• There are several ways to go about this, I wish had alittle more info like what part of the country and does the building come with it. I am assuming the building comes with the business, this being the case start calling real estate agents in your area that sell businesses they have a great success rate. Next get on your computer and Google businesses for sale by owner you will see several sites that you can list your business for free and last if you want to sell fast start calling the other salons in your area you never know who is hurting and needs your customers or one that wants to expand and open another shop by buying a turn-key business like yours. [email protected]
  • I have someone interesed in buying my business. I am not sure how to go about putting a price together. I rent the building. I have 5 stations all are booth rental, as well as on the 2nd floor I have massage and a nail room that is empty at this time. Also myself, I have an office and do Electrolysis and Skin Care. Can you advise on how to come up with the numbers.Please email me at [email protected] Thanks for your help..Pauline
  • i am having the same problem. I opened Dec 08' during the recession, things have been real slow. I'm not sure if i should stick it out or try to sell but i have a feeling right now no one is going to be buying anything...
  • Use newspaper advertising to sell your beauty salon or you can also use flyers and banners to let other know that you want to sell your salon.
  • Hmm! Up to you, to figure it out. Try placing ads in local papers!

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