Some people may believe in it, some people may not.
History books-mostly fact or mostly fiction? Well that depends on who's point of view. Alot that is recorded in the Bible has actually happened. But is it recorded acurately? Well are history books recorded acurately? Were you there when Little George chopped down the cherry tree?
i think it is true
Egads, this seems like an open invitation to get rated down... To answer or not to answer, that is the question... I think it is a bit of fact surrounded by a lot of interpretation, personal bias and agendas of the authors, and myths.
alll fact
All fiction!
ahhh, the wonder of the free word, the ability to make your own decision, to have your own opinion, for indeed, that is all any of it is. Opinion. One may say its ture, Pure opinion. One may say its false, pure opinion. I guess the only fact is, we dont know for sure do we?? Personally, I agree, a lot of it happened, but a lot of it is conjecture, written to help the general populace have some common good rules to keep society on the straight and narrow, not a bad thing in reality, but true?, , I doubt it!!
Alot of the things happened....but some of the them, people don't believe depends on you...and what you believe is true
Plain and Simply: It's all fact. Except for the parables, which were stories that were told to teach a lesson.
I was raised Catholic and went to a Catholic school, so I was taught everything in the bible was true. As I hit my teens I often wondered about the validity of these teachings though. Even now I do have faith, but consider alot in the bible just what it is-stories. We can all have religion or faith without the belief that a good storyteller knows all. Either way, I feel that the bible is a good story book. Lots of teachings and morals to it. It also states, to each his own. So considering, everyone has their ideas about this book. I have mine, you have yours. That's not going to stop what either of us believes. Thanks for asking!
The Bible is a combination of prose and poetry. There do seem to be facts recounted in the Bible, for instance the exact dimensions of Noah's arc. Why would the writer bother with dimensions if the arc is fictional or mythological? Clearly, an arc did exist. However, Genesis talks of God speaking and humans listening. It even includes God quotes, as if God is a character in a story. Does this mean Noah actually heard these words booming down from the sky? Asking this question has to do with our way of thinking, but the point is that the words convey the situation. That's it. When the Bible says that man was created in God's image, what precisely does that mean? The fact of the matter is never discussed, it is simply stated. It is up to the reader to get truth from the words.
The bible consists of metaphors based on some facts. All the stories in there have an air of truth to them but they are meant to tell a story and inspire people.
I will answer that with these thoughts: As it says at II Timothy 3:16 16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. Or as it says at Proverbs Chapter 2: " My son, if you will receive my sayings and treasure up my own commandments with yourself, 2 so as to pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment; 3 if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself, 4 if you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for it, 5 in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God". It comes down to the fact that you must have faith. Reading the Bible is not another intellectual exercise, If you don't want to get it, you will not get it. At I Corinthians 1:26-29 we get an inside look at why you must have the right attitude as you approach God's Word. This is very important because we must worship God on His terms. 26 "For YOU behold his calling of YOU, brothers, that not many wise in a fleshly way were called, not many powerful, not many of noble birth; 27 but God chose the foolish things of the world, that he might put the wise men to shame; and God chose the weak things of the world, that he might put the strong things to shame; 28 and God chose the ignoble things of the world and the things looked down upon, the things that are not, that he might bring to nothing the things that are, 29 in order that no flesh might boast in the sight of God". Also we see that TRUE humility has great value in the eyes of God. James wrote: "God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones." (James 4:6) Here James could have been alluding to several thoughts expressed in the Hebrew Scriptures. "Jehovah is high, and yet the humble one he sees; but the lofty one he knows only from a distance." "The haughty eyes of earthling man must become low, and the loftiness of men must bow down; and Jehovah alone must be put on high." "If it has to do with ridiculers, he [God] himself will deride; but to the meek ones he will show favor." Psalm 138:6; Isaiah 2:11
The bible was written by man so certainly will have fallacies.
Illustrations and fact.
Anyone that can answer this question correctly and PROVE it, should run the world.
It contains many facts but is not supposed to be taken literally in all parts. Historically speaking, it is the most authentic manuscript ever compiled, though many people do not acknowledge that. The birth, death and ressurection of Jesus Christ is historically accurate. I also believe that it is possible that in some ways it does not really matter whether or not certain things are actually facts, as the important thing is the lesson or lessons to be learned. For instance, the book of Job may or may not be a true story, but the moral of the story is to have unwavering faith.
I believe that some of it is fact and some of it is fiction. Take the story of Adam and Eve. I think what I heard about that was that the Babylons(?) who were pagans had such a violent creation story. The Jews did not think the creation of earth and life as we know it was violent so they came up with their own version that was much more peaceful. Things from the New Testament would more likely be factual because by then people were writing things down and recording what was going on. All of the letters (like from Paul to the Corinthians) are factual because those letters actually existed. It really all has to do with your interpretation of the Bible.
Some are facts.. But hey, how can i know for sure.,..
We must recall that there's a big difference between "fact" and "truth." And there's a big difference between "fiction" and "fallacy." That having been established, I personally believe that the Bible is all truth, but not all fact. The poetry. Taken literally, there are going to be some inescapable contradictions, logically and scientifically speaking. But morally and spiritually, the themes are pretty well-established. Clearly, there are four Gospels which all have roughly the same stories but carry different details. They were adapted (although, in my belief, divinely inspired) in different time periods for different audiences. It's undeniable that these details, settings, symbolic numbers were used to convey another side of the face of God (e.g., the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 and Luke 6). The Bible wasn't entirely meant to be a historical record, but rather, it was meant to convey fiction often does. I believe it has some fictional elements, but is based around factual occurrences, kind of like if one were to adapt anyone else's everyday life into a narrative. Basically, again, I couldn't state my own position better than this: The Bible is poetry.
The Bible is ALL fact!!!
Its impossible to prove either way. Especially the OT goes so far back that there just simply isn't enough information to prove it or disprove it.
All the opinions in the world will not answer that question for you. Accepting the Bible as fact is based on faith and trust in a living God and a living Saviour and a belief that God has left us His Word in the form of scripture. My answer is based on faith. I believe it 100% Other people will have opinions varying from complete nonbelief and that it is all fables to my own view which is that it is 100% truth and given for us to learn from, to correct us and to give us hope.
Depends on who you ask,,, since you are asking me I believe it is fact.
Where we can check it, it turns out to be accurate. Archeology used to question or reject almost everything in it, but most books on BIblical archeology over 50 years old are completely obsolete by now. Varous websites like must be over a hundred--show where earlier opinions of scientific inaccuracy are at least open to question, in other words, that the Bible may agree with the facts instead of contradicting them. Much of what used to be considered myth or a good story seems to coincide with a better understanding of history--the Joseph story starting in Genesis 28 is studied extensively in the book Pharaohs and Kings. King David used to be thought a myth until an inscription with his name on it turned up. 75 years of scholarly studies in Old Persian showed that Daniel was written in the 7th century BC, not the 2nd century BC. And it just keeps on going like that. There are still lots of questions, but no proven falsehoods or contradictions.
Basically, the Bible does have "solid" and "hard" facts. These included the history of the Jewish Kings. These are mostly in the old testament. However, there are some "facts" that are considered true for believer and false for non- believer. For example, there is dispute wether Moses did seperate the Red Sea into halves. One more example is that: Did Jesus really resurrect? Thus, in a matter of faith, you could believe some of the miracles in the Bible as fact but it is considered by some people as fiction. However, one thing is certain. The Bible does contain some undeniable facts which includes the history of the Jewish Kingdoms.
It is actually fiction, based on fact, kinda like any other novel or movie that says "Based on a true story" in it's titles. That's one thing that makes it so ridiculous to the sciences, which are still struggling to prove the bible as a factual document, though it has many truthful and accurate depictions of history, they are not a true accurate account of what actually happened, everything in the bible was written second hand, thus the true meanings of the actual people quoted may have been mis-quoted or made up entirely by the author. The authors of the bible did not have verbatim equipment, so they had to scribble everything down as fast as they could, if they came up short on something, there is speculation that suggests they may have made up things to fill in the gaps. The bible may be the word of God, but remember, it was edited by man. - I couldnt have said it any better myself Damania, Mr. Griffith should give your comment a good read instead of quoting esoteric drivel that is his only resort of justification to his comments. How predictable. - I appreciate your candor Mr. Griffith, it is understood you are probably a learned in your faith which you have well justified. But you must understand the point of view that I myself and Damania pointed out to you. As does my Q. There is no way that these gospels could have been written verbatim, they were put to pen and paper by memory, which is fallible, hence the telephone game that Damania pointed out. These letters may be written by Paul and Matthew etc. etc. but, they are the words and testimony of the disciples, and being as such, each one is distinctincly differant from the other, and that is a valid point that should be acknowledged, though most all the gospels tell the same story, they sometimes contradict eachother. For one to be told that what is written in the testement is the true and accurate words of Christ, is false, it is the words of the disciples, humans, who are prone to error and mistakes. Who's to say these letters were scribed by the disciples hand anyways? Did all of them know how to read and write or did they pay scribes to jot down their testimony? I could go on and on, but my point is very clear. There is no way to verify the account as 100% accurate unless you declare the reader must have blind faith... and that is the context of your comments, to justify such blind faith. Thank you. - By your responses to me and Damania, Mr. Griffith I can only conclude that you are trying your darndest to unjustify ones skepticism into the accuracy's of the bibles scriptures. It is a fact that the diciples were not always around to witness the miracles of the Christ, such as the temptation in the desert and so on, these story's were given second hand by Christ himself supposedly, or entirely made up to justify the remainder of the scripture. For instance why is their no scripture detailing the life of christ through his early teens and twentys? For a man who's life is so well documented, why is his educational background so mysterious? That is the biggest problem people had with the Jesus story back then, who the heck was this guy who comes out of nowhere declaring himself the king of the Jews? I am not denouncing that Christ did not exist, but his life remains in constant Q and anyone who Q his life or message deserves an honest A before following blindly. The bible is a book of mysteries, not answers. It promotes esoteric mysticism and confusion, for most however it is easy to follow blindly because it is easier to resort to the scripture more so than it is to ask more direct Q. You resort to the scripture for all of your responses, but yet have made none of your own, and this is disconcerning, because when the bible was edited by man, these Q were noted and the responses structured to counter such inquiries that would possibly make the scripture invalid or questionable. You are quick to dismiss the skeptic or critic by these esoteric means, and religion that is not your own, but one that was handed down to you through generations. There is nothing wrong in Q the accuracy or validity of the scriptures. What is concerning however is ones reasoning to defend against such Q, and to what means? It is obvious that one who defends or condemns such Q's feels threatened in someway.
"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; ..." - 2 Timothy 3:16 "For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty." - 2 Peter 1:16 The Holy Bible was inspired by God and written by man. There ARE, however, PARABLES and ANTHROPOMORPHISMS that are in the Bible that are NOT meant to be taken literally. For example ... THE PARABLE OF THE TENANTS: "Listen to another parable. There was a landowner who PLANTED A VINEYARD AND PUT A WALL AROUND IT AND DUG A WINE PRESS IN IT, AND BUILT A TOWER, and rented it out to vine-growers and went on a journey. "When the harvest time approached, he sent his slaves to the vine-growers to receive his produce. "The vine-growers took his slaves and beat one, and killed another, and stoned a third. "Again he sent another group of slaves larger than the first; and they did the same thing to them. "But afterward he sent his son to them, saying, `They will respect my son.' "But when the vine-growers saw the son, they said among themselves, `This is the heir; come, let us kill him and seize his inheritance.' "They took him, and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. "Therefore when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those vine-growers?" They said to Him, "He will bring those wretches to a wretched end, and will rent out the vineyard to other vine-growers who will pay him the proceeds at the proper seasons." Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the Scriptures, `THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE CHIEF CORNER stone; THIS CAME ABOUT FROM THE LORD, AND IT IS MARVELOUS IN OUR EYES'? "Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it. "And he who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; but on whomever it falls, it will scatter him like dust." - Matthew 21:33-44 This is not meant to be taken LITERALLY ... as if this story actually occurred ... it is a PARABLE that REPRESENTS the kingdom of God. WISDOM IN PROVERBS 8: ""The LORD possessed me at the beginning of His way, Before His works of old. 23 "From everlasting I was established, From the beginning, from the earliest times of the earth. 24 "When there were no depths I was brought forth, When there were no springs abounding with water. 25 "Before the mountains were settled, Before the hills I was brought forth; 26 While He had not yet made the earth and the fields, Nor the first dust of the world. 27 "When He established the heavens, I was there, When He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep, ..." - Proverbs 8:22-27 Jehovah's Witnesses will interpret "WISDOM" to be Jesus Christ, since their doctrine says that he is NOT equal with God (or is NOT God). The only problem is that this is an ANTHROPOMORPHISM. Wisdom is being personified in order to better illustrate the point. Also, wisdom is referred to as a FEMALE. See Proverbs 9:1 which says - "Wisdom has built HER house, SHE has hewn out HER seven pillars; SHE has prepared HER food, SHE has mixed HER wine; SHE has also set HER table; SHE has sent out HER maidens, SHE calls from the tops of the heights of the city: ..." ... it is not talking about Jesus Christ ... and it IS an ANTHROPOMORPHISM. THE SNAKE IN THE GARDEN: "Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, `You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?" - Genesis 3:1 Now are we to believe that Satan IS a snake? Or COULD IT BE that Satan is LIKE a snake?! Satan is described in many ways in the Holy Scriptures ... MOSTLY to describe his QUALITIES rather than his APPEARANCE! You see, Satan is NOT a snake. Satan is NOT a lion. Satan is a fallen angel (Lucifer) ... and he is LIKE a snake in the way he behaves ... he is LIKE a lion in the way he behaves. Does that make sense? Therefore, the Holy Bible is COMPLETELY TRUE ... because it is INSPIRED BY GOD ... but there are differences in HOW you interpret scripture. Thank you.
The message of the bible is fact, given to us through fictions.
IMHO its fact....period
Mostly metaphors, I think.
The bible is a book that has mini stories within it,and these stories are ment to be proverbs.There lessons to be learned from these stories,about right and wrong,but the book itself is not based on fact.
It is definitely fact.
The bible is an interpretation by men of the church. I believe it is fact and fiction, written by people who want to scare others into submission. There are many good lessons to be learned but you have to take what you can use and ignore the rest.
fiction... facts can be proved.
Whos to say? ME personally... FICTION>>>
fiction mostly
It all depends on your religon.I hope its all fact or at least most of it.I was raised Catholic so i am gonna believe it anyway.
Mostly unknown. Most of it cant be proven or disproven.
If you do some research, you will find that information from the bible matches up with artifacts found today. A link:
No fact, just fiction and stories. Noahs arch, can anyone take that serious? There are millions of species on the planet, bringing two (or seven) of each is obviously problematic, seeing that most animals have very strict diets. But that's not all of course.
Clearly the bible is predominantly alleghorical fiction
Scientifically, as far as proof and facts go, it's not much fact or history at all. But if you have faith, you win any argument against it.
Unless you were alive 2007 years ago, you wouldn't know.
I believe is 100% fact. 2 Timothy 3:16 teaches us that all (not some or most) Scripture is given by inspiration of God. Thank you and God bless you!
What do you mean by fiction, just to clarify? I think the Hebrew scriptures are based from persian legends such as the epic of Gilgamesh and others stories and are from real experiences, the point of which is to teach a moral lesson more than to be true. I don't believe in the christian scriptures so I believe they are fiction. They seem to be in opposition of the hebrew scriptures and a lot of things are based on pagan ideas.
There's a lot of inconsistencies and contradictions throughout the Bible, I don't think it's because the authors meant to lie, mostly because the Bible is a compilation of books that were for a long time transmited from word of mouth, when the time came to compile the books, only few were chosen the new testament s mostly from books that were written a long time after the life of Jesus and many books from his era were kept out because they were considered too controversial for the churche's purpose including actual apostolic writtings. The Roman Catholic Church has another book that is not based on the Bible, but mostly on custom called the catechist which explains why they pary to Saints and worship statues and such.
To me the Holy Bible is fact... The OT deals with places & peoples discovered in the Middle East.... The NT deals with Christ & Jewish, Pagan (Roman) & later JHewish or Gentile Christians... including other people & places from Middle East going into Asia...
The Bible was written by the same people who said and believed the Earth was flat. It's not hard to do the math on this one.
I did answer your question earlier and post it but it seems to have disappeared somewhere. There are many references to the sun rising and going down suggesting that the earth cannot be linear? see for instance: Gen 15:12; Dt 16:6;Eccl 1:5 etc Also Psalm 50:1 from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same. It is important to remembert hat the bible is concerned about the why questions and not the how questions, that is science and the bible should never be claimed to be a scientific text book. There are also different genre in the writings including poetry, history, dialogue, teaching and instruction and apocalyptic. The problem is keeping each one in the context and meanoing for the purpose of the original writing, theologians and skeptics have been and are notoriously bad at this but the worst group are the Christians. They are my main concern as a teacher in the church and so I am more greatful than you can imagine for yours and otherds discussions with me on this site. Thanks and keep me nformed and cautious of falling into wild and stupid traps.
It depends on your religion/beliefs
If you are looking for facts, you are not going to find much. ----------------- What is history? You can sit and debate with either side and won't make any ground. Comes down to faith. It is amazing to wonder how everything happened.
It isn't so easily divided. The Bible is something else, it is held cultural myth - not exactly fact, but its application renders it not applicable to fiction either.
I believe the moral value of the biblical scriptures and lessons are true, however if you take every single word of the Bible literally you are bound to find some flaws, especially if you are looking for them. 1. The Gospels- If four different people saw the same event take place they will have four different views of what happened, we don't dispute that now, if you are in college and your professor asks the entire class to watch a video and then summarize it EVERYONE will have an entirely different summary and it may be hard to tell if you were even watching the same video. 2. It was a different time and you can expect some things will be outdated or changed over the years by man and society's natural development. I don't think the importance of the Bible is based on the word, but on the spirit of the letter, and I do believe that is unchanging. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
All fiction
I believe it's neither. It's fact and fiction's love child. Kind of like Paul Bunyan or any other folk myth, maybe a little more rooted in fact, only with extra thousands of years of time to ferment the mythical aspects.
Absolute truth.
The bible is mostly fiction. Much of what you read in the bible was inspired by religions and beliefs that were popular long before the bible was ever written. Watch a movie called ZeitGeist for free online. The first half shows deals with how Jesus is a made up character. Check it out.
all TRUTH...fact
Depending on how many and translations the Bible has underwent...who translates it...and How many Chapters have been left out...(The Catholic Church still has ancient texts...never let out of their sight...that they claim they are still "deciphering" their version ...AND ...Remember the Dead Sea Scrolls... weren't included in the Bible either.) Also...many Books were written hundreds of years after the persons not in alot of verses are songs, parables, and dreams or visions... a historical, geographical and mathematical text...dates, measurements, and landmarks do not ring true...(The Red Sea was "The Sea of Reeds", a marsh that Moses could have walked across...and amount of people he had with him couldn't have been sustained or crossed the desert in the time pertained to) All in all...when you realize that the old pagan and polythesic religions were stamped out by "death raids" in the Name of God, and the pagan rites were incorporated into the cloth of the "CHURCH" is evident that MIGHT will MIX THE an effort to have COMPLETE POWER over the PEOPLE... In other words...Churches interpret the BIBLE FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT...NOT YOURS...AND HAVE BEEN DOING SO SINCE THE BEGINNING...(Inquisition, Salem Witch Hunt, Selling Futures on Going to Heaven to line Church Coffers...threatening with violence, guilt, shame, remorse, and THE BIBLE... The only way to know if the Bible is to find out for yourself...please investigate and compare it to literature from other religions the history is of the same people, place and time...and please...don't take every word last Book suggests..ITS ALL JUST A REVELATION... This is what I have come to find...CuriousNotCured
For the most part, in general the stories are true. But fact to fact its most likely been mistranslated.
It is mostly metaphor.
100 % fact. The Bible was written by about 40 different men that lived in several different countries at different times. It was written by eye witnesses during the time of other eye witnesses. It has dates, times, places. There have been 23,000 archaeological digs that directly support the historical context of the Bible. It is definitely FACT.
About 90% fact.
The Bible is a manual for life and not to be taken literally
All Fact. All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.~ II Timothy 3:16 & 17
It's entirely Truth. As to where the facts illustrating truth end and the fictions illustrating truth begin ... well let's just say it's far more factual/historical than most liberals, pluralists, post-modernists, materialists, and secularists would be comfortable with, but also employs more fiction than most conservatives, fundamentalists, and literalists would be comfortable with.
Without legitimate proof, the only other option is fiction.
I believe that it is about 75% Fiction ... I say that because IF the Bible was written by Mortal man ; thru divine "Inspiration" from God ..... then how do we know that this person writting may not have his OWN thoughts- Ideas- Beliefs ... all mixed up with Gods "Inspiring" thoughts ? There is so much in the Bible that is just Unbelievable. 1. It is wrong to work on the sabbath and you should be KILLED for it . (Exodus 31: 14-15) 2. It is WRONG for a woman to speak in Church. (1 Corinthians 14: 333-35) 3. It is WRONG for a woman to NOT MARRY the man who rapes her. (Deuteronomy 22:28-29) 4) It is OK to SELL your Daughter. (Exodus 21:7) 5. One of MY FAVORITES: The bible also says that ANYONE who commits ADULTRY; They BOTH should be put to DEATH. (Deuteronomy 22:20-21) There are others ... But; you see what I am getting at ... I wonder just how many Christians follow those little rules ... and; there are MORE !!
there is a lot in the bible that has been changed to fit the expected readership. like the new testament was written to the messianic jews. but the catholic church revised it to apply to the early gentile christians. but when one wants to understand what sin really just applies to the messianic jews and not to the gentile christians at all. it really doesnt matter what you believe in the Bible...its all about Jesus and who he is in us.
The bible is "God-breathed" and it is ALL fact. There isn't one thing in the bible that is fiction.
The Bible is something that was written 2,000 years ago.
If the Bible is fiction to you, you may have been taught that fiction was fact and are confusing the Bible with fiction. Easy to do, really.
They are true... Is it not horrible to murder? Horrible to lie? Horrible to cheat on your spouse? Is it not right to bring honor to your parents name? Isnt it an aweful feeling to feel discontent? ...Isnt love the one thing that everyone needs? Love your neighbor as yourself? There are MANY TEACHINGS IN the bible that are correct. The world is round... To use running water...instead of sitting water. There are things that are not visible to the eye We have hope, and joy...and peace within ourselves? ...Back in the day it warned about food... To not eat the pig (why? well they couldnt cure it) ...certain fish...why? mercury maybe?...disease, unhealthy? It told of Giants... It tells of great trial and tribulations... Great nations that would fall becuase of greed...perversion, confusion...babel. It preaches a person should teach to the poor, the sick, prostitutes, people who are down and out...for they need it most, a good word...anything. THERE ARE MANY TRUTHS. and you cannot deny it. It is not fiction...I dont see why they think it is. who knows though...people do have that choice, there is always a can believe it, or you cannot.
About 20% fact, 80% folklore/fiction.
a fact.
Fiction. You cant walk on water, Heal people with spit, turn the sea into blood, getting resuracted after being nailed to a cross, getting eaten by a fish etc. There is so much PHAILS in the bible. But then again when something can't be explained its pinned to a supernatural being. Typical
It is all fact. It is the Word of God, without error, without contradiction, absolute truth. I now this to be a fact because it is has changed my life and the way I think. Many have been tortured, imprisoned, and killed for stating what I just stated and never recanted. If it were not true, why would they die for a lie?
I think parts of the Holy Bible are facts,but others parts do not make logical sense,like Noahs Ark.In the millenium before Christ the stories from Bible were passed on by word of mouth by the village holy men. Stories tend to get distorted the more they are told.Bits are added and bits are missed out. If someone tells you a true story that has happened to them,and you then tell someone else the same story,you tend to tell it differently and its not exactly as it was told to you.
If to Bibles it is written that after the lapse of Saturday the dawn of the first day of week it, unfortunately, yet the fact that for any people Saturday becomes as the seventh follows. (Matthew 28:1 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week). Who is angry on the brother "in vain". - Writes Matfej. The word is "in vain" entered in 3-5 centuries for the justification of religious wars. The bible New testament with its statements: - do not enter into the house to иноверцам and do not welcome them. For if will welcome them will participate in their lawlessness. - I am sent to sheep of the house of Izrailev. It is not good to select bread at children and to throw it for dogs. (And after all dogs are all who not the Jew) About the Old testament I am silent. And inconsistent statements how many in one only ÐЗ: *** (Acts 16:31): believe you. All your house will believe also. (Luka): in that day there will be two... (On bed, on a roof, in the field)... One undertakes another is not present.; ** (Luka): the God's Kingdom will not come in the perceptible image. The kingdom божие in us is. In that day do not listen to the one who will tell to you: go there. There is the Christ. For, as the lightning happens is visible from edge to a skyedge so there will be a phenomenon of the Son Human. (Mf.): that day stars will fall down from heavens and the Moon and the Sun will not give the light. The Earth will hesitate for a time. Son Chel-ky with Ñилою великою ангельÑкою on clouds also approaches. The kingdom божие will not come in the perceptible image?!? And why, except John, in the heads about the Last Supper any of evangelists (Matfej. Mark, Onions...) have not mentioned the favourite pupil of the Christ reclining at it on a breast? Why only the author of the Gospel from John in the final chapter mentions the favourite pupil? The toad has strangled the others? Judging by the text of last verses of a final chapter of the Gospel from John, John wrote about itself favourite.
mostly fiction. Although it may have some facts
Much of the OT was passed down by oral tradition before it was written down. its like hearing a friend tell you how big the fish his friends, friends, friends, friend caught. Much of the bible is myth.
It is both a history book and a book of fables - I'd say - the truth be known - it's more fiction than fact.
Primitive fictional garbage
Who honestly knows, thousands of years ago a philosopher could have simply created this book in order to encourage good conduct for civilizations of the future. Mayve St. John did write it according to god's will, SOme of it seems a bit far-fetched, but it may be somewhat based on fact?
“Why me, Lord? Where have I gone wrong? I've always been nice to people! I don't drink or dance or swear! I've even kept kosher, just to be on the safe side. I've done everything the Bible says; even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff! What more could I do?” - Ned Flanders
2000 years ago the concept of FACT or FICTION was not even a concept. The Bible was written as the WORD. Those who wrote the Bible were prophets, visionaries, and plain folks. Take it from there. It is the truth according to the mind who wrote the words.
That answer is only in the mined of the reader. Do they think its a bunch of bull? Or do they think it the answer to all their questions? There is no proof that is all lies. Then agen, there is no proof its the truth. The choise in rather you believe it or not, is up to you.
Reality based, but many a sticky hands have touched it...
It's like a diary, only in the third person. Different people would write down things that happened, sort of like a historical account. Then at one point these writings were collected together to form the Old Testament. Then later, the story of Jesus was significant, so those events were documented and became the New Testament. Archeologists are still uncovering these ancient documents, so who knows, maybe someday we'll have a third collection in the Bible!
It is obviously quite poor fiction. It has some actual people and places, as do harry Potter and James Bond novels.
It's mostly fiction for sure, as I soon learned from reading it every day when I was a child.
The Bible is 66 books written by 40 authors, but we are only now learning it is an integrated message system from out side our time domain. The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
It is basically crude fiction with some actual places and people added, as is the case with Harry Potter novels.
Romans 16:25 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,
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