A society that unequally judges the behavior of females and males label females as "sluts" in a derogatory manner. Slut is a derogatory word we use for those our society devalues (women and gays, mostly). It has never been commonly used to describe a heterosexual male's sexual behavior. So, the answer? An ignorant and biased/misogynistic society labels females "sluts"...that doesn't MAKE the female anything.
Nothing, she makes herself one.
If she's the type that goes out every Thursday Friday and Saturday and sleeps with a different bloke each time she goes out would pretty much do that.
I do not think that we should judge people. There is one judge, “The Son, who the Father has committed all of the judging to” John 5:22. We need to resist using labels against people, even if we find their behavior abhorrent. If an individual is on a reckless course, than we can warn them about it. I try to do this in my ministry, If they pursue the course that they are on, well just like us, they will then reap what they sow.
same thing that make boys sluts, so look in your mind and whenever you find a reason to call a boy a slut there is your answer, if society has taught us that boys can fool around and be "rewarded" because of that then why girls can't fool around? Now, for me, you can fool around all you want but the moment you open your mouth to brag about it you become a slut whether you are a boy or a girl.
Obviously both men and women can sleep around but as long as they're careful (STD's and pregnancy) and not hurting anyone what's the problem? Yes I believe that sex within a loving relationship (I know it sounds twee) is better, and by better I mean more physically pleasureable, but also emotionally more pleasureable. I didn't always know that until it happened to me. (end of morally responsible bit). But the term slut I think is a social indication that men who sleep with more partners can then provide the sperm that helps to produce more babies and are therefore studs, whilst women can only get pregnant once at a time. Women always know if the baby they give birth to is theirs, men don't. It's a virility fertility thing. In male dominated societies, we men, want to be sure that the child we end up supporting, is truly ours as they carry on our genes (plus our name). Perhaps men have a greater fear of death because we can't give birth so want to make as many babies as possible to carry us on. Women, perhaps don't need that. A lot of sweeping statements, I know!
Your only a slut if YOU say you are. And most would not feel they were.
uh i think its obvious!Slut is a pejorative term for a person (usually female) who is more sexually promiscuous than is deemed socially acceptable. The term has traditionally been applied to women and is generally used as an insult or offensive term of disparagement. Slut has also been reclaimed as a slang term in the BDSM, polyamorous and gay and bisexual communities. It may be used by the person concerned as an expression of pride in their status, or as an expression of enviousness in the "success rate" of others. The term is not interchangeable with whore or prostitute as those terms denote a person who engages in sex for money.
Generally, a girl is considered a slut if she sleeps around and has one-night stands often. A "nice girl" is a girl who has sex with only her boyfriend.
I find this question offensive due to the fact it's a double standard. If a guy sleeps around he gets high fives from his buddies and brags about it. If a female chooses to sleep with others, she is called names.
I think personally the attitude with which sex is approached by either gender has more to do with whether one should considerd a slut. I wouldn't label anyone in a derogatory fashion (no matter the frequency/quantity of lovers) unless of course they themselves were not enjoying their (s)exploits. I do not see it written either implicitly or explicitly anywhere that matters that pleasure should be avoided!
Well I once heard the saying "A slut is a woman who will have sex with any man. A bitch is a woman who will have sex with any man EXCEPT YOU." I think for women the definition is probably "Any woman who has had sex more than me."
Taking money or expensive favors for sex hasn't been mentioned, but it should have been.
A girl is a slut when she has sex with animals!
I actually had a man tell me once a slut is a women who sleeps with everyone but you!
Being a slut can be a good thing if you're in a relationship. I prefer a lady on my arm and a freak in the bed. Lucky me... I found her!
I'm a male slut so I know first hand, honestly. Being a slut means not caring for the other one other than just for sex. I'm not proud of being a slut, and have put that all behind me now, but a slut is one who hasn't yet. Sex is the goal, the reasons are as empty as a popcorn-fart.
I would not call a women a slut. End of story.
Why even have such thought like this one?
A society that unequally judges the behavior of females and males label females as "sluts" in a derogatory manner. Slut is a derogatory word we use for those our society devalues (women and gays, mostly). It has never been commonly used to describe a heterosexual male's sexual behavior. So, the answer? An ignorant and biased/misogynistic society labels females "sluts"...that doesn't MAKE the female anything.
a woman who will do anything to please a guy or get his approval. She hates doing it, and has VERY low self-esteem. It's a poor way of feeling valued, but because she is desparate, she does it anyway. Very sad, SICK for the woman and SAD and SICK a guy stoops to this level to get what he wants.
If she has one night stands or cheats on her bf
Your own attitude to her.
What makes a girl a slut is most likely a girl who's father/mother did not teach her modest/acceptable principles. Parents who let the kids raise themselves cause the children who become adults to become confused as to what is right and wrong. If you don't keep track of what friends they spend their time with, don't SPEND time with them, talking to them when they ask questions, then they are going to have problems. Children are blind to the world and need training from mature adult parents. Kids who have no morals or ethics are going to be blind leading the blind. The problem these days are that many of the PARENTS are blind to what's right and wrong and raise monsters. It's called a lack of discipline.
it is considerably easier for a female to have sexual relations than a male; a male has to pursue and risk being rejected whereas a female only has to say 'yes', therefore, it being easier for a female to have sex with pretty much any male they are judged to be more selective; if they are going to say yes to any Tom, Dick or Harry then they are judged 'sluts' ie promiscuous...generally due to the jealousy engendered by the fact that they can have sex whenever they basically feel like it unlike males lol
I guess if a girl dresses too loose, then she can be labled as a slut. My other definitions of a slut is a woman who wants children or one who is pregnant.
Cocaine is a pretty effective slut-inducer.
We all know the idea of a woman sleeping around is wrong, but many of us make excuses to condone it. Pop culture is encouraging women to do what they want and live like and compete with men. This is part of the reason society is rotting and depression is on the rise in men as they are being immasculated by the new pro feminine laws of the latter half of the 20th century and beyond, granting women their selective and convenient equal rights. I mean the fact that people say a man can be a "virgin" is a complete joke the word virgin and virginity is closely linked with females in its origins and not males. Women are in general fickle and illogical and will be easily swayed by the media and pop culture and if pop culture tells a woman what to do or like then they will blindly follow. Pop culture and political correctness tells women its ok to sleep around and behave like a man which is of course wrong and somewhere in there bewildered hazed minds they still feel a sense of guilt for their open and free choice to sleep around and the action of following through and doing it!.....A woman's Virginity is a very special thing and no iam not religious in the slightest! it is symbolic of purity and innocence and a genuine good man should be able to find the love of his life and know that he is at least his woman's first and only lover. By today's standards most women and girls could qualify as sluts but since slutty behaviour has become the general standard we all think it's fine and "normal" and say things like "if a guy can do it as much as he likes so can a woman" comparing women to men or "its the 21st century!" as though the fact that time has passed and backward political correctness has prevailed it makes it ok! Don't get me wrong there are still girls and women out there who have respect for themselves and men in general and goodness forbid are even somewhat noble and not just some shy catholic girl but just a genuinely respectable woman who doesn't give in to the decadent encouragement put out by society that excessive pleasure is ok or "cool" for women as well as for men. It is not disgraceful for a man to sleep around because a man is the dominant sex it is simply natural but saying that...the class of women he will be sleeping with will be....Sluts!! the few respectable girls keep there legs shut!
many men
making out/ sleeping with several guys
She herself.No one can be blamed for her own actions.
If a girl dresses CHEAPLY and Looks like a Tramp ... too much make up ... Being sexually active with just about ANY guy who will "Do" her ... Ya' know ..there are TWO kinds of girls out there ... The ones that guys like to PLAY with ... and ; then there are the girls that he wants to take home to mom and dad ... and MARRY .
many men who run after her and her inability to close her thighs
I don't label women sluts at all. They are free to choose to sleep with as many men as they like. Is it right to label them with such a nasty name? Men can do exactly the same thing and they won't be looked down apon.
Sometimes the hurtful lies of a resentful, rejected male.
A girl who will put out for every guy.
A general disregard for her own health, safety, morality and reputation where sexual intercourse is concerned and the health, safety, morality and reputation of anyone else dumb or horny enough to get with her.
In my opinion, if the number of sexual partners meets or exceeds her age. If she's 35 and has banged nearly 80 DIFFERENT guys, she's probably not someone I want to take home to meet my mom.
sex for money
If you make it on the internet for like the bang bus or first date bangers or my friends hot mom or My friend hot Sister or MILF's I would say you had become an epeci world wide slut ot whore.
I've heard it said that a slut sleeps with everyone.... A bitch sleeps with everyone but you ;-)
well leona sleeps with men on the first nyt even better the first 20 mins so dose that make her a slut ????? 50 areema drive cum on boys line up
She sleeps with way too many other people and lives a carefree lifestyle and takes no pride in herself. Nasty in her actions; especially, sexual.
From where others stand, as they perceive - from where she is, what she believes.
If she is a better pimp than the boys....
The same thing that makes a guy one.
one that does DVDA
Definition of slut: A woman who will do everyone in a particular room. Definition of bitch: A woman who will do everyone in a particular room but you.
Gossip, like all gossip one turns into 10, and it spreads like a butter on a hot skillet.
guys thinking make a girl slut
When she has no respect for herself and is loose. The type that will sleep around with most guys, and always use sex as a weapon.
Very simply, a girl who values the physical over the emotional is a slut. I currently work with a woman (33) who couldn't stop telling everyone in the office how she was 'finally going to get married'...flashing the ring she received and waving it around like a flag of achievement. Next thing you know, she begins a relationship with an office slacker boy, while her cuckold fiance sits at home and waits for his love to come home from the office. (it's like some bad episode from the Tom Leykis show). She starts telling everyone how her fiance has grown 'boring' and he just isn't fun anymore. Apparently he comes home after a day's work, and he just isn't 'fun.' Now she's tall, thin, and quite sexy - she obviously takes care of herself, and that's fine. She has a great personality, and she's fun to be around. But sadly, she also has a thing for the 'bad boys' and apparently values the 'nasty' over a close, emotional relationship. That's what I call slut behavior, and I'm quite outspoken about that when we talk about her in the office. Sure...there's a little envy on my part, but I never felt that way when she was engaged. It just breaks me up when I see her hanging out with that loser, and the thought of them hooking up on the sly just makes me sick. She's a slut. MOST definately.
I must admit, even though I hate the term 'slut' and everything it implies, I have been known to use it more than once.. Normally when I'm watching tv or walking round town and I see a gorgeous, skinny woman, not always dressed in skimpy clothes, but always wearing clothes that show off her body, if she so much as smiles or looks towards a man (even if it's her husband/boyfriend) I'll call her a slut. I say it out of jealousy, and hate myself for it later. I agree with what's been previously said about society being hypocritical, but there is a certain part of me that thinks that even though that term is very derogatory, it is valid in some circumstances. There is a difference between a woman who enjoys sex, and a woman who is a slut. A woman who enjoys sex will still have a certain level of standard when it comes to men and doesn't accept every offer or go chasing after every man she see's. A slut has little to no standards, accepts most if not all offers and will chase after any man, regardless of whether or not he's in a relationship.
Other peoples opinions. Men are thought of as Studs if they do the same thing women do. Women in this modern day and age are still shackled to mediaeval beliefs the they have to stay pure. So the real question for them and the one that matters the most is Do you consider yourself a Slut? If Not? I agree.+5 for the question.
Nothing makes a girl a slut. Slut is a word that jealous girls who don't get any call girls who get some. It's a stupid word that should be ignored by society.
Nothing, in my opinion. It's just people that just announces that some girl is a slut and she became tagged with that "slut" term from then on.
Someone elves opinion.
She's very attractive, started puberty early and and is curved and rounded in the right places. She also has a strong and healthy sex drive; she's visual and just as selective when it comes to the men and women she'll bed. The only difference is the number of potential suitors that she has access to. Usually, she's refered to a slut because she's getting laid and they're not.
having sex for sex sake........................... without real feelings to back the act.
That's pretty harsh.
Having sex with multiple partners in the same time period.
me. i make sluts!! no need to thank me :)
same thing as makes a man a manwhore (manslut just does not flow off the tongue as well) having sex with someone they are not in an exclusive relationship with.
the fact that she's a girl...all women are sluts is in their nature.(i could say worse things, but i think this is enough).
Nothing does, and this question is totally disgusting and highly offensive.
Ice man
Maybe you should tell that to the admin, because this question is ancient ! Just look at the view #. : ( -
I don't recall anyone using that term when I was growing up. So when I first started hearing it around the mid or late 1970s it was new to me and carried no pejorative weight because I didn't know it was supposed to. They used to say I was "boy-crazy" which I guess meant pretty much the same thing but seems now it is used if just generally they don't like us or are envious of us. -
@officegirl: How often do you also hear men being labelled with such offensive insults regarding their sexual behaviour? Men are usually labelled "studs" and that carries a positive, even heroic connotation. Therefore, we in our Manchester-inspired wisdom coined the term "studette" to mean a female stud. That is the correct word to use, and unlike that other s-word it carries no pejorative weight whatsoever, in fact it was designed to liberate us from the yoke of oppression that was placed upon us by those chauvinistic, barbarian thugs with sexist double standards. Why can't the rest of the world see it that way? -
Bb I understand but the point I was trying to make was that I see what was once I guess a sexual insult now used mostly by people just to put down any woman they don't happen to like regardless of our sexual choices or lifestyle. Rather than adapting historically male designations for ourselves I see it as more liberating to simply be honest and candid about our experiences and feelings - especially on sites like this one - where formerly we kept them private out of fear of being negatively judged. I could never have talked about these things the way I do here when I was younger because it just was not done. But now I feel it is important for us to do so. A former friend (male) on here told me I should be proud being designated as a "slut" because it means I am sexually liberated which a lot of men still fear in a woman. I don't know about that but it does put more of a positive spin on it.
Sleeping around, especially outside of a committed relationship.
Nothing does, and this question is totally disgusting and highly offensive.
The same answer as Nosmo King's. Are you two the same person? -
I've looked at both profiles and it is indeed possible. Their answers pages are the best places to look for clues. One of Nosmo King's answers says he is a Pisces, and Murgatroyd reveals his birthday as March 16th, which does come under Pisces, so they might be the same person. On the other hand, maybe they are not, and their similarities come from being born under the same sign. :) -
Thank you Bb. -
Keble Bolly-Jocksford
You folks don't half jump to conclusions. Anybody can copy an answer they like and paste it as a new answer. I've just done it. That doesn't mean to say those other guys are the same person, does it? -
Keble, I wasn't jumping to conclusions. I said Nosmo King and Murgatroyd might be the same person, or they might not.
Someone not liking her or being envious of her.
We are not envious of each other in my part of Manchester, officegirl. That kind of attitude is taboo here, it has been so for more than 60 years. That was one of several reasons for the formation of our sisterhood in 1954. Its purpose is to get all of us to unite in one big sisterhood because we believe that is the only way to go forward in the fight against male chauvinism. If women are going to be envious of each other and call each other offensive names, it isn't going to do our sisterhood's cause any favours, is it? Why, then, do we still see evidence elsewhere that women are envious of each other? -
Thank you for your comment. I posted a lot about this on the former AB. I think it is because so many of us tend to see it as there being not enough to go around so we think if another woman does something or has something somehow it means we cannot do it or have it. Which is - a philosophy of scarcity. Well I was not even born in 1954 but I have found that often what is behind "sisterhood" is the notion that we are all, or should be, on the same "oppressed" level. So if we do anything to transcend that or achieve more instead of what we do being celebrated and emulated we are viewed by each other as suspect and exceeding our proper "place". Or our achievements are written off as "luck" or politics or because of our looks or who we know rather than our own efforts or sacrifice or creativity. Because there seems to be this belief that " oh of course I could do it just as well as her but she just got the breaks". Which holds us back. In my experience, which has been mostly in one company, men have always been more helpful and appreciative while so many women would rather resent me and make up tales to trash me. Which is too bad. Whereas men, even the chauvinists, have learned to appreciate and admire and encourage achievement in whomever. -
Keble Bolly-Jocksford
Nothing does, and this question is totally disgusting and highly offensive. -
Keble Bolly-Jocksford
Whoops, wrong place. -
@officegirl: I certainly wasn't born in 1954, my mum was only one year old then. That was the year our sisterhood was founded. Claudia, the founder of it, is now aged about 77. I didn't come into the world until 1977, some 23 years after the sisterhood was founded, so it was a well-established thing by the time I became part of it myself (1989, in fact). We don't view each other as suspect and exceeding our proper "place", nor do we believe that our achievements are written off as "luck" or politics or because of our looks or who we know rather than our own efforts or sacrifice or creativity. Yes, there are some men who are helpful and appreciative, and they are the only kind of men I like. But as part of a long-running sisterhood, we do not resent each other and we most certainly do not make up tales to trash each other. So why was the old AB so unlike life in my part of Manchester? Don't other places have a similar sisterhood (or sorority, as it is known in the USA)? If they don't, they should. It would be of great benefit to women everywhere if they did.
That word is taboo where I come from, and don't ever forget it.
Nothing does, and this question is totally disgusting and highly offensive.
I wonder how many more are going to copy and paste this answer? Lol:)
If they sleep with me more than six times.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thumbs up. lol
A slut is an insulting word for a woman. Society does not hesitate to judge a book by its cover. If a woman is dressed sexually provocative in public, most people see her as a slut to the worse, a prostitute. I wear short and tight outfits with pumps or high heel boots a lot, and I am no slut. It is society who judges, as most people who answered this question said.
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