Never tried it and don't plan to.
My butt would look awful in one of those things. I don't even see how some people can tolerate them. I couldn't take anything up my butt. especially not my underwear. OUCH.
No, it looks much bigger than it should.
eh. it looks decent. but it looks better in boy shorts. :]
OH YEAH!!! If I were to wear a "Bolero" rolled up white thong... My a$$ would look just like a bulldog eating a mayonnaise sammich.
I wear them, but never look back. But my friend's happy with them, so go figure.
My butt and thighs are the areas in which I store most of my fat, so... not so much.
I have people that actually request that I wear one. My butt looks that good.
Sorry my FRIEND. But I am not going to find out for Ya..........LOL :)
yes it looks ok, when it doesnt ill stop wearing them.:-)
Uhhh......let's just say Baby Got Back and be done with this, k? HAHAHAHAHA!
my butt, in or out of a thong or anything else for that matter is, well, not on America's Top 299,999,999.
My butt looks good in anything.
I have never seen a butt in real life that looks good in a thong. The only ones that DO look good are either in print or on film...and I suspect that there is some touching up going on there.
only if you have a real sad, twisted view of "ok"
I wouldn't know myself, but my man thinks it's the hottest thing on the planet. ...Not to toot my own horn or anything.
ewww seriously no that sight can make anyone throw up.
what does okay mean? Hairy and not as toned as it should be? Then YES! Would I ever wear a thong - NO WAY JOSE!
Nope, not mine.
It's respectable! ha
like a walrus flossing JK of course, you'd never ge me in one
Apparently it does, because my friends were having a go at smacking it.
I hope so. If I'm wearing, thats what's on!
ok is not the word i would use.
Yes I have to say it suits a thong but looks better with nothing :) lol ! :)
I don't care - I'm still going to wear a thong for the fit, feel and tan
It looks fantastic!
Yes, I think so, and many people tell me I look great in a thong.
Are you asking all those who say yes to send pictures?
I guess my butt might look OK in a thong but my huge stomach sticking out on the other side of my body would be a major distraction.
Yes, I have a fine figure. I'm 5'-7" tall and usually weigh 120 lbs.
not sure since ive never worn one
Wouldn't know, never wore a pair. Won't ever buy them as I would not like a permanent wedgie. Plus seems unsanitary. Regardless boyfriend absolutely hates thongs!
What butt? mine got lost years ago and don't own any thongs. Guess this happens with age.
I'm not the one checking it out!
never tried it
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