Yeah. The wedding isn't about my presence or absence anyway. It's the bride's day.
White indicates a first marriage. Many women wear white at their first, second, third wedding. Case in point Jennifer Lopez. A virgin is a rare find these days because of the rate of child abuse, rape and "free" love. Personally, I don't care for weddings. I would rather go to a good funeral because you aren't expected to give a gift and afterwards you see old friends and have some light refreshments.
Yes. Many, many brides have worn white when they weren't virgins - it just didn't use to be common knowledge if they weren't. If I go to a wedding, it's because one of the people (or their parents) are good friends that I care about - the caring doesn't go away because they don't follow "tradition."
Yes. It's her day, not mine. She can wear whatever she wants.
You're kidding, right? How petty do you have to be in this day and age NOT to go to a wedding because the bride wears WHITE "even though you know she isn't a virgin"? YES... If I were invited, I would go.
Why is it any of your business weather she is or isn't??? And of course I would attend
Excellent Nov.16
Sadly, in this day and age, it would be newsworthy if someone was a virgin when they got married , yet when you go to a wedding dress shop, the majority of the dresses are still white. I believe that all meaning of the colors has gone by the wayside.
you bet, it's her dress not yours - I was not a virgin, doubt you were either
Excellent Nov. 16
absolutely...thats a pretty messed up tradition any way,none of anyones business except her and her husband.
Get over it. How many brides are virgins?
Excellent Nov.16
yes or else I'd only be going to weddings where the bride wore black! LOL
Yes, who cares?
Yep, its her day, who cares what she wears ? :-)
Yes. No problem here.
I don't see why not. As far as I'm concerned, the white wedding gown just means that they haven't been married before. If they have the big wedding with the white gown for a second marriage, I'd think it was tacky, but I'd still go.
It really is none of my business if a virgin or not, if the bride wants to dress in white then so be it and yes I would gladly attend. Regards. EDIT: Let us never forget that virginity is also the in persons mind and soul.
By that reasoning, I would have never attended a wedding in my entire life, including my own! lol
Yes. It's her day, she gets to wear what she wants.
Most weddings ive attended have not been 'white weddings' but the bride has worn a traditional dress either in ivory or oyster. Its up to the individual i suppose, but yeah i would still attend a wedding where the bride wears white.
Oh, h*ll, I was that bride, twice! I don't think there are many virgin brides these days, and since dress makers aren't into colored bridal gowns, I think we will all be attending a wedding like this at some point.
hhhhhhhhhh, seriously? 2008 called and said it's time to come home!
I would have saved a ton of money on wedding gifts if that were the case. I would go .
Sure, most of the weddings I've been to, that has been the case. So what??
I did, in fact the bride was eight months pregnant!
I go to a wedding because I care for the people getting married. It doesn't matter to me what they wear. If one were to use that reason not to attend a wedding, then they are probably too shallow to be a friend of mine anyway. I would also wonder if that lame reason were a cover for another reason for not attending.
Yes! Are you a religious fanatic? What would you suggest she wear? A whore-gown? Haha! Women aren't "dirty" because they're not virgins so why the heck shouldn't she wear white? Jack
As shocking as that would be,I'd have to go ...LMAO!!
Yes, I have many times......who am I to doubt them and their children. + :o)
Sure why not?
I don't think a white dress means that you are a virgin anymore. It's just a white dress now.
If everyone thought like you.............there would be alot of empty weddings.
Yes its her day no matter what correct me if wrong............ "American graffiti"didn't she where white
i think thats an old school tradition, i just think white is white. The question should be how many pppl were on their wedding day?? i dont think very many.
Is it such a big deal if she is or is not a virgin? And what if the groom isn't a virgin? It doesn't matter, and I agree with Jack.
Course. Nothing wrong with that.
Of course, who am I to jugde anyone. I wore white and already had 2 kids and I was 7 months pregnant at my wedding. We all know I was not a virgin at the time of my marriage.
Yes, I would attend. Unless there is an archaic public "bedding" ceremony, I will never know the difference. I rarely check for hymens before I RSVP to a white wedding.
Who cares? The private lives of otheres is their private life. Unless you're a paparazzi. I've been to weddings where the bride's pregnancy was obvious even in the white dress. Did I care? No I was wonderin if the reception included a buffett and if there was an open bar. In some cultures white is the color of mourning, thas why I always cry at weddings, especially if the groom has a white tux.
It is a dress, who cares what she wears. You don't see men having to worry about what color they wear based on their lives.
YEs ofcourse. it does not matter that she is a virgin or not it matters that she is happy with the right guy. and may i ask you about divorse and re-marrying? tons of women get remarried and still were white!! it does not matter!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course. There isn't one person who ever stood on the alter who wasn't truly pure. It's just a symbol. I try not to take it too deep.
Yes of course. How egotistical and self serving do you have to be to not? At any rate it is a large misconception that the white of a bride's gown stands for purity or virginity. Most women did not wear white gowns before the Victorian Area. But, in this area women wore white to their wedding because white was a color rarely worn as it easily got dirty. As a result it was actually quite expensive. Whomen wearing white was symbolic of the family be financially sound enough to afford a dress the bride would olny wear one time.
If the bride looks good in white, then yes. Otherwise, whatever color is most flattering.
Of course I would. You'd have be a real a**hole to be so caught up in stupid traditions that it would prevent you from going. I can't believe you'd even ask that question.
Why wouldn't I? How about if a virgin was wearing an ivory dress, would you go? It doesn't matter, what happens in behind closed doors is none of my business. The quote I love is 'What other ppl think of me is none of my business.'
Of course.
Yes, though I'm not sure how one would be so sure about her virginity but even some second time brides wear white, So what?
Yes, I don't think your decision whether to attend a wedding or not should be based on the color of the bride's dress. Does the color of the groom's suit have any bearing on your decision? The white gown is a tradition that's been around for a very long time. Some bride's want a traditional wedding in a traditional white gown. Whether the bride has already had sex should no longer matter. She is there taking vows before God, in her white dress, to love and be intimate with only her husband. So regardless of her sexual behavior prior to the marriage, she is promising her husband that he will be her one and only lover.
You could jump up and say "Liar." lol
My soon to be wife is going to where white (so she says) and we have two kids, so I guess you could say thats a yes from me.
Of course I would. The only weddings I go to are when friends of mine get married, and I wouldn't miss their nuptuals for the world. If only virgins getting married wore white, the wedding gown people would go out of business!
What business would it be of mine what color dress she chose? Much less... what the state of her hymen was?????
Of course. Don't be ridiculous!
yeah, of course...
The 'traditional white wedding gown' has nothing to do with virginity. It was made popular by Queen Victoria when she got married.
Yes, how selfish and stupid would you be to not attend due to a ridiculous tradition. In today's day and age, white dresses would practically be out of the wedding picture, if people were to stick with that tradition.
Uhhh....How do you know whether she's a virgin? Were you there? Pretty judgemental don't ya think?
Yes, I don't care what color she wears or if she is a virgin or not. I think the whole "can't wear white if you arent a virgin" thing is a little bit silly and outdated :)
Yes, I think it's her day and she can wear whavever she wants.
Of course. Most brides wear white, no matter if she's a virgin. Besides I don't care. That "tradition" of brides having to be virgins to wear white is outdated and old.
Yup. Have several times and will again, I'm sure. Her sex life is her business.
Yes, I would. What she eats, doesn't make me fat.. I am there for the food anyways =p
The white isn't symbolic of virginity; the veil is.
ya who the hell cares
Sure. In this day and age, white doesn't mean "pure" anymore. It's not my place to judge someone else's sexual preferences, unless it has to do with my dog, child, or already married partner.
I have done it...I went to a wedding that had a traditional bride in her white dress, and I knew that she had had an abortion from the same man she was marrying...
LOL...the bride can wear what she wants. I would just hope they love each other & stay married.
yes of corse i would.
The facts: In western culture, the bride's white dress has come to symbolize virginity. But according to some recent statistics, there aren't so many virgin brides anymore -- but still the white dress prevails. Some uptight traditionalists might say it's wrong to wear white if you're not a virgin, but actually, virginity was not the original meaning of the white dress. The tradition of wearing white isn't even that old, really. It gained popularity when Queen Victoria of England married Albert of Saxe-Coberg in 1840, wearing a white gown to incorporate some lace that she owned. At that time, a white wedding dress was extremely uncommon, and not a sign of purity, but a sign of wealth -- for only very wealthy women could afford a dress that could never be worn again (cleaning a white dress was not so easy in 1840). So stop being so judgmental!
How judgemental! What if it were a second marriage? Would she not be able to wear white? I am a Christian, and this fuss over white is just ridiculous. It was a custom that came into fashion with Queen Victoria in the 1840s. If someone wants to wear white, that is between them and God. If they want to wear another colour and they are virgins, then let them. If I know them and am invited, I will go. The colour of the dress is irrelevant.
Yes. I don't care so much about such things, and I'm not so judgmental as to care about a woman's virginity. The tradition of white representing virginity has fallen into archaism, and I think has become simply accepted as tradition rather than a personal testament of purity.
Sure. These days, people are breaking traditions left and right, so why shouldn't the dress be any different?
Whether she is a virgin or not is none of our business. It's her wedding. I would go.
ABSOLUTELY . I cant imagine even associating with someone that wouldnt go just because of that . I cannot stand people like that
Of course, whatever she wore. The point is that any single, never married young lady is a virgin on her wedding day no matter how many guys she may have been with. It's a new start and what she's been up to before is of no importance. I think that, if she has been married before, white would be inappropriate but it is still her choice.
Who are you to make whatever comment on the color of a bride's gown in whatever condition she is in?
Yep. It was a long time before I learnt of that tradition so I don't really care about it. I suppose I just got used to the idea that wedding dresses are white and don't want a woman deprived of that colour, even for that reason.
Of course. That tradition, like many others, has gone the way of the dodo.
I don't care what colour she is wearing and I am certainly not going to ask her of she is still a virgin before I write my acceptance card. By the way does it matter if the groom is in a suit and not a virgin!?
Lol, yes. I have quite a few times.
Nah, screw weddings, who cares what people are doing in their bedrooms (or kitchens, or public places, or whatever). It's their business, not mine.
This is an out-dated question. Of course I would! In all of the weddings I have attended over the years, I have only been a couple (1 or 2) where the bride was a virgin. Besides, it is her wedding day, let her wear what she wants to.
Never! I think that kind of behaviour is an absolute disgrace!
No, I'll insist that the white gown have a big red stain in the middle. ;-)
Sure! I’m not her Judge. If I like her enough to attend her wedding and she likes me enough to invite me I would have no problem with that. I don’t think the White Gown has any real meaning any longer. It is more of a tradition. It is simply a chance for the bride to look extra beautiful. It is her day so why not.
Weddings consist of many colors and themes these days, it's what the couple wants. It's not your wedding, so what should it matter? Go or don't's up to you. If you really feal that strongly about it you should stay home. I wouldn't want you at my wedding if you really felt that strongly about the color of my dress instead of being happy for me/us.
who cares, traditional ways aren't followed by many anymore. White is a colour associated with weddings still. who are you to tell someone what to do and what to wear. grow up
Of course. That thought is so outdated. I almost peed my pants, laughing when I read this question. Hahahaha
If you feel that way about a "dress" instead of the reason you were invited, then don't go. This is about the union of two people in love wanting to share their life together and affirm this in front of family and friends....not whether or not you think she should have worn white or not. If that tradition was kept, there would be very few white dresses bought and the dressmakers would go bankrupt.
No, I'd be plain offended and disgusted.
People only wear white out of tradition now days. If everyone decided to only go to a wedding where the bride was wearing white AND a virgin (which may already be hard to find), people would just have to elope because no one would show up. I go to weddings liek that all the time, but I've only been to a few wear the bride chose to wear some sort of off white or peach color, I think it may have caused mroe of a stir then if she just wore white.
yes i would.
Well, I attended my wedding.
Did I have anything to do with deflowering her? Virginity is a state of mind, should she wear black for the death of innocence?
Why should it matter - it's a tradition, and like most traditions, it's antiquated and doesn't reflect current times. Besides, if only virgins wore white wedding dresses, the white wedding dress manufacturers would probably go out of business.
Yes. LOL.
Ha! Of course. That is a terrible question. Look, if I avoided the wedding of every non-virgin bride wearing white, I wouldn't go to any weddings. Plus, what will be your excuse? Cause the virginity= white thing isn't gonna fly. Would you prefer to go to a wedding with the bride wearing a Scarlett Letter?
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