One passed by my house five minutes ago... Mr. Softee Diesel prices are worse than gas. Don't understand how it can be profitable.
Army Veteran
You must live in Chicago or in the northeast somewhere - I think those are the only areas Mr. Softee still operates. It's been close to 50 years since the Mr. Softee ditty was last heard around my neck of the woods. I still remember that and the sound of the engine running when the jingle stopped playing (did you know it has words?).
They're still around. My kids never let one go by without letting me know about it!
3 still pass by my house
litigation attorneys. folks aren't as comfortable buying from someone not a standard known, such as wal-mart. as we move to the suburbs and beyond, the trucks have to drive longer. some of the drivers are in prison.
They still come through our neighborhood. But I think so many moms work and so many kids are in daycare that there isn't anyone home to patronize them. Not only that, but they didn't have a very good track record for background checks on their drivers. I have never told my daughter what that ding-a-ling means, as I don't want her running out there to who knows who is driving it.
They went to Greenland.
Nothing heard them 5 times today, Another pesty ,noisy diversion. playing Jingle Bells when its 90 is dumb.
We have one that comes through here it's already stated long ago
not sure
There's only one in my area and only comes around in the summer.
See: Covid. Also: it's Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere.
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