Because it doesn't have much of a health benefit as 'massage' and is sexual just by what can happen with they results. It DOES arouse and that isn't proper for medical massage. Having a client become aroused from non-sexual things you do is one thing. Having them get aroused because of something you do directly is sex. There is no other reason to do it. It is unprofessional.
This answer is meaningless. -
I meant that comment.
Marketing. Why throw that in for your standard massage fee when you can reclassify it and start a whole other industry?
A massage is supposed to remedy certain muscle problems, the only 'muscle problem' you'd solve rubbing your crotch is loneliness. And therapists DO do 'groin area' massages, if that is indeed where the problem is.
Because it mostly stimulate the sexuality of the receiver. But it could have other goals at sexual pleasure or a sexual relationship. 1) "Massage is the treatment and practice of manipulation of the soft body tissues with physical, functional, i.e. mechanical, medical/therapeutic, and in some cases psychological purposes and goals." "Massage can be performed by a professional Massage Practitioner, or by other health care professionals, such as chiropractors, osteopath, Athletic trainers, and/or physical therapists. Massage therapists work in hospitals as allied health professioners, in nursing homes, sports and fitness facilities, spas, beauty salons, cruise ships, private offices, and travel to private residences or businesses." "Note: The traditional therapeutic practice of Thai massage should not be confused with the sexual service of the same name that is available in some hotels and brothels. Sometimes the traditional therapeutic Thai Massage, or ancient massage, is referred to as "old lady massage", while the sexual practice, which has nothing to do with therapeutic traditional massage is called "young lady massage"." Source and further information: 2) "Erotic massage is the use of massage techniques for erotic ends that is widely practiced by couples as part of lovemaking. For example, instead of draping the subject's body with towels, an erotic massage is usually conducted with the subject naked and undraped. Areas of the body such as the areas around the groin and intimate parts of the body, which are normally not touched in therapeutic massage, will be touched in ways that increase sexual arousal. Erotic massage may be utilized as a means of stimulating the libido, or increasing the ability of a person to respond positively to sensual stimulus. In some cases, erotic massage can be a form of foreplay without sexual gratification, intended to heighten the sensitivity of an individual prior to another engagement where sexual arousal and fulfillment is intended. In other cases, erotic massage may be used professionally to help men address issues of premature ejaculation. Methods employed may teach the recipient to relax the musculature of his pelvis and thus prolong arousal and increase pleasure. It is also offered as a service by some massage parlors (known as the 'happy ending'). In this case, erotic massage may be considered to be a form of sex work, or a form of sex therapy." Source and further information: Further information: 3) As far as I know, there are few therapeutical applications for a genital massage excepts those which concern the therapy of the sexuality. As long as sexual therapy is concerned, it involves a stimulation of diverse aspects of the sexuality, without having a sexual relationship with the therapeut as a goal, but rather the treatment of sexual dysfunctions by the patient: "Sex therapy is the treatment of sexual dysfunction, such as non-consummation, premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, low libido, unwanted sexual fetishes, sexual addiction, painful sex or lack of sexual confidence, assisting people who are recovering from sexual assault, problems commonly caused by stress, tiredness and other environmental and relationship factors. Sex therapists assist those experiencing problems in overcoming them, in doing so possibly regaining an active sex life." Source and further information: 4) A particular case is prostata massage: "Prostate massage and prostate milking are terms used to describe the massage or stimulation of the prostate gland (also referred to colloquially as the "P-spot", or the "male G-spot") in males, either for medical or sexual purposes. The prostate is a part of the sexual response cycle in males, and is a key contributor to male orgasm. Located adjacent to the rectum, it can be stimulated manually. Seminal fluids collected in the prostate are released during orgasm." "Medical prostate massage Prostate massage is part of the digital rectal examination (DRE) routinely given to men by urologists in order to look for nodules of prostate cancer and to obtain expressed prostatic secretions (EPS) for examination under microscope. A few doctors, for a short period in the late 1990s, tried prostate massage in conjunction with antibiotics for the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). However, in more recent trials, prostate massage was not shown to improve outcomes compared to antibiotics alone. In addition, prostate massage can be extremely risky. Some of the documented consequences are life-threatening periprostatic hemorrhage, cellulitis, Fournier's gangrene, septicaemia, possible disturbance and metastasis of prostate cancer to other parts of the body, and hemorrhoidal flare-up. Therefore, prostate massage is not used to treat any medical condition today. Prostate massage should never be performed on patients with acute prostatitis, because the infection can spread elsewhere in the body if massage is performed." Source and further information:
If you don't know, you're doing it wrong.
What concern(s) is this discussion is truly addressing? Is it whether or not genital massage is "sexual"? Well, most people, if its done properly, will experience sexual arousal if their genitals are stimulated. That doesn't mean a sexual attraction or act is going to occur between the two parties. Therefore, it is still possible to maintain a nonsexual connection between the giver and receiver. For example, a massage therapist can feasibly practice (and many do) genital massage as part of a thorough full body therapeutic massage. As for whether or not it is a legitimate form of therapy, I think this is an issue of semantics. What is "therapy"? One's understanding of therapy will vary largely based on their answer to the question "What is health?" For example, if you define health only in terms of the absence or presence of a specific pathology as determined by the Western medical establishment's diagnosis, then you are likely to understand "therapy" as only specific actions which "treat" specific "pathologies", thus you will have a very narrow idea of what could be considered legitimate "therapy." But if you have a more holistic definition of health which includes stress reduction, mental/spiritual/physical/emotional balance (including sexual embodiment and expression) such as is emphasized in Eastern medicine and other forms of psychospiritual healing traditions, you are more likely to see the benefits of something like tantra or genital massage as legitimate therapy. Also, if you happen to be sexually repressed like so many of us, you may not be in touch with your own need for sexual healing and thus remain closed off and skeptical to the idea of sensuality and sexuality/eroticism as a healing force. And of course all of us have internalized some degree of shame (usually a lot) around sex as a result of our Puritanical cultural heritage. This is largely unconscious, so overcoming it requires a concerted effort on our part to be aware of this part of ourselves and to embrace our sexual selves. According to (search term: therapy), a "therapeutic effect is a consequence of a particular treatment which is judged to be desirable and beneficial. This is true whether the result was expected, unexpected, or even an unintended consequence of the treatment. What constitutes a therapeutic effect vs. a side effect is a matter of both the nature of the situation in which a treatment is used and the goals of treatment." defines therapy the following way: ther⋅a⋅py [ther-uh-pee] Show IPA Pronunciation –noun, plural -pies. 1. the treatment of disease or disorders, as by some remedial, rehabilitating, or curative process: speech therapy. 2. a curative power or quality. 3. psychotherapy. 4. any act, hobby, task, program, etc., that relieves tension. Assuming we see the validity of the above statements, then we must realize that one does NOT need to have a specialized degree or license to be able to perform therapy. Even a hobby can be a form of therapy! In my personal experience, massage of the genital area can be very therapeutic, especially if the persons giving and receiving it are focused on an INTENTION of growth / healing and treat one another with full respect. If you can get this from a romantic partner, great! But is there anything wrong with receiving it from a stranger? Is there anything wrong with paying for it? Why is there such a negative stigma attached to paying for a massage which includes the genital area? I believe it is largely because it technically illegal in most states, because it is considered a "sexual favor," not because it is a lewd or immoral act. I think those are the questions I see underlying this discussion? If those more base questions weren't on all our minds, we wouldn't be having this discussion anyway, so let's just bring it out into the open. I'd like to hear people talk about these questions.
Far too many incorrect assumptions I think. Who says there is a negative stigma? I have no problem with people paying and taking payment. Have done it myself. But just don't tell me they are not paying for sex. That may not be the only thing they are paying for or getting but that is usually a necessary and understood part of it. And no I am not ashamed of having offered or done it in spite of my "Puritanical cultural heritage" which by the way I treasure. The Puritans got it right as far as I am concerned. And I would sooner go for intercourse myself than a "genital massage" any day.
A genital massge does not always have to be sexual in nature ... Sure; the males will get an erection ; BUT it does not mean that the therapist has to bring them to CLIMAX ... Genital Massage is a great tool for relieving stress and sexual tension on females and males ... IF a climax occurs ; then just go with it ... its not like you are in love etc with your therapist ... so it is not sexual.
Why do you think? Lol:)
According to the Bible, it falls under fornication and loose conduct. Fornication (Greek, por
Usage. A man's erection is pretty indicative of his sexual arousal and whatever else I do if I start massaging him there it will not have any effectiveness until he is erect. And if someone is going to massage my genitals they had better have a sexual intention.
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