I am horrible at typing. I can only type somewhere in the 20 WPM area. I know it is sad, but true :(. And please don't rate me on my slowness :)
55 wpm.
where can I find out how fast i can type? Im thinking im around the 40s. But i type sloppy, so in typing clean probally much lower.
50 wpm
On a good day, i can hit 110 wpm with few errors, but my average speed overall is around 80-90wpm.
I got a typing certification once before and it was at 90wpm. Edit: ok i'm disappointed I just took a typing test online at and i only type around 70-80wpm now..
It depends how much I have had to drink, but in the 40-60's range.
104 wpm
I can type at an average of 96 words per minute, which is above average. I have been typing since I was 13 years old when I first learned in school, and have pretty much typed as part of my job ever since.
WoW, people typing that fast must be putting some serious though into what they are writing:)
best-126 wpm average-87-103 wpm the last time i check in summer school during a computer class
Am 14, and currently taking keyboarding in highschool...freshman...and best i've had was 145 wpm, and average around 80 wpm. :]
Compared to everyone else here, low - 76 WPM.
My average is 82 wpm. Not amazing but hey, I'm getting better.
I type 95 wpm
about 178 at my very best
- my best is 9wpm(not joking) and my average has gone up to 5wpm!!... its amazing what you can achieve with one finger:):)
40 words
I've been clocked at about 125 wpm.
When tested I run about 52 wpm. The trouble is I have to look at the kyeboard, always have. I'm faster when I type my thoughts and don't have keep referring to text.
Good grief! I type about 60wpm and I think I'm FAST. I'm about the fastest typist in my office, for example. People laugh at me all the time, banging away on my keyboard. Now, I don't spend my time copying text, like you do on those typing tests, so maybe I'm faster if I'm typing my own words instead of copying someone else's. But, jeez! You people in the 100's of wpm?? That's amazing to me.
It used to be just under 100, but now is down to about 70-80, as I don't type as much as I used to. Oh, this is based on actually typing on a typewriter. I learned to type on a standard typewriter, and could type 60 wpm on it. Then when the electrics came out and got popular - my best test score was 120.
i can do 48 wpm but i have a hard time spelling so most are spelt wrong when done. i can also type with out looking at the computer. i just have trouble with the x,z b, i need to always look for the x and z
I am a slow typist I only type at 35 words per minute. Most data entry jobs require typing at at least 40 words per minute, good typist can probably do over 50 words a minute.
Mine is 130 wpm
Hey Taylor, as you mentioned, there is a huge difference between typing your own thoughts and performing an actual typing test - on a test you must type unfamiliar text and would result in a significantly slower wpm count. I also have folks in my office comment on how fast I type, but that isn’t the same as a formal test. 35-40 wpm - correctly spelled - seems to be the minimum requirement for most administrative jobs and that’s pretty hard to do without training and correct technique.
When tested, I usually clock over 100 WPM, but that is with a 92-95% accuracy. I'd say it's probably on average 100 WPM at 100% accuracy. I haven't been tested in a few months though. Anyone know where I can put this skill to use? It doesn't seem to be working for me much at the moment...
About 90 wpm.
was 70 but since I haven't been on the computer in months i'm sure it is way down.
I got tested for a job, my average wpm is 90 at unseen text. Not the fasted but I think im pretty good lol
My 90wpm is 100% accurate though. I prefer accuracy over speed so my wpm goes down as i fix mistakes as I make them
Somewhere in the low 70's. It's been a while since I've tested it, though.
ummmmm .. a lot of words really fast :) .. i have no clue
About 15-25 WPM, depending on how concentrated i am.
I just took a typing test and scored 73 wpm with 100% accuracy. Whoo Hoo!
Haha. I type at an average of 75 words per minute for leisure and about 80 when I'm concentrating.... When I'm tired it's about 70 wpm. Most of my classmates type at the same speed... (I'm 14 by the way. Not joking :P) -Student
60 wpm average right now, it's decreased since I quit my job as a call center rep.
my average typing speed is 60 wpm. i used a typing software before that made me better in typing.. it's called typing pal. it's really worth it
Around 70.
74 wpm according to the test I just took on
you are all liars just so you know i am well beyond fast and can type at 95
I used to hate typing class in high school, but now I wish I had taken it seriously. I can't type worth beans. Porbably low 20's (wpm).
About 40 wpm according to But I'm really rusty. I used to be around 70. And that's with all the fancy punctuation like semi-colons and such.
around 50-55 wpm.
I've been on a site that tests how fast you type for ages now. My fingers really hurt and my best is only 50 wpm!
500 words per minute but possibly much faster than the test could cope with. I seem to recall words such as 'types at the speed of light', or something. I think I should change my name from Mushen to Mavis Beacon, instead.
I took a free internet typing speed test and my average speed was 30 pages per minute. I guess I am a slow typist.
I'd say about 90-100 words per minute. I've been using a computer for awhile.
If I am lucky!!!!! I'll say about five words per minute. Being I am only using two or three fingers. There just to big for these little keys on this keyboard. Sometimes I'll just use the end of a pen to pick them with......LOL
After never learning to type, at age 46 I bought a typing tutor program and after 40 hours of training I can now type a blazing 13 WPM!
I type about 97 wpm.
T...W..O.. .W..O...R..D...S......P...E...R....M..I..N...U...T..E...
Did a test very recently at a temp agency 80-85 WPM alpha, and 10500 keystrokes for numeric KPH. I was quite impressed as I was using a standard keyboard which I'm not used to as at home I use an ergonomic one, so I think it could have been better.
I just took a test for a job and I got 178 keystrokes per minute with one error. I'm trying to find out if that's good?
I average anywhere between 120-135 ish I guess. When typing my own text instead of copying "jf hj gj" etc. in school, I type around 140-150. I'm taking a typing class [even though I already type haha] and so far in the program we use, my best WPM is 160.
My slow, 100% accurate typing is in the 120's.. Average, with about 98-99% accuracy for me is .. eh 135-140. I'm perfectly capable of going mistake-less at 160 wpm though. I'm 15 years old and I learned to type in first and second grade. :p
I'm not going to call anyone out about the claimed typing speeds but if you can type in the 150 wpm range and you define wpm as 5 characters per word, than you are hitting 12 or more keys per second, every second. If you really want to know your speed than go to and try one of the tests. I consider myself to be an average typer and I can get between 45 and 55 wpm on this test. If you think you can score in the mid 100s than I encourage you to take the test and then post your results (be honest) in the comments to this questions.
If I know what I want to type in advance I could do about 50 wpm. If I want to go really "fast" I could do 60 but there'd be a lot of errors.
i dont know
i like to type a lot because i tihnk it is fun and sexy and so sexy and fast and sexy and fast and sexy and fast and sexy but u suck because of me i dont like to be e bitch ass mother fucker or at least i think i am not if not a bastard i liek to think i am a nice person and
A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Approximately 4 seconds.
40 with gusts up to 60. :o) (Well whadda ya know - it rated me at 75. woo hoo!)
35 words per minute
According to the test I posted, mine is 76 words per minute.
To get an idea, I posted this answer in 1976.
I do not have one to my knowledge .
- find out yours. 42 words per minute w/ 2 mistakes.
52 WPM according to your test. :P
A bllazing 12 WPM, then I go bavk and corr4ect the mistales.
Snails pace. (took me five minutes to write this) lol
134 wpm baby and im 14!!
If I was to guess, I'd say in the neighborhood of 20. Of course, if'n they ain't any really big-uns! ;-)
Not sure right now, but the last time it was checked; I typed 130 wpm.
The last time I was tested (practiced a lot in those days) 115 but that was 20 years ago.
Now you know my secret, I can type faster than I can think. 150-165 it's crazy.
Usually I get around 90 with few or no errors.
According to Net speed: 81WPM Accuracy: 99% I don't really type that much anyway...
im 15. and i type about 120+ wpm. my advrege is about 100.
54 words per minute (from which Im quite pleased :)
I can reach 60 wpm on average. I would have more wpm if I didn't have so many errors I had to stop and correct.
He Hate Me
That means you're probably about 80 if you improve your accuracy.
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