Personally I have nothing against them!
You like people who break laws then. -
Sandra Ursula
You don't mind illegal acts then. -
Look at all the Trump supporters who had no issue with OUR PRESIDENT committing illegal acts... Why hold a foreigner to a higher level of behavior than what you expect of the US President??
Send em packing back to where they came from. I know the US is a dream for alot of people. Still, you need to follow the laws when you come here. I welcome any immigrant from any nation that enters legally.
its badd
If we shoot on sight the USA will be a less desirable place to sneak into
I don't really have a view on that subject. What's your view on illegal immigrants in Europe?
That's what the M.I.B are there for.
Technically none of us are here legally except the Native Americans!
Yeah, true, but the racists in teh Right Wing don't like those kinds of facts thrown in their faces...
They should be arrested and deported.
I think people should be able to live where they want When they want!
They are a part of society now,and are still allowed into the country because they work for less than minimum wages and have no benefits.The price of many things including food would be higher without them because of their low wages.Though they take advantage of the system the country also takes advantage of them.If they were truly not wanted there would be tighter border controls,and since this is not happening they are accepted
I don't mind as long as they don't make offensive crop circles.
Send them to Iraq; if they come back alive we grant them permanent residency, subject to all applicable civil and monetary (Taxes) laws that govern all other US citizens.
The number of illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. from Mexico has reached such a level that it has had dramatic effects. For years, the border states of this nation have faced a steady increase in the costs they are forced to pay for providing benefits to illegal immigrants. The burden that they have placed on the national, state, and local governments has led to economic and social problems.
Texas has done a study showing that illegal immigration has a positive financial effect on their state of about 17 billion dollars.
and a Federal study shows over 135 Billion drain every year. -
sorry its now 180 billion. -
83% of all statistics quoted on sites like these are false.
Illegal aliens are criminals and need to be prosecuted and deported or otherwise punished for their illegal actions (make them help build the wall). Legal aliens, who process through the INS are welcome, and deserve the opportunity to pursue the American Dream.
Arrest, deport and forget!
The results look pretty evened out for the most part
Send them to Iraq, where they blend in!
There shouldn't be any. I'm not anti-immigrant but crossing the border without authorization is a crime within itself.
try to cut down on it, just by cutting down on incentives. but no deportation. it's cruel.
If Republican farmers and factory-owners in the southern states and midwest would STOP EMPLOYING THEM at low/cheap wages, there would be almost no draw for them to come here!
This is a free country right? I don't believe any human being is illegal and the only alien i know of was from back in the 80's in a movie called ET. People should have a choice to where they want to live. Yes,we have to regulate our borders to avoid becoming like China; however,if immigrants come to the country and take advantage of the many opportunities offered to them without the 3rd world country mentality of living a life of crime because of the poverty levels they may experienced in there country. Welcome,just don't take my goods that I've worked long and hard for.It's called hard work,try it sometimes.It's called don't milk the system that puts the milk in your cup or one day you may find yourself with an empty milk bottle.Don't jack up a good thing. However, welcome to the good old USA if that's what you want! As for me and my crew, we're outta here for now only to return in about 8-10 yrs upon a beautiful retirement. Then again, thats a big maybe too.
If people don't understand that this nation is under attack from the southern border, show me one other country in the history of the world that has been able to absorb 13 million people into its society and not suffer ill effects. I believe that the American dream should be available to anyone. ANYone who comes here legally and abides by the rules and laws of this country should be welcome. If you are a lawbreaker immediately upon entering the country, we really don't want you here.
I think every family should own at least one
What don't people understand about illegal. If someone sneaks into the US without going through the proper procedures they are here illegally. They need to be deported!! Also, thoes who have overstayed their visa need to be deported. Illegal is illegal!!!!!!
I think there are so many illegal aliens partly because the government makes it hard to migrate the legal way. They need to give more green cards. People get impatient after waiting for years, or they are discouraged with the futility of the process and the red tape, so they don't even bother in the first place. Immigration is a positive thing and has been at the core of the USA's identity since the start, so I think it should be encouraged through policy, not limited.
Put them in cattle cars and ship them back.
Oh you should adopt our approach here in the UK - give them a house, benefits, educate them, free medical treatment anything they want....don't you think it's just a wonderful policy!? Until we get political correctness back in perspective I am afraid the more illegal stuff you do the more willing you will find a bunch of do gooders to stand up and fight your corner. I say, if you don't arrive in a country legally you go back from whence you came - and you keep going back until you either stay there or go about migrating in the right way.
they need to leave, they DO NOT help the economy, they send all the money they make back to mexico AND they dont pay taxes, and even if we did give them citizenship, THEY STILL WOULDN'T PAY TAXES!!! send them back before it's too late, they dont have any rights here because they are not american citizens my teacher brought up an interesting argument, if an illegal is in the US and they call the cops, can the cops, 1:contact the INS 2:refuse them service since they aren't citizens anyway we debated this for a while, and we couldn't figure out why people aren't calling the INS on known illegals
Their spaceships need to be clamped and then crushed.
They are a cancer to our society.
If the Native Americans had set immigration quotas then I think my ancestors would have respected that and either stayed in England or immigrated here legally. However, if my ancestors came here illegally then by all means I should be deported back to England or Ireland. ;)
The same as I feel about immigrants in any other other part of the world... we all live on the same planet and should be allowed to move freely without fear. Maybe people should think about the reasons people want to move from their own country.
I tend to think that they are illegal and thus do not belong here. and From what i remember about the Twilight Zone aliens are generally not a good thing (do you remember the episode about the aliens that take humans on their spaceship to their planet only to be eaten!!!!)-No thank you...
They are violating the law. They should be deported immediately, and anyone employing them should be subject to very severe fines and perhaps even jail time.
I love 'em. They work cash jobs for sub-minimum wage so that I can perpetuate the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed!
The illegal aliens issue in this country is a creation from our own government to promote the new world order and the North American Treaty. My 2 cents.
They are criminals with a great PR image.. "just here to work".
I can't believe what I am reading here! I haven't been spiteful and DR'd anyone for their opinions, but you folks are woefully uneducated on just what it means to be illegal! Look, I never thought in a million years that I would marry a Mexican, but there you have it and there it is. I'm not going to refuse the gift because I don't like the wrapping paper! And I didn't marry at the drop of a hat, either. I ws 35 years old when I married for the first time, and we dated for two years before marrying. It isn't as cut and dry as it seems, you guys. Being illegal is NOT a cake walk. Just hubby is illegal because we married three weeks too late after September 11, 2001. Three weeks after that horrible event, the government yanked the "immediate citizenship" option if you married a citizen of the United States. Had we married earlier, he would have been legal. We missed it by 3 weeks!! We are now going through the process of getting him legal which takes about 2 years from beginning to end. We have a child together. He also has his own business and pays his taxes every year, even though he is NOT eligible for ANY tax breaks OR refunds because he is illegal because someone decided to bomb the fucking buildings with planes. Should we just forget the whole thing and get divorced so that he can turn himself in to be deported back to his country immediately? How about in a cattle car? Would that make a huge difference in YOUR life if he went that way? Tell ya what - I have brain damage, so I am not eligible to work. Instead of working the business my ILLEGAL husband and I have started, he can take his happy ass back to Mexico while I start divorce proceedings. I will be a single mother, so I will get on food stamps, and medicaid, too. What the hell? I will easily qualify! Then, every time my kids get sick or need their vaccines, you can pay for it. It would be a HELL of a lot easier on us if you'd be so kind as to carry my load for me. Now then! Is that better???
how does the golden rule apply here? or should it?
how can we simultaneously have a "free society" or "open society" meaning that there's no gestapo stopping everybody to check whether their papers are in order -- -- and an exclusion of outsiders -- -- without a fence? Our law is based on English law. England managed this because they have no land border. (How many illegal aliens swim across the English Channel?)
I just love the way the USA can't have "Immigrants" like everyone else - they have to have "Aliens" and yet they are the ones who always tell us that they don't exist - no such place as Area 51 etc....lmao
the first generation tends to be hard workers the second generation tends to be obnoxious
If they are inside our borders then the feds want them there!
It would be nice for many citizens to own a couple?
I think if you want a solution go to the root of the problem. Why do they come here? Because their families are dying in Mexico and the government has treated them very badly and abused their power. They are trying to take care of their families in a country in very bad shape. Mexico doesn't really care that we have a problem with this so if we care than we need to handle this. We have the problem. I agree that there is a legal way but making that more accessible and easy to people would be a good thing. Some people don't have the time or the money to get in legally. Should we just say too bad? I don't think so. Their families may be starving and they might not have time to legally come. Lets send aid workers over. Set up schools and help people get on their feet. Vaccinate so people aren't getting sick as well, teach those that don't know about personal hygiene, get food over there.The people whose crops have failed or businesses work with them to get them back on their feet. Pressure their government to do right by their people!
The illegal aliens need to be deported but unfortunately that is not going to happen. The US government, and the corporate interests that control it, WANT them there. They are letting in loads of immigrants to drive down wages, and to break down the sovereignty of the US to make way for the American Union. They know the only way to achieve a political union is to bankrupt the US economy and bring it down to the level of the south american economies. Very soon the international bankers are going to crash the US economy and initiate the 2nd great depression. When all the countries are at the same level and it's national identity totally compromised by free immigration, it will be politically possible to form an american union with a single currency. The US is a sinking ship. My advice is to buy gold because in within 5 years the dollar isn't going to worth the paper it's printed on. Check out
I find it insulting to me personally. After everything my family went through to get here legally, there are assholes that get to stay that got here illegally. I agree with something someone else said in another answer. Send them to Iraq and if they come back alive, grant them permanent residency, but DO NOT grant them citizenship.
Honestly, if they are so desperate to get into a power hungry country that is millions of dollars in debt and wasting all their money on a war over another country's resources that they would sneak in illegally, I say let them stay.
They should all be deported. None of this amnesty stuff. They can start from scratch like they should have before they illegally crossed our borders.
I m so disappointed with some Answer Bag members whom I thought were humane and reasonable persons, and then find out that some are narrow-minded when it comes to their opinions on illegal immigrants, we are all illegal immigrants,the true natives of America are the indians.
They are here to stay. The issue is part of the agenda for the New World Order. The USA signed, in 2005, the Treaty of the Americas with Canada & Mexico to create one (1) nation with one currency (Amero), and one (1) government. Eventually, our borders will move north to the North Pole and south to Guatemala & Belize. The mexican government will payback with the PEMEX (Petroleos Mexicanos, Mexican petro). Dick Cheney & his friends (oil & energy cartels) want a big piece of that cake, actually the whole cake. All of the mexicans will be granted USA citizenship thanks of the PEMEX transaction. Botton line, it is all about globalization for the international elite to get more powerful and to grab more power to slave societies. All of this is happening in front of your eyes. My 2 cents.
weren't our ancestors illegal aliens at some point in history?
I oppose any proposal that grants immediate citizenship to illegal immigrants, I do however think that a gradual process would be more appropriate for those who go about obtaining citizenship lawfully. A gradual process will afford our government the time to ensure that aliens being granted citizenship can actually contribute to society. Article 1, section 8, clause 4 grants Congress the power to determine how aliens can become citizens of the United States. It further states that the rules that are established are uniform meaning that it applies in all 50 states. Although Congress reserves the right to alter these rules it is already spelled out in the Constitution how aliens can become citizens of the U.S.A. The 14th Amendment states that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” According to this excerpt there are three conditions that must be met to become a citizen of the United States. One way is that you have to be born in the United States and the other way is by way of naturalization. Naturalization is: One who, being born an alien, has lawfully become a citizen of the United States under the constitution and laws. He has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the United States. Finally you have to be “subject” to the jurisdiction thereof or under the dominion or rule of a sovereign of the state that they reside in. Because they have entered the country illegally they do not meet any of the prerequisites to be considered legal citizens. To attempt to become a citizen by any other method is considered illegal hence the term illegal alien. Furthermore Article 4, section 2 satisfies the uniformity prerequisite which in effect makes entry into our country unlawfully illegal in all 50 states. Foreign citizens who want to enter the United States must first get a visa from their local U.S. Embassy. The two categories of visa’s that can be obtained are the nonimmigrant and immigrant visa. Nonimmigrant visas are issued for a limited visit for a specific purpose. There are different types of non-immigrant visas, including the A-1 for diplomatic visitors, the H for temporary workers and the F-1 for students. Most nonimmigrant visas are given to tourists and business visitors. The process for getting an immigrant visa is complicated, and applicants usually have to be sponsored by a relative who is a U.S. citizen or by an employer. Legal immigrants receive lawful permanent residence that allows them to work in the United States and identify them as permanent residents. Becoming a permanent resident is not the same as being a U.S. citizen. To become a U.S. citizen, a person must be naturalized, a process with several requirements, which include filling out the U.S. Citizenship & Naturalization Form, being age 18 or over, living in the United States as a legal permanent resident for a continuous period of time, taking an oath of allegiance to the United States, reading, writing and speaking English and knowing the basics of U.S. history and government. The time it takes to become a naturalized citizen varies based on locality. In 1997 the application process took over 2 years to complete today it takes on average between 6 and 9 months to become naturalized. The process to become a U.S. citizen is in fact an adequate process. Applicants can determine online or in person if they are eligible. Once they are deemed eligible the process endured ensures that each applicant can effectively operate within American society (i.e. abide by law, speak English, get a job etc).
Illegal says it all. Don't deport them all. Enlist those capable in the marines so they can serve the country and that will be their fast track to citizenship. Face it. Some just come here to rip off the system, pay no taxes, and go back to where ever it is they came from. I don't want to stereo-type it and say they are Mexicans. Not all of them are. A majority of them are. There is no reason for this mess. Just do it legally. Those that break the law, do it for a reason and deserve the penalties that ensue. If the government wasn't so lame on this issue, they could make it much harder on the illegals. Many states have already answered the people's call. Now we just wait for the feds to do the same.
I feel bad that they had to sneak in and are living what are sometime terrible lives in what is expected to be a land of opportunity.
No human being is illegal.
they should be sent back to their own planet.
Target practice!
What part of illegal is not heard here? I like the other answer though, shoot them on sight, then the USA is a less desirable place to sneak into.
Bring 'em in, make 'em legal. It can take 35 years to become a citizen right now. I'd sneak in too.
We don't need law breakers here. Deport all illegal aliens so we can make room for those who CHOOSE to come here legally. They deserve the breaks. NOT illegal aliens.
As long as they're not thugs they're okay by me
why do we even call them illegal? if they are illegal they shouldnt be in the USA. illegal means illegal. then they should leave or be sent back across our border. or they should have another name, and be here with some sort of original number and follow the laws and get a driver's license and learn english. if they cant find jobs or housing, then they should return to where they came from.
I want them to come through legally like my ancestors did!
Do you think that people become illegal aliens because they have the knowledge and resources to legally enter the country but they chose not to, out of pure cheek? If we are going to spend millions of dollars helping the lazy degenerate bums in our country who choose to watch t.v. and spend welfare on drugs, the least we can do is spend some of it on the illegal immigrants trying to live a better life, who would probably actually DO something with their life, given the chance.
If they are ILLEGAL then they should be deported. Just like if an American were illegally in some other foreign country, they too should be deported.
I do appreciate the jobs that they do that we dont want to do. BUT...If they want to come to the USA, they need to do it the legal way. I know it's a hard and long legal process, but I'd imagine it's better than hiding out and doing a job that pays half of what it actually should. any illegal immigrants should be packed up and deported back to WHERE EVER they came from.
We need to build the wall. And pass E-verify for employer to know that they are working legal workers. And companies that do not comply should be put out of business. The ones that are already here (after wall is built) must register and after they are approved to stay (i.e. clear criminal history, health history, and will be able to work) Then give them the green card and get the process started.
I don't care for as long as they don't abduct me and take me into their spaceships for experimenting
Do you mean undocumented workers?
I am going to answer this question again because this issue is one that I advocate for all of the time. It is one of my passions, which you all MIGHT understand if you read this. Let us say that I am 1/4 Cherokee. My grandmother was 1/2 Cherokee, from Oklahoma. This is part of my cultural and natural heritage. THAT is my history, not what has been written for the past 200 years. Who are all of these white people who came here without invitation and polluted my waters and killed my game, cut down my trees and stripped me of my homeland? Who are these people who strip the resources from this land and give nothing back to the earth? Who are these people who bring disease and filth to all we've held sacred for all these years? And why don't they just leave? In their desire to have a better life, they have disenfranchised mine. Now.... WHAT IS YOUR VIEW ON ILLEGAL ALIENS IN THE USA?
My view on illegals is in regard to our goverment. The laws are on the books, the tools are aviable to enforce. What is lacking is the will because of vested interests - companies that use the manpower,to the public that loves the cheap produce they pick to whichever party is in charge at the moment being afaird of offending some voting block. I really have a hard time faulting those that strive to do better for their familes and have no trouble finding fault with a goverment that cares not to enforce their own laws.
They should be deported.Simple as that.I agree there are procedures to legally to enter and work in this country.That might help to some degree.I dismiss the argument that it would place a burden on this country.Some jobs would be gained.Americans would have to do them.Also very simple to conclude.
"Illegal" is the key word. Follow the law as I am expected to do (in any country) then there is no problem. If you buy into this crap that they are "only trying to better" themselves, then I guess you see no problem with my breaking into your home "only to better myself". The immigration laws of this country are not unjust nor are they difficult to follow. If they want in, let them get in line and I will be there to welcome them.
lets see now, is the key word illegal? a criminal is a criminal, no matter what category the CRIME is in.wake up people, we cannot continue to sell out our own people, native and LEGAL IMMIGRANTS for the sake of people who have no regard for us, our country, or our laws.punish the illegals severely,cut off all aid to them and send them packing back wherever they came from.AND DO IT NOW,while we still have a country.
Ningun ser humano es illegal, no human is illegal.
They are criminals and should be deported.
the corrupt greedy politicians allowed corrupt greedy farmers to hire them and replace american workers to pay lower wages and now we have wal-marts with junk mass produced by chinese slaves. i think it's great!
If you went to mexico to work you'd be an idiot. That's why they come here, because wages are so poor in Mexico. Read a book before you try argue about the immigrant situation we have right now, it's not as simple as you obviously think it is.
AMERICANS are illegal aliens! All this "they are criminals" and "shoot on sight" stuff is disgusting, ignorant garbage. Other than Natives (actual "Americans") if you're going to shoot a Mexican for trying to come here illegally, than go back to wherever your ancestors came from, or shoot yourself too! Sorry to be so blunt, but such arrogance should not go unchallenged.
Illegal aliens in the US is part of the still prevalent concept of Manifest Destiny. The North American Union will be the answer to the illegal alien problem. Afterall, this land actually belonged to those we call aliens, at one time. We, the so called American people, are the actual aliens to this continent. Everyone that was here before us were annihilated for their resistance to Manifest Destiny!
Illegal means breaking the law, do not be fooled by desparity of the border crossers, they are more than aware of illegality of their actions, they just do not care and convinced that US is too lazy to send them back. I'm a legal alien, that's why I have a clue what does it mean to wait for permission, due process, etc. If some chooses not to like it, their problem, but to allow lawlessness at any level is not excusable. That's a reason we pay taxes - expecting the laws would be enforced, not a case, Immigration officials should start doing their job along with police, otherwise everything you and your ancestors worked for will look like Tijuana outskirts. Do not kid yourselves - your ancestors came on ships, Ellis island, etc. There were thorough records and diligent work before computers, people who strived to come and live in America did it according to the procedure, they would be ashamed to " jump over the fence". Just do the simple math of calculating how many illegals you legally support - including healthcare for free at all top level US hospitals, they treat ER as their private clinic, include in your calculations all welfare payments to all mothers who "happend" to give birth on american soil, basically it can b multiplied by the number of names they carry ( Benefit Card can hold only three, they usually have from 5 to ...), if this is not enough for you to see that illegal alien should not be present on American soil, check what Europe started to do about their rising problem, surprisingly it works, despite the lack of uneducated emotion.
In a free country, everyone is presumed legal. Possession is 90% of it. Therefore fences are important. If we don't have a fence, and we allow "illegals" to mingle with the rest of us ("legals"?), and we want to exclude them, and we don't want a police state where Gestapo agents stand on every street corner saying "are your papers in order, show me your papers," then we have a contradiction, an impossibility. Something has to give. How did this come about? Simple: Our law was derived from England, and they're an island, they don't have people walking over from France. P.S. We seem to be choosing the police state.
Usually, I get a side view of them when driving by. But I also view their work every time I eat, most likely.
They have to be stopped, for economic, national security reasons and then maybe Mexico will develop an economy or their own.
they should be shot when sighted. it is ILLEGAL is it not?
America has always had issues with immigration, resulting in discrimination and illegal immigration. I'm in favor of making it possible immigrate in a more orderly & efficient manner to reduce the need to slip in illegally.
I consider them no better than the sorry S.O.B that cuts in front of me while standing in a long line. They should be pulled out of line and sent to the back of the line to follow the legal proceedure already in place. Once they do that, I have no problem with them being my neighbor. What is so difficult about that to understand?
Illegal aliens in any nation should be removed immediately. I am a legal immigrant. I married and American, but we divorced. Illegal is a key word. It means violation of the law. Illegal aliens do not belong in any nation.
Illegals should be deported at once. Illegal means against the law after all.
What were your thoughts on the Cubans who did the same thing and were usually met with open arms. Then the boat people from Vietnam who were readily brought into the USA by the government? Or are most of you too young to remember those times. My only opposition is towards the drugs Americans crave so much and the Ganges such as MS13. Most are just ordinary people who want a better life just like you do.
Why restrict it to America? They're all shitty!
IMHO illegal immigrants who can prove they are trying to escape dangerouls situations should be permitted to emigrate IE if their safety, lives are in danger Examples being victims of domestic violence or hate crimes do to ethnic background, race, religion, gender, sexuality I think its cruel not be permit emigration to the US for families trying to escape violence and real danger to themselves,
Let people from all over the world come here. As is its racist against Haitians,Sudanese,Asians etc. One group should not come above those suffering even more.
i think they should become legal
These man-made distinctions are made up by the dominant culture. These divisions are nonsense.
they need to become legal
The same as drunk drivers or someone who didn't pay taxes. Let them go without punishment then reward them.
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