No, but I've walked away from a couple of people who've been spoiling for a's too short.
Oh, an occasional disagreement, but nothing overly serious. if it gets too heated I discontinue the thread.
yea not a long one but I know what i was talking about and this kid from Canada was telling me i was wrong. in my answer i said this is for how would he know???
A few (I would consider) minor spats, many of THEM are now friends. The ones that aren't, I've usually just ignored when the argument go to the point I realized they weren't going to listen, or sometimes, when it degenerated (on their part) to name-calling.
I have but learned it does no good and just ignore rude and disturbed people.
Let's see...maybe about 14 of them.
nope i never have i always seem to get along with people here and in real life
You are wrong, I am right.
no never.
No ;-)
You want a fight? Just mention politics (and be a liberal). :)
Army Veteran
Yep - that'll sure start fights... -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
from rude and disturbed people.
Naw ... "Elissa" is right, life is to short! You can pretty much tell (here on "the Bag"), when someone is baiting you. If it's a "serious" subject, I state my opinion, and let it go. But, I have seen some really explosive arguments over some (i.m.o.) rather simple subjects. Still, one man's garbage is another man's treasure, and alot of questions (no matter how trivial they may seem, to me), could mean a lot to the person asking, so I treat most of them as such.
Once when I first started. Learnt to spot potential hassle and walk away.
No, I don't think so.
A few times.
At least once a week. Those really awesome arguements that make enemies out of friends, however, I have only had a handful.
Why, whats it to ya? roflmao.
Plenty, in the religion section.
I have had some very interesting and strong debates, but I'm not so sure if I should call them "arguments". At least I don't see it that way.
i got into a name calling argument with two trolls. they incited me to riot. i got sent to the penalty box, they remained free to troll. i dont do that anymore. sometimes it is better to not respond to a comment. we arent required to respond. we dont have to respond. sometimes the other person just grabs you by the throat and wont let go, so one just responds like a victim and then the victim turns into the attacker and then the attacker loses and the instigators go free. so be carefull. trolls need our love.
I've tried to "reason" with some people who attacked me or my friends before. You almost always see this in LGBT, politics or religion forums. Unfortunately, some of those with opposing views will go out of their way to stir things up...and there's just no arguing with them.
No,,not really a disagreement here and there that is all
yea, i even cried one time. lol i know, sounds pathetic, but discussions regarding religion or discrimination can get pretty nasty
A few good ones.
No, a couple minor disagreements and that's about it. I'm not much of an arguer so if I sense it's heading that way I unsubscribe.
Oh yes. Quite a few. And I am ALWAYS right. LoL!
I have had minor disagreements (most were friendly) but only one arguement that I can remember and that was a long time ago.
A few times but I learned the error of my ways. With time you know which questions are controversial and who the troublemakers are. If you avoid these you should be alright.
I like to call them "spirited debates"... I have had those, the best ones are where you start off as adversaries and at the end find some common ground
I had one but I unsubscribed because the combatant was unstable and on the verge of becoming a hostile stalker.
Kinda in the middle of one right now..
I've had some nice debates with some people here, and despite being on the total opposite of each end, most of them went nicely. There's one person in particular who totally believes in God and I totally don't, but we spent like one evening debating about it, and I can't say anything for how they feel, but it seemed everything went nice. This way, you can easily see how some people just want to be right or get angry if you don't agree with them for the stupidest things, which has happened on a few occasions, but very rarely. I've learned to recognize such people and usually stay away or ignore them if they try to start something so my arguments turned sour here are very few. That doesn't make ME any better then the rest, but sometimes you really have to wonder about certain folks and their hissy fits when you're able to have a religious discussion with someone who has opposite beliefs then yourself and come out of it being more friendly then before. :/
No I haven`t but two of my friends have right now.
Not arguments, just debates. I really havent gotten too heated about what has been said here. Everyone has their own opinions. Cool. ~+~
Yes, once or twice.
No, the person had it with me. I don't consider it an argument until it a)gets personal b)there is name calling. I kept my cool, the other person acted like a drama queen. That's as close as it gets to argument for me. That unsubscribe button is wonderful.
Yes. I seem to be attracting idiots who wish to argue about many of my answers. I get no respect :-)
No, because when someone makes fun of my answer etc., just say, thank you and have a nice day!
I don't know if I would quite call it an argument, but some have strongly disagreed with me as they were in favor of animal cruelty.
frequently, ... operational definition of "argument": a discussion involving differing points of view
no, i hate arguing
One time ago on here I had a very irritating argument with a user on Answerbag. They were totally delusional and it was like talking to a brick wall with them. This person kept on at me with their bull$hit and they would not give it up. The Answerbag user was a troll because they initiated the argument by commenting underneath my answer and anytime I made a point to them they would not listen which was their problem.
I wouldn't call any discussions an argument, exactly. I've made some people upset, perhaps. But there's been no animosity on my part.
10 july2022...nope
I've had far more disagreements than arguments, but I've flown off a few times. Right into the penalty box! lol Usually it was getting to be time for a break from here anyway.
Not arguments, I'll enjoy a debate, but once I've listened and made my point I'll call it a day because having the last word by keep milling it out, weakens the whole thing. You learn a lot debating things over but only if you are willing to take on board the other perspective, and watch links that are sometimes offered, and investigate some of the information yourself, you can learn new things. But as soon as the name calling starts I think the person loses anyway, it's unnecessary, impolite, and shows weakness, it's a lazy attempt of trying to dominate without using facts or substance.
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