because no matter how old you get shriveled old people are not attractive(unless you have a weird fetish)
Men often seek 'trophy' partners because it increases the perception of sexual virility in relation to their image. Just as often though, Men find it easier to cope with the mentality common to younger women than the mentality common to older, more mature women. Other ancillary reasons include younger women typically are more sexually open, less likely to put pressure on a man for a 'commitment' and also conform much more neatly to the cultural standard of beauty (which puts a premium on youth).
it's called midlife crisis♥♥♥
Because they are pretty and innocent. The men can get away with a lot.
i think it depends on how much younger. i dont think 10yrs for example is a big age gap. since men generally mentally mature later than women i think both benifit from an age gap like this. in my opinion the older woman younger man would be more of a problem. i dont think they can get away with more but that generally they are more egar to please in certian aspects of the relationship.
More importantly, why do young girls want to be with guys over 40?
Because women their own age for the most part aren't hot anymore. Why not go for the girls that look good?
Although this answer is sure to be very unpopular with the AB over-forty female members, the reason is biological in its origin. Men are hard-wired to seek out the youngest, most attractive females that they can possibly hope to engage. Men are visual, as well, and physical appearance is extraordinarily paramount, initially, and important to sustain a man's sexual interest over the long term. Again, biologically, this is due to the fact that sex with younger, more fertile, women ensures the continuation of the species. Women, in general, are attracted to older, more experienced and established men who are well equipped to provide stability, security and material comfort.
It is human nature and animal instinct. Men can reproduce pretty much until death. Women can not. Just like animals in nature, men are going to be attracted to women in the prime of their reproductive years 16-30. Biologically women past the age of menopause are useless to a man. Culture is what tells men that they need a life partner until death, not nature. It is hard to undo millions of years of evolution with a hundred years of culture. Up until about 100 years ago. A man in his 20s-30s would marry a girl just into her teens, and kind of take over responsibility of her from her parents. The idea is that he would raise her into the type of woman that he wanted her to be. It is just in the past hundred years that this has changed. It is still like that in many countries.
It makes them feel young and vibrant again.
We like to be the ones who volunteer for the young girls who like to be with older guys.........
Tight hot stretch marks!
The answer is rather simple...gravity is a cruel mistress.
I don't know. Haven't been 40 or even 50 for a while. However, am going to a 4th of July party with.....oh, nevermind
really? cool. i know young girls too who would love to be with men over 40
I don't. I have no desire to be with someone 10 or 15 years younger than me with whom I have nothing in common. That being said, a one night stand ain't that bad of an idea. They're more limber in their 20's:)
Because they know we older women won't put up with their crap!!
young girls too would love to be with men over 40
Because they would be on "equal ground" on the "maturity" spectrum.
They are trying to recapture there youth...they can't accept growing old so they think they are young with a young girl only to find that the young one will be bored out of her mind take his money and leave his sagging ass behind....
The girls have better bodies and its easier to get a young girl because they are not as street smart as older girls. Thats my guess.
Well I don't know about "young girls" but I prefer women younger than me because they are more attractive and tend to take care of themselves better.I prefer women 25 to 35...unless I am in a titty bar then 18 or 19
It all based on attraction on each other
It makes them feel younger, and boosts their egos, also less mentally challenging for them, they can control a younger female easier
Thats not true. I have always been attracted to women older than myself. I am 46 and my current partner is 63
Mid-life crisis. Also younger girls since they don't have kids and haven't been through childbirth - have a tighter body. perkier breasts and less wrinkles, no stretch marks, and saggyness. Plus, an older guy being with a younger girl is a big hit on the ego.
There is a song I remember. the oldest swinger in town. It has the sweet line that says (more or less) that a guy's only as old as the woman he feels...
All guys want to be with young girls. At one hundred I'll still be wanting to be with young girls.
To prove to themselves they still have the right stuff to please a woman.
it depends on the guy. there are some guys over 40 and you would never be able to tell their age because they look 30. 1) women over 40 cant have kids therefore they are ruled out by default. 2) im suprised no one has mentioned this yet but MOST women over 30 have incredible emotional baggage and psychological issues. what guy wants to deal with that? younger girls are not jaded, cynical, distrusting, or stuck on "ones that got away", they dont settle, and theyre not desperate. those are major issues to consider. there are few women over 30 that are clear of those issues. most of the good catches have been taken and are married already.
In many cases of older men dating younger women, there is at least SOME element of trying to recapture youth, however briefly.
Young, middle aged (cougars) , and the occasional older lady. I really don't think us men are all that particular, as long as we find some beauty in her.
Guys that are after young girls are only concerned w/sex. After all if they want a real relationship they'd choose someone from near their own era. My other theory is a control issue. If he's quite a bit older he will be in control. Always showing and teaching her things. This makes him feel important, something he needs in his older years.
Arm candy,So why do young girls want to latch on to older men HMMM!
To feel young again... and if they're divorced.. to feel reenergized after the depressive lengthly court battles and documents..and if pride is in their mind, to make their ex wives jealous.
Same type of reasoning that older women want a "boy toy".
for the same reason younger guys want to be with girls younger with them
Same reason young girls want to be with guys over 40. Come on, are you serious? Older men and women instinctively gravitate towards younger partners, it makes them feel more confident about their age and appearance, plain and simple. TM
Number 1 reason: Young girls don't nag you every day about getting married.
Desperate attempt to stop reminding himself of his aging manhood.
I'd like to start a family, and women over 35ish either already have all the children they want or they can't have any more.
Well, why do women with small incomes want to be with rich guys? Look, society and science determine a lot of things.
All I can hope is that this is generally not the case. I would have hoped we have moved past this way of thinking in the 21st century.
Basically women lose their desire to be pretty as what I have seen and the young women seek experience. I have been with women in different age groups the essentially want a partner and will sleep with you but they have different demands based on age. The trouble i am having is so many women are medicated. Also I was 300 pounds I am now 200 pounds women are visaul like men are because I get hit on a lot now vs when I weighted 300 pounds.
They want to relive their younger days.. I'm on my way there..
Nobody likes older women. Why should they? How many adult movies have them in them? None! Why? Because as soon as they hook a guy they let themselves get fat and spend all their money. If a guy is going to let a woman spend his paycheck then she better be young and attractive. The only women who dislike this are the fat lazy ones who when they were young thought they had it all and never thought it would ever end and they're jealous of the young women out there now getting all the attention like they used to and only the worse men out there will settle for them. If she's over thirty she's out the door with me and I'm turning 49 this year! I stayed in shape and look much younger! Life is good!
Older women who are single have a habit of coming across as desperate. Not all of them, of course, but a good majority. It's not all about age or looks. It's about innocence and freedom of spirit. Those are attractive qualities. People get jaded after a few bad breakups, and a woman over 40 who is actually single has had her fair share. But I'm gay, so ladies, feel free to assume I know nothing of the subject if it makes you feel better.
Fact from fiction, truth from diction. Guys want to be with someone who looks young. And since most women start to go south between 27 and 31 and make excuses why they are starting to look like 8 miles of rough road, that leave men to go straight to the source; women that ARE young. They say they can't have a tight lean body because of they have no energy to work out because the kids wore them down. If they worked out they could keep up with the kids. Or they don't have the time or money as those in Hollywood. Many foreign women I have seen and knew who lived a more athletic life style did not look tore up from the floor up like that. If the older gals want to keep getting looks they better lay off the lattes and lay on the lat and abs work.
They want to feel young. :)
just for satisfying sexual relationship
I suppose those sorta guys are superficial...and perhaps they like the fact that young girls are niave and that they (the old farts)can be more controlling...but I wonder why women over 40 DON'T go for young guys...?
It's hard to believe, isn't it? -- just one of those mysteries that can't be explained.
Perverts! Trying to manipulate the younger lady. A older women there age is more experienced and knows better. This coming from a women who dated a man 12 years older and he was no sugar daddy, broke daddy more like. Very nice man, but All he wanted or felt was important was SEX all the time or something was wrong. Yes, Viagra was in the picture. Don't waste your time ladies.
maybe.......i'm 20 nd my bf is 40! but we've been togather 2 nd a half yrs now nd goin strong, planning to have a baby
god i hate generalizing seriously hate it
Because they're attractive.
Because they can't be bothered having a serious relationship with a moaning old bag.
these days it seems like people who get married in their 20's (too early for some) then get divorced around 40, and kinda pick up where they left off and hunt for a partner in their 20's, maybe to feel young again? idk but i'm just sayin... thats what it looks like.
Because they're sick and should be locked up
Because they are sick pigs who want to predate on the young women to feel young again in a twisted way.
i think it might be a history thing... in the past young girls would always be in a marriage with men a lot older than them (arranged) , and that would be the norm... maybe that went on for so long that it sorta slipped into our genetics. back then, 40 yr old would look at 16-ish year old girls and see them as wive potential. maybe its a repeat of that. that or they just want to feel young again and they think that having a young girl will do that. if it's for the second reason... hello Viagra prescription fees.
Face it, most of us guys are more imature than most women our own age. So, dating a younger woman kind of balances this out.
to feel young again
5-29-2017 Did you ever wonder why the bible has so much concern for widows? It's because in those days when a man got too old to work they would marry him to a teenage girl, 14 or 15 yo, so she could take care of him. So they had a lot of young widows. And in that culture, women could not work, so a widow was faced with starvation. That is why the church supported them. This is not a direct answer to your question, I'm just pointing out that it's not a new problem, and the girl's looks have nothing to do with it.
Because young girls are too immature and inexperienced to know they're a poor lover? Seriously this is not true for all men.
Because the semen are still sailing their ship so to speak and they're looking for new "lands" to invade. Whereas in over 40 women they just want, Horlicks and cats along with a good book about someone else's sex life. .
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