Montana is not in Canada.
Too many Frogs for my liking.
I will visit my first one in a few days, so Ontario is going to be my favorite no matter how much it sucks.
British Columbia
I'd go with Québec. Nice scenery. Although I've only been to 4, which excludes any opinion I could have on the other six.
Saskatchewan! :-D
British Columbia but havent visited them all yet!
I have been in 5 of the 10 provinces and one territory. I lived in Ontario for 7 years. BC is very beautiful as is the Yukon. I enjoyed living in Ontario. I wish I could visit the other 5 Provinces some day. I would like to move back to Ontario. I would have to say Ontario is my favourite Provence.
wow. i'm asian. hope to visit someday your country and all those provinces you've said.
British Columbia. "God save our gracious Queen. Long live our noble Queen". It used to be Sashkatchewan, but that word sends shivers down my spine after "Ice Man's" tattoo revelation.
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