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i wouldntcommit suicide over any thing
Never. You can find new love, not new life.
No, if i found love, why would i want to lose it by killing myself.
would you "suicide" over love? you act like suicide is something you can do more than once.... committing suicide is a selfish, cowardly act...if you do it, you get what you deserve.
There is nothing I would "suicide" over. I wouldn't commit suicide either.
There is nothing and no one I would 'off' myself for. That is such a selfish act and considers the feelings of no one but the individual.
When my marriage ended, I had such low self esteem and was so insecure, had never worked and had 3 young children. No family to fall back on, etc. I was overhelmed and thought I could never keep the children in their school, in the same house, etc., and seriously contemplated suicide. I even called the hotline. Then, I finally decided I'd give it my best shot and if I couldn't hold it all together, then I could always commit suicide later. That was 41 years ago. Never, never, never quit.
When my BF took his own life, I came too close to taking my own, as well. Idk that anyone in my circle of family and friends knows how close I was. And it's not something I ever thought I'd think of doing. The pain, guilt, and emptiness were so overwhelming... And those on the outside looking in say it's such a selfish act, but I'll let you in on something: When I was contemplating suicide, I thought it would end my pain, but I also thought it would end the pain my parents felt watching me suffer and being able to do nothing, and it would end the uncomfortable feelings my friends had because they didn't know what to do. I'm glad now that I didn't do it, but suicide's not something anyone should dismiss so naively.
i would have to be in one hell of a love
I wouldn't over anything.
I would jump of a bridge.
If I had love I would jump for joy.
Hell to the NO~! There's always another love 😉 But then in literature, Romeo and Juliette had me crying and saying Yes~! In literature POEPLE 😍
No cause I have enough things going that love is not my whole life.
NEVER! For any reason...I might miss something!
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