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You are seeing triple.. I do not think that you are going to pass that test.
Quit doing drugs!
Don't take 'em to start with. Usually works for me!
erm, don't take drugs!!?
Don't do the drugs in the first place. Was this a trick question or something?
get someone else to piss in the pot for you, if its a blood test then your screwed, weed stays in your system for up to 2 1/2 months
it stays in your blood for a month. take advil befor you go. it screws up the test. :)
If you are talking about pot... stay clean for at least 70 days and you will be good. There are also many kits available that will act as a chemical mask.
i once smoked pot and had a blood test the next day. i didn't get caught if they are just looking to see fi your blood is isn okay condition and what type u won't get caught i didn't get caught!!!!!!!
blood test like saliva are undetectable after 72 hrs all stored drugs go into the urine sweat.
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