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  • Yes, they most certainly should.
  • Yes, they should.But will women do that kind of thing....I dont think so......
  • Yes, and this type of violence is much more common than is generally believed.
  • Of course they should. The problem lies in the fact that too many men will not turn them in because they don't want to be seen as wimps, which is rediculous. The other problem is that sometimes in an attempt to stop the woman they may actually accidently do something that the woman will turn around and claim against them then it's just down hill from there. Good luck to anyone in this situation.
  • I believe the penalty should be as much as you can possibly give back. For a man, he should get immediately whacked to death with a bat or a frying pan BY THE VICTIM. And woman who takes the very manly position of hitting her man should expect to get a full body cast for her audacity.
  • The penalty for each should depend on the amount of physical damage that was done and the frequency of assault. Given that most women are not as strong as most men, the average amount of damage is also less. It is sometime hard to tell who is assaulting and who is defending themselves. If one party is menacing the other , sometimes the first hitter is practicing self-defence.
  • It depends. If it was self defence or what it was. But in the long run, yes. I think they should be punnished the same because women are like the same thing as men? Yeah, pretty much.
  • Unless it's in self-defense, then yes.
  • If the physical violence is coming from the man or from the woman, the consequences should be the same. Either we live in a society that measures out equal justice or we don't. Either all domestic violence is wrong or it is not.
  • This might come as a shock to some people coming from someone who has been abused by men in the past (thank God not now), but yes they should. And I also think that adult women who molest children should get the same penalty as men. Frankly, I think women who commit ANY crime should have the same penalty as men.
  • Absolutely..abuse is abuse..same crime same penalty should apply regardless of gender :)
  • yes, woman use weapons when that poed.
  • Definitely. No one has the right to lay a finger on anyone else, in anger. There is no excuse for women to abuse men, just as there's no excuse for men to abuse women.
  • yes they should...
  • Of course! Why shouldn't they?
  • Yes we should.
  • Yes. If we're trying to create equality, then absolutely yes.
  • YES!!!
  • Yes. And it is also an unwise stereotype to assume that just because a woman is typically smaller in stature that she can't muster incredible strength to inflict pain, suffering or damage. Just ask John Bobbitt.
  • Yes, here is a quote from Eisenhower: "What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - IT'S THE SIZE OF THE FIGHT IN THE DOG!" -Dwight D. Eisenhower I know of a case where the woman is about 5'3" and weighs about 120-lbs. Her hubby is 5'8" and weighs about 300-lbs. He doesn't hit her, but she does hit him and she has hurt him. Thankfully, he is doing his best to stand up to her (she is his bully) and he has allowed this for years because he was very embarrassed. He has been victimized by her both physically and psychologically. I think that the punishments should be the same.
  • Yes. Gender is nothing. In front of the law everybody is equal (or supposedly).
  • No. Most women can barely throw a punch.
  • yes abuse is abuse no matter what gender you are.
  • i know this will make me sound really ignorant but living in a society where we have (supposed) equality drilled into us from childhood i have already assumed women get the same penalty for committing domestic violence as men. as you are asking this question there are two things worrying me- 1. that the law does not treat the same crime equally 2. that you possibly do not agree i hope i'm wrong and i will look into the 1st one in more detail. someone here has already stated how important intent is. if you genuinely intend to harm someone- not just 'she cheated i wanna kill her- but you're seriously wrong in the head and you are intending to be a wife/husband beater then you belong behind bars (duration is irrelevant if male/female)
  • violence is violence.
  • Most women are physically weaker than men,therefore causing bodily harm to men is over exaggerated.Men in the first place should try to avoid such confrontation from happening.They must be able to have control over such situation by not provoking the ladies.Leaving the quarrel spot for that moment will be a good solution to avoid violence. I therefore disagree that women should get the same penalty as men do;as the fault lies usually on the men for not being able to control situation.Men should play their role as leaders of their respective houses and families.
  • Yes, you shouldnt hit, either way. Just because we are the weaker sex, is no excuse, there are a lot of men that wont defend their selves because they are taught not to hit women, and I have seen women take advantage of it..
  • Absolutely. Anyone who can't control their emotions enough to not hit their spouse needs some serious help with that. They should definitely know it's not okay- both men and women.
  • Yes. Only exception would be if by the evidence it was ruled to be self defense.
  • If I express how I truly feel...Even with explaining I'll get D/Red...I know I will, because of the others who have....(+6 for every one of them)....We disagree....And since your not willing to listen to my side (which you have proven by D/Ring those who had the balls to disagree with you) lets agree to disagree. Peace....Out!!!! Unsubscribed
  • Yes, I've seen some pretty brutal looking women that can beat plenty of men up so not always is the female the weaker sex.
  • Ive seen a woman get comepletely off the hook after hitting her s/o with a glass statue.Huge pool of blood.stitches,concussion.his face was black blue and swollen for weeks.she was arrested gieven to the MP's(military) and let off with nothing.Total bs.
  • yeah I think it should be the same
  • Absolutely. I don't see how its worse when men do it. Its wrong either way.
  • i think if sexes want equality, then equal punishment.
  • I am pretty sure they do, unless they were defending themselves. And yes, they should...unless they are hit first.
  • only if you are one who believes in justice. we all, man or woman, aggressive or passive, must learn to control our tendencies toward violence.
  • I am very much in favor of equal rights but domestic violence with all due respect to women is one area where men get the shaft (child custody is the other) I had a friend who was frequently hit by his wife time after time, sometimes with her fists, sometimes with other objects and often caused him bruises and injuries. Finally, during a particularly vicious attack, he defended himself and laid his hands on her once to get her off of him. She of course called the police, he got in trouble, and for years had to deal with being calling him a wife beater when it was the other way around. By the way she also had a weight advantage on him. A man should not strike a woman, but a woman should never strike a man and if she continues to attack him he does have a right to defend himself.
  • Yes, violence is violence.
  • Of course. And by the way, emotional abuse is very bad too. And 24% of women emotionally abuse their husbands. That's almost the same number of men who abuse their wives.--25%. This is the big secret which only now is being uncovered. Men are more ashamed than women to admit that they are being abused. -- and it's not aways emotional abuse.
  • They most certainly should and they should be prosecuted for emotional and psychological abuse as well and exposing their children to it. I am a woman, but I have seen one woman drive her partner to suicide, having broken up his marriage and ruined his business, and another woman drive her husband to attempt to commit suicide. Both of these women lie, manipulate and deceive as a way of life. The second woman was psychologically abusive to her husband and continuously ran him down to everyone even though he supplied her with every material thing that her and her children needed. Interestingly, the second woman's daughter is just like her mother.
  • Abuse is abuse. Doesn't matter who it comes from. 2 words, Equal Billing.
  • What's good for one should be good for the other, So hell yeah.
  • yes, there should be no violence from either the man OR woman. it's wrong and should not be taken lightly!!
  • Yes, most definitely.
  • Absoe-fuckin-lutly. Sorry, I'm just extremelly passionate about this subject. I ranted about this on another question, but cant remember what. Anywho, if women want to be equal, then why would one demand better treatment? Its always annoyed me. If I were to give you a shot to the mouth I would deserve the same. If you were to beat the shit outa me, then I you, both charges should be the same. The few times I've gotten so angry I hit my s/o he hit back, equally as hard and it hurt. Did I complain? Nope. Except I am the one with the raging temper.
  • Of course, especially since most of them do it when he is asleep or otherwise incapacitated (drunk). This makes the severity of injuries about equal, though men probably do it with somewhat more force. However, they complain about it significantly less.
  • Yes. Just because she isnt as strong, the intent is still the same.
  • This is a case of one law for the lion and the lamb being tyranny. Face it ... women are generally not as physically strong as men, and men are always fighting the testosterone battle. Men hit women more often, and the damage when they do is far greater.
  • The law should be equal when it comes to violant acts,let's face it if MAMA hits you in the head with an iron skillet it's lights out.
  • Abuse is terrible and abuse does occur against men. One of the problems with society is we get to caught up in gender roles, etc. when we really need to use common sense. Let's look at the facts. Generally speaking men are bigger and stronger than women. I don't think anyone denies that. No man should ever initate violence against a woman, but no woman should ever get violent with a man either. However, there are exceptions to the rule. Some women are indeed stronger than men especially in a day and age where more women workout, take defense classes, etc. In other cases, women use weapons against men which regardless of how strong you are getting hit with an object is going to hurt, or lastly some men simply will not retatliate against a female because that is how we were raised. Slapping, scratching, poking, hitting, etc. hurts regardless of size or strength. Unfortunately men are often ashamed to contact the police and take abuse. In some areas, the police are slow to do anything against a female though that is changing. Both genders are becoming increasingly violent. The penalty should be the same for both genders and I do think at some point, the male has a right to defend himself. For those that argue in many cases, it is not a fair fight, use common sense. If I were to attack say Shaq O'Neill, Mike Tyson, etc. I would be overmatched so obviously I wouldn't do that even though I am a male. If someone smaller and weaker decides to attack a stronger opponent, that is not using common sense. Both genders should learn to settle arguments without resorting to violence.
  • Absolutely, without question.
  • Absolutely. Gender has nothing to do with the crime.
  • yes certainly
  • eqality?
  • Yes they should.
  • only if the man is not the first and real abuser,
  • Yes.And they do, here where I live. If the man is abused he has just the same right to lay charges on her and they will go forward to the justice system. Trouble is, few men will lay charges as it takes a lot of courage to face up to family and friends who, he believes, will perceive him as 'weak'. Too bad....because it happens far more often than is reported.
  • yes they should. Domestic violence is what it is whether it is him or her that is the abuser.
  • They most certainly should. Violence is violence no matter who the perpetrator is.
  • Yes!! Women wanna be equal, but then some of them don't think some things shouldn't apply to them.
  • Absolutely there's no excuses for such a behavior. I personally have never seen a woman abused their spouse before, I would be shocked if I had ever wittness that.
  • Yes. But what man do you know that is going to tell the cops that their woman beat their ass?
  • yes yes yeeessss
  • Yes as soon as you lay your hands on someone else you have given up your rights to be treated as a gentlemen or lady. If a woman initates it she should go to jail just like a man.
  • yes and they do. if a man calls the police while it's happening they will come over and take her away in hand cuffs.
  • If this were a real problem in the world it would be the same. The thing is male abuse has broken bones, killed unborn children and women left them disfigured, and handicapped. I not saying it does not happen. I am saying that the abuse is different and more severe than just hitting. For anyone to compare the to shows uter lack of knowledge. There are millions of women in sheltors or hiding from the their male abuser. How many men are packing up to move when they leave their because they found out where they are living. This question turns my stomach and makes me feel sad for its originator. I would ask that you do just a little research into the abusive male before ask the penalty be the same and then maybe you will want what I want stringer laws on male abuse than on drug offenses.
  • YES YES YES....I'm sick to death of these chicks who do stuff thinking they can get away with it. I'm a female misogynist. We suck!

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