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Decorate your life
You could not smoke pot. You have to just wait it out.
You can't. There are ways to dilute your urine (through fluid intake etc.) though they will detect it as dilute and order another test yo...
shave your pits!!! no just kiddinG!!! good luck thats all I can say
Pee IN the cup.
Don't get to pissed off
Hopefully you will have a negative experience.
Drink lots of water, but not too much or your pee comes back to diluted and you smoke thinking you're in the clear and they make you come back and take it again and then you're screwed...
There are commercial sites such as this, offering decontamination. I don't know if you would need one of those, and I also do not know if they are reliable:
Don't smoke before you go - usually 3 days before to get a negative result.
Stop doing drugs and you'll never have to worry about it again.
How did it go?
If they cut abit of your hair; for a hair sample your screwed. Offer your armpit hair instead?
you cant, get someones elses urine.
you cant mask it they test for know oxydents substitution is the only way
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