Keep your spam Guard on.. and tell him not to do that again.
I had that exact same problem with a friend of mine! Everytime he sends you a bible verse, reply with a Satanic verse. He will ask you to stop, this is when you point out to him you're just doing exactly what he is doing to you.
Just speak gently to the person and ask them kindly not to. There is no need to be rude, as some have suggested, or to "tell him" not to do it. Just ask.
Just keep getting them. Or just hit reply and tell them you don't believe in this
ask them to your next satanic orgy/party as you feel they should experience both sides, I bet they won't be bothering you again (to add to this you could come to work in Goth gear reading alaister Crowley! LOL
tell him to stop forcing religion on people. you dont believe in christianity, you should be allowed to make up your own free-will failing that, send him some verses out of Anton sander-levays devil worship bible. that should do the trick!
(sigh) What the Christian is doing is uncalled-for, but it certainly canNOT be accurately described as "forcing religion on people". Where's the force? Religion IS at times forced upon people - and this case is NOT such a case.
In most companies at least here in the United States that would be covered under federal laws protecting workers from any form of harassment in the work place. I would ask him to kindly stop as you are not a believer and you wish not to be bothered with that stuff. In the mean time save all of the e mails because if he continues you will need the evidence when you go to HR to file a harassment complaint against him.
First ask him nicely to stop it via email making sure you keep a copy of the sent email and also ask for an auto reply when he opens the message. If that does not work then ask him a second time (with same stuff as above) but inform him if he does it one more time you will inform your supervisor. If he does it one more time then inform your supervisor, again via email with the same conditions as above and this time cc him into the email so he can read what is being said. If that does not work then you need to speak one to one with your boss and tell him that if nothing is done about it then you will be forced to seek legal aid claiming harassment. It is my experience, however, that most people who make it into a position of management have the ability to deal with problems like this and I doubt any further action will be needed. I wish you luck.
I would say "thank you very much for your thoughtfulness..however, this does not represent my beliefs so please don't send me any more emails with bible verses." If the person is reasonable at all, he/she will accept your truth. If not, just delete delete delete delete delete! :(
Well, if you really don't want them, there are junk filters that can be put into action...
Block them, and put an end to it once and for all
I had the same thing happen.I just told her that I don't read that mail.If they "challenge" you about it,tell them you don't want to be preached to.
Tell him to stop. If he doesn't, tell your supervisor that this distraction is undermining your productivity, and you need it to stop [if within the same company] or you need that email blocked [if outside the company]. Rest assured your boss will make sure it happens. :o)
if he really won't take 'no' for answer, just tell him that you're gay.
Send your friend some porn.
Look, perhaps they do not know that you do not believe and are just trying to give a daily friendly note. In this case you should thank them and ask them to please stop as this is not the religion you follow. If they do not stop it then you could go to your boss. This is a small form of harassment.
Send him this: Prepare for the backlash!
Just delete them. Why cause a stink? I have this "problem" as well, but the solution is only a click away.
Ask them to stop. Simple as that!
If they're a decent sort of christian, find some far far right bigotted, racist religious quotes from Falwell or Phelps and send it to him/her, with a little note saying, ya brother! You just may be onto something! Where do I sign up?
Tell him you appreciate him sharing his religion, and in return you'd like to share some stories from Greek Mythology, particularly the myths about Zeus.
Put his email ID in spam, send him emails about enhancing the size of a "particular" organ, and getting horny etc by a fake ID.(( These messages would be in your spam folder))
Send him passages from the Satanic Bible.
just tell them to stop. my friends always seem to forget that i'm not religious and every email has something to do with religion. tell them as many times as nessecary to stop.
FYI, this is what some religions call witnessing. She is trying to connect with God by trying to share his word and her faith through you. On one hand, my beliefs are personal and my own and I don't try to "witness" them with anyone at work. I think it's certainly not appropriate at work as that what churches or chapels serve for. The other suggestions you received work fine. Tell her you appreciate her strong faith but it's not in line with your beliefs. Be careful as some religious zealouts see this as a opportunity to draw you further into their faith. Be courteous but firm that you want to continue in your convictions not hers.
Nobody said you had to read them. She may or may not be "witnessing" as someone else said. That may be one explanation. The other may be that she is trying to give you encouragement. The Bible is a wonderful source of strength when you are in a tough situation. I have an aunt who always sends cards with an appropriate Bible verse when she knows someone is struggling. If you don't want to read them, don't. But don't knock your friend down by "handling" it. She is probably only trying to be kind.
Calmly explain to them that although you respect their beliefs, you ask that they respect yours as well and that if they can please stop sending the e-mails. And that you find their attempt to convert you offensive. If they continue, reply to their e-mails with Atheist principles and logical deductive reasoning, they'll stop after that.
tell him i find that insulting.
I would reply that no one can quote scripture like the Devil and his Bible verses are making you believe that he may be the Devil incarnate.
all you do is tell the truth and be honest.. you respect his religion and you're aware he's only growing in his faith by spreading the word and knowledge. tell him that you have your own personal views and that you wish them to be respected as you have respected his as well.
Be honest with your work friend,it is probably meant good but nobody should push their religion on anyone else
Go to your Human Resources Director for counsel or refer to your Employee Handbook. This is usually prohibited conduct so if it happens again cite the policy to the co-worker. You have the right not to be harassed or solicited at the workplace.
just ignore them and delete
shit, i hate when that happens. I just delete them as much as i hate it. or you can say, "i am not a religious person"
Just ignore them or read them while putting a spin on them that matches your belief system. This person sincerly beleives they are sending you something helpful. Don't tattle on them as others have suggested, they truly don't mean to hurt anyone.
This is a simple issue to resolve. Reply to your friends e-mail stating that you appreciate the scriptures but are not interested in continuing to receive them. Can't get any simpler then that!
You could complain to yours/his/hers boss.
I would start sending them quotes from the X-men series and include a note telling them how much you like works of fiction and to please keep sending them.
You can talk to them and tell them how you feel about it. You can ignore them. You can mark them as spam. >.< It's up to you--maybe you should see what it's all about; my best guess is that they are about you and feel as though it'd be good if you were a believer. Totally your choice though.
go straight to the boss - this is harassment.
I would ignore it, unless they start bothering u further. Or just say to him/her that u are not interested in these things, but thanks anyway for the thought.
Ask them kindly to stop. Just tell them you are not comfortable in reading them and at the moment you don't want to become a believer. :}
If this friend were really a friend, they would respect your wishes and not "throw" God in your face.. Ask them (even if you do in an email) to stop. If it doesn't stop, block this person and do not have any more contact with them. you do not need people in your life who are trying to change you. You need people who accept you as you are. It's one thing for them to occasionally ask "will you go to church with me or can I pray for you" but it sounds like you are being harassed and a friend doesn't do that. Christians seem to feel like that they have to "throw" God in our face. I was raised in church and I had friends who thought it was their place to tell me everytime I did one little thing wrong that I was going to Hell. thence the reason I no longer believe in the God stuff. If they respect you and your friendship they will stop, if not , you don't need them
... send them here with a link ... along with a note that says, "Thanks, but no thanks, not interested, but here is Bible research info for you." .
Take a cordial but stern professional approach and inform them you respect their religious affiliations but that you do not appreciate exchanging religious viewpoints during or after work. If they still don't listen or pursue a "witnessing" approach to convert you or have you repenting for your sins than you need to warn them than that you will have no choice but to speak to their supervisor as their persistence is interfering with your ability to perform your work duties and you are concerned about it. Take action now before it becomes your word against theirs. Then you might come out looking like a bad guy, anti-religious zealout. They have that working on their side.
Just be like "Thanks a lot for the bible verses, but I dont really believe in this stuff. Sorry"
YOUR QUESTION: I have a challenge. A "work friend" has started to send me bible verses by email. I am not a believer at all. How should I handle this? ANSWER: You say the person is a work "friend", that means you might be a little close to them? This is more an just an acquaintance. Define "work friend". Do you go out to lunch with this person or merely just say hello and goodbye. If you have other good social times with the person and you would like to continue that, then just be polite and you can be honest and say that all the Bible quotes are making you feel uncomfortable. See if the person stops sending them, a real friend would stop. 2. If you just say hello and bye to them, tell them flatly , and clearly that you do not want the quotes. And, if you like, you can add that you are taking them off your email list if they keep on quoting. ALSO, it makes a difference "Where" the quote is in the email. Some have a Bible quote as their "signature" which means the message is not personal only to you but that everyone receives that same message. Try not to take signature messages personally and just ignor the ones that you want to ignor.
Say, "Jesus spoke to me this morning and told me to tell you to bug off and stop sending me emails."
ASK them to stop.
No matter how much you like a friend or love a relative honesty is always the best policy because in the long run they will discover you really don't like them giving you these things and will be more offended if you tell other people you don't care for them doing this. Tell thing in a very nice way,,..I really love you or like you and we have a great deal in common but I am simply not into the beliving thing and if I am to continue being your friend I would very much appreciate it if you not sent me these verses because it will not change my positon.
lol, send him porn
There was a woman where I work who had all kinds of bibles and statues and scriptures an things of tat nature on her desk, I told the boss and he told her to remove it and don't bring it back.
that's probably why he/she is sending them...delete them or forward them to your friends.
After you have read a few of the verses or scriptures I would think about it but if you still do not want to believe then ask them nicely to stop and that is all you can do , no use in being nasty or negative, as christians some like to feel as if they are helping an individual find God and there is not a thing wrong with that. So try and be as nice and understanding as you can be. It will make for a better work environment, but if this person continues to try to harass you then they are doing wrong because a christian is not suppose to try to cram their beliefs down another persons throat, then maybe you would have to confront them in a different manner and if they are doing it at work then you can talk to your boss/manager and let them handle it because harassment is grounds for termination, I used to be in management as well. Good Luck!!!!
Delete them.
Tell them you're not a people project.
Tell her you are Jewish. They'll stop. lol
just say nicely once not to send them as you dont read them.....
Email back stating work communications should be secular and professional. If they continue, get in touch with HR.
If you knew your coworker was religious, you shouldn't have given him or her your email address. That's like telling a salesman to email you. Epic fail.
Say thank you but I'm not interested.
This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.”--Shakespear I have a challenge for you. Would you be bothered as much as if it were Shakespear quotes or Confucius quotes or Mark Twain or Abraham Lincoln? If so ask yourself why that is. The queen of Sheba traveled all the way to Israel to learn of the wisdom of Solomon. You should be grateful.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
The Queen of Sheba doesn't want my money. Born agains do. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
That's the same place you can shove that blanket. lol
Be careful. These "born-agains" have some weird beliefs and they know how to get you to do what they want. They once told this guy in a wheelchair that he could walk again if he believed in God hard enough. Before you know it you'll be saying "praise the lord" "What would Jesus do" and "The Word Over the World." Its creepy. Tell them you want no more contact. Also call the local police station. If the cops are involved they will leave. You could always block their email?
Let's keep our work relationship limited to work.
rely stop sending me this pathetic crap. Tell them the same in person when you see them. The bible crap you send me offends me stop sending it.
Tell them you don't believe in it, and so you aren't interesting in receiving them.
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