do about it?
I don't know if it's a sin, but it's sad to think that a person's last resource would be to end its own life.
Not only a sin, one of the greatest sins!
Not as bad as criticism.
1. What's a sin? 2. Who cares?
That depends WAY nuch more on the reason than the act !
I think it depends on the situation.
Not a sin but selfish and wrong!!!
Well, I'v heard of men throwing themselves onto grenades to save others. Obviously, this was NOT a sin!
I think it's a trajedy, not necessarily a sin.
I dont think its up to us to say what is sin
I think trying to define sin is a sin.
No, I think it's a tragedy.
Albert Camus said: there is only one serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide (Le Mythe de Sisyphe). his argument works like Pascal's wager in reverse, really - if you believe that there is nothing worth living for, then kill yourself. If you do not kill yourself, then you must believe there is something to live for. You can take this a little further by looking at the idea of suicide being a sin - and again, referring to Pascal. If you think suicide is a sin, and you go go ahead and commit suicide, you will not really know whether it is a sin until you have done it. If you meet your maker, and find out is really was a sin, then it is too late to change, but if you kill yourself and find out there is no god, then it is too late to tell us that it was not a sin after all. In either case, it seems a little extreme to kill yourself just to find out whether or not it is a sin. I would prefer to go to Camus' principle - if you dont kill yourself it is because you must think deep down that there is something to live for - like seeing how many points your question is worth *LOL*
Yes, but not unforgiveable.
As soon as I'm appointed GOD, I'll let you know.
Sometimes yes, but it really depends on the situation.
It doesn't matter what you and I "think", were not the judge.
It is much more complicated than that. Without knowing all the facts leading up to the suicide it is impossible to say.
I was told that it is, but I don't know much why... I would not do to my self, recommend or be happy of anyone who do, but be sorry... I just don't see why would be a sin.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends on circumstances.
I believe suicide is often the end result of horrific sins.
Usually yes, but not always
I think it is not for us to say.
Not in certain situations, like severe pain, etc.
Yes, but no more so than lying,etc. We're ll guilty of sin.
Ending anyones life is a sin, it should not be condoned.
All life is precious, it should not be wasted on suicide.
Yes, and also a waste of one's life.
Sometimes, it really depends.
Not if its because you have terminal cancer or something.
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