I would say black.
I'm #2 for Black.
Brown. They compliment navy blue pants. Any person who has a good taste in fashion will tell you that black and navy blue do not stand out from each other.
Black is best by far.
whatever color she wants to wear
Navy blue shoes or black. It may be scceptable but I dont like brown with blue.
Black is far better than brown.
I am a fashion expert, and I will add the key points in order to "dress to impress." Black is my favorite color in footwear, especially if they are high heels shoes or high heel boots. I will go with black footwear on most occasions, but with navy blue pants: brown and dark brown are the perfect accent. "Contrast is one of the most important aspects of dressing well." -Jenny Rizzo
I'd guess black with sexy heels!
Brown shoes and navy blue pants is the hottest trend in dress suits among fashion models:
Black shoes and navy blue pants has always been a masculine combination in the US Navy.
Black is by far the best of these choices. Brown just doesn't make it with navy blue. It looks sickening.
whatever color she wants
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