Algebra is a fairly basic level of math. Just about any job that requires any math is going to require some algebra. Any job that involves science or engineering is going to require you to take much more than algebra. Algebra is a fundamental math that everybody is going to need. ********** mother earth asked, "but do you really think a person who is going into science or engineering would be asking this question?" Ok, let me give you another example, you want to figure out the best value for your money. Which is the better value, the large bag of rice or the smaller box. In order to figure this out, you need to know the cost per pound. Suppose that you are planning a long road trip with your family and you need to know how much it is going to cost. You need to know how much gas your are going to burn. So you figure the distance to travel and the milage you get with your car to figure how much you will spend on gas. A farmer needs to know for how much to sell his wheat. He take the price per bushel and the size of his harvest to figure out how much it is worth. You are going to throw a party and you need to know how much food to buy. These are all examples of algebra. Algebra is used just about everywhere.
..and don't think the supermarket shelf labels are always much of a help, when one size of the package is marked with $ per pound and for another size cost per hundred pieces. If you don't understand my point here, you need to learn algebra.
the bad thing about school is that when they teach you things you are looking at it like 3x times 4n to the second which we don't use in the real world honestly what is 3x. But you actually use it every day from figuring out everything you have to buy at the store with a little bit of money to averaging what kind of gas mileage something gets. also i deal with accounting so my job takes lots osf math skills but every a construction worked has got to know grade and bucket load ect. everyone needs math. Sorry
man, i hate that you need to know algebra in life, but i have to admit that it sure does come in handy LOTS of times & i don't mean just in jobs. i've needed it over & over just here at my house. usually only the basic equations though. like if the directions for a medicine say to dilute it one ounce to a gallon & i only want to make a pint of it or whatever. or if the directions only tell you the dosage for a 1000 lb animal & your's weighs 880. or if you want to build a 60 ft diameter round pen out of 12 ft panels plus one 4 ft gate, how many do you need? stuff like that. Study On!
It would be impossible to cater everyone's education to just what they need to know for their future career. So we all have to learn a little math, a little English (or whatever your native language is) a little history and so on and so on. That is why we have elective so we can take the specialized classes.
Please allow an anecdotal answer... that is, one from my own personal experience. It is difficult to understand why anything we do not yet understand is necessary. In my case, I was very weak in mathematics until I had one teacher who taught me to enjoy it. From that day forward my enjoyment increased. There are very few days of my life that I do NOT use algebra in some way that brings either solutions or understandings of things that otherwise would make no sense to me. Also, I have never known anyone who has learned algebra who regretted it. And if you master it, I believe you will never regret it, either.
To be a maths teacher. To you it a lot of the time, thats all I can think of!
Any job that requires any post-secondary education will require you to know at least Algebra. Most MBA programs require Calculas to even accept you, and that's business. Business planning and evaluation are based on statistical methods and modelling. Any engineering or science field will require you to know Algebra (as Glenn says, Algebra is VERY basic.) Forget anything in Accounting, Payroll, etc if you don't know Algebra. Same for Computers (including computer graphics, which are based upon vectors, framerates, hue saturation levels, colors - in hex). Computer programming is nothing more than complex algorithms used to solve word problems (business problems, mostly). Statistical modelling is heavily used in social sciences and politics. How do you think they calculate the results of polls and surveys? Architecture is based on Physics, which you cannot even begin to comprehend without Algebra (and a good deal of Trig, as well). Landscape architecture... Heck, I think I've made my point. Study your algebra.
i have been working the same job for 9 years and still have yet to use it.
Well, my partner didn't finish high school, but algebra is still needed by him occasionally when he wants to build things. It helps to understand things from a logical perspective, which maths will give you.
algebra yes. you will use it. I do agree that there are aspects of mathematics (eg calculus) that are not going to be used by the vast majority of people.
well not like i'd know but its best to have it there just in case that time comes along ++ you'll probly find some way to use it or have fun with paper planes while the lesson is on if you really insist on not doing it
I use algebra all the time. Its a very useful transferable skill. :-)
A shot in the dark but computer programming maybe?
Learn everything you can - You never know when it will come in handy - even the smallest reason's you might need it
algebra is a useful way of learning how to think logically, it is also applicable in the many other studies, such as computer researching, data collection, medicine, engineering. It might not seem like you are going to use it in everday life but it's a useful thing to know about if you want to do further studies or a particular career, where not having those skills will hold you back.
Not all of us need algerbra but some people who go to university to become scientists or computer technicians etc use algerbra - it's just a skill to have really - i like algerbra because i like to solve things out - so - ok it's lame for some and a waste of time for others but think of it this way - would you rather do algerbra and learn it or would rather do a test on it and not know a thing
well if ur a teacher yes :)
You know, I haven't seen the building trades mentioned here. Have any of you seen the formulas carpenters need to use to calculate some of their roof/stairway angles? What about the electrical formulas electricians have to deal with every day? I'm sure there are others I've missed, but I think you get the point. Everybody should at least study first-year algebra and geometry. There are times throughout your life you'll be using at least "bits and pieces" of it.
Algebra is part of our everyday life. It can be used in carpenting, engineering, rocket science(basically all science), and even construction workers. Just think for a second. What would life be like if we didn't have algebra to use to accomplish tasks. How would our buildings be made. New York City as you know it would not have all those buildings. Construction workers need to measure he area they have to build on, the weight and capacity the building could hold for its size, and the angles support beams need to be placed. Algebra is VERY important, if there is one mistake in a project the whole building could come down. I am proud to be learning Algebra 2. Even though my teacher can't teach to save his life.
i dont care if you cut hair for a living you are going to use algebra at some point even if its only to figure out you're wages. you will use it. i promise
Sales tax
If nothing else, learning it exercises the brain. I think of the brain like a muscle, if you don't exercise it, it dies. But you'd be surprised how often algebra is used in real life. Sometimes you don't even realize it.
Learn what you can. Having algebra is a good skill even if it isn't a job. I remember learning Algebra and being able to apply it to small tasks like balancing my checkbook and solving simple equations when I needed to find out something not even slightly related to math. For finding which is the better price at the grocery store it is very helpful to know how you would figure it out and know your math well or you'll be wasting lots of money. If you need any help with it, I'll be glad to assist you. Don't worry. You'll find many reasons to use it.
It isn't about whether you will need algebra for the specific job you have in mind. Most workers change jobs several times over the course of their lifetime - and nobody knows, especially at 15, what they're really going to be doing decades later. But you WILL need to do ALGEBRAIC THINKING, regardless of what you do down the road. That's because the kinds of thinking and application you do in algebra is light years ahead of what you do in arithmetic. Think about it. With arithmetic, you're taught four functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and are given different types of numbers (whole numbers, fractions, decimals) with which to calculate. But arithmetic is very limiting. In the real world, arithmetic is so basic, it doesn't get you very far. If you want to calculate a tip, arithmetic will tell you to multiply your bill by 8, 10 or 15%. That's pretty easy. If you want to lay carpet and you have the dimensions of your living room, arithmetic will tell you how many square feet of carpet to buy. But just as often, the problems will be more complicated. They'll involve more processes than you can handle with simple arithmetic. Let's say you're getting married and you want to send out wedding announcements. Arithmetic is useful for calculating the costs, if you know how many announcements to send out, along with the cost of printing and postage. But what if you don't really know? What if the number of announcements you're going to send out is dependent on the cost in the first place? If you knew a little algebra, you could construct a basic expression like this: C=N(P+S) where C represents the total cost, N represents the number of guests multiplied by the combined cost of Printing and Stamps. Then, you could start replacing variables with the information you have. What you end up with is a basic expression or formula that can help you decide what it would cost you given different numbers of guests. People make decisions like this all the time, and go through any number of steps to find their answer. That means that a lot of people who weren't thrilled with algebra, when they had it in school, end up using algebraic thinking - whether they meant to or not. But getting a feel for it can save you a lot of time and trouble - not to mention money. Anybody who expects to be in a management position - whether it's in retail, food service, entertainment, education, sports, transportation, military, medicine or the law - should expect to do algebraic thinking as a normal part of solving real-world problems.
In your case you are going to need it to count out change at McDonalds
Just in case you get a job in an algerian underwear manufacturers.
Algebra helps to expand the mind's ability to think and reason and calculate ... geometry & trigonometry will likewise help expand the mind's abilities ... calculus goes even further. Simple stuff like making change at a cash register or being an accountant may not require much algebra if any, per say, but many complex and fairly high paying jobs will absolutely require it ... like structual engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, chemical engineering, automotive engineering, aeronautical engineering, astro-navigation, space exploration robotics, nano-robotics, military strategist, certain areas of politics and economics, and the list goes on.
It will help develop your sense of logic.
I'm just finishing my first semester of college at 56 years old. Somehow I've managed to get this far in life without knowing the formulas for solving algebraic equations (go figure). I'm struggling at algebra again, (failed it twice in high school). I now know why so many individuals who are intelligent in fields other than math don't attend college.
Let me add that I am totally convinced I would NEVER have crossed those bridges, including digging deeper into the concepts of algebra, and even underlying pure logical relationships beneath those, on my own. Seeing no need of them, I would have been at once both satisfied they were of no value to me, or anyone, and too uninquisitive to pursue any hard work required to internalize any OTHER apparently useless branch of formal learning. Why bother. But, there was a larger, still more valuable principle to be learned, namely: To have climbed one mountain -- even if only as pressed to do so by stubborn mentors -- and having climbed one mountain to have peered out from THENCE to look at other mountains, is to view those other mountains from a new and different perspective than before. And to have gained unexpected advantage from the achievement is to know that rigor is required... but opportunities lie in wait. First comes the learning climb, and then an appreciation of the view from higher up. And many of life's best lessons are only learned from hindsight.
I can see some of it, like if you are buying 5 oranges and they are 3 for a dollar, how much are they? Aside from that, I think it's not all that revelant. My daughter is in the first year where in school they must take algebra, algebra 1, geometry, and trig, and she is awful in math. I don't understand why all this math is required. When I was in school, I had to take algebra, and that's fine, but I was able to take a variety of math classes to fill my requirement (I took computer math and a couple years of accounting, but there were other classes available). My daughter is really going to struggle because of this no child left behind shit. Don't get me wrong, I believe our schools are way too easy on the kids, but they should be able to decide what math classes they need for their lives ambitions.
You use it in business all the time, and construction... Try figuring out how long it will take for a 30' square slab of concrete 8" thick will take to harden in 45 degree temperatures with a 30% relative humidity without algebra. You couldn't even order the supplies for a bakery without knowing the fundamentals.
People who are afraid of math can't tell the difference between percentages, mph and decimals.
I think alot of algebra lessons come out not necessarily in the form of a math problem solved in real life, but as a "abstract" way of thinking to solve problems, with "variables" to weigh, and eventually, by "duduction" and "cancellation", the problem can be formulated.
Idiot. You don't understand a thing. Why you have to learn algebra is that it teaches a way of thinking only algebra can teach. You want a job? Learn to sew. You want a life? Learn everything you can about everything. Sure, high school is to punish you, not to teach you things you need to know. You're so smart. No one knows what you NEED to know, but history has taught that you need to know how to think. Tell you what. Just get REALLY good at video games. Life will be so easy for you then.
Machine shops use it all the time, as do electronic techs and engineers. Design engineers, too. The thing is, you never really know when you're going to find something that really excites your sense of what you really want out of life, and if it's something that requires math to complete, you could end up giving up on your greatest dream. After over 40 years of trying to crack gravity control, I'm sorry to say I just don't have the math ability to understand the theories needed. Very frustrating.
Almost every field of science and engineering uses Algebra extensively. Not to mention programmers, actuaries... the list goes on and on. A good math book will have quite a large applications section were you can see how these ideas are applied. Perhaps even more relevant to everyday situations are the critical thinking skills that you gain from a background in math.
Ok,So we need algebra to learn how to think.Then why is it that when I was in HS.we only learned with x,y equations? I have never in my life used x,y to solve anything.I think what is lost in everyones theory is our system of teaching algebra is basicaly wrong.We need to inspire our children to use algebra in real world applications.
So, if you're a "mfg pro," and you have a machine that can produce 10,000 pieces per hour at a cost of $0.12 per unit, what would you think if another machine could produce 250 pieces per minute at a cost of $1.80 per dozen?
personally i am not a logical person and geometry is my strong point, however, for the jobs i want to have when i get out of collage i must learn it. algebra is a math that uses logic as well as numbers to help you solve problems. it does not necessarily have to be complex say like Y= 2x+35-7 but simply finding out how far you can go on one tank of fuel before you need to stop for more gas (which is one of the problems being featured in my algebra 2 book) even if logic is not a strong point for you mother earth you still use it no matter how hard you try to deny it.
Or if you're just the average cheapskate who took up the rental car offer to return with an empty tank at a flat refill rate, and you have to cover a distance of 180 miles before the return. How much gas do you fill now to reach your goal, assuming you don't get stuck in heavy traffic and use more gas than you have averaged so far? Gee, it used to be easier back in the day.
you need it to teach algebra
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