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Decorate your life
i don't think i could ever do that. I for one am to self consious.
yes and video too
Nah I've never done that.
I've tried. I always end up feeling silly... but apparently the photos have turned out well.
Yes after I beat her.
No never :)
Oh baby!
Yes, a few times. But when my hubby made a little video and then lost it, I got paranoid and refused to make any more. I still can't believe he lost it, and sometimes I wonder if anyone has found it and watched it. I hope to God it isn't someone I know!! EEEK!
To be strictly accurate, yes I have taken sexy photos... but I decided not to send them and deleted them. but i have received a few...
Yes. It was just better that they weren't of me;)
Yep. :)
No, I never have. I don't think I will either
Yes...we have quite the collection.
Depends what you define as "sexy".
When I was going through some pictures I came across some pictures I had taken of my ex...I had put together some pictures he would like of the kids an slipped his nudes in there. My daughter knew what I did and delivered the pictures to him in an envelope. She said his reaction was hilarious...but his wife didn't find it funny....LOL
Sorft of sexy. Did a calendar shoot for my husband once.
Not to your knowledge, no.
Years back yeah the old poloroids. Now days I wouldn't because they would end upon the net!!!
yes i have :)
yea i have posed while he was in control of the camera, i said to him i would never print them off...i then secretly printed them and put them in a book and gave it to him as a surprise! i trust him fully and even if 1 day we did split up he wouldnt use them against me + its in MY bed side table draws.
I had some taken for my bf. He loves them. I'd consider another shoot if the circumstances are right.
My gf had taken some of herself and sent them to me from her cell phone, and we also made a homemade video. IT IS REALLY HOTTTTTTT!!!!!
Mmmm hmmm.
Yes. He has numerous photos of me.
Yes, with a now ex, a few years ago.
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