Nope there are enough cranks out there without another calling. + :o)
No way.I really dislike the cult of Sciencetology.
Since I'm about 3 miles from their megastructure in Clearwater, FL, I'd drop him off at Peirce and Cleveland street and tell him to pay me for the ride. I'd tell him that I don't like him that much and to have a good life and that he's a pretentious little twit but his wife is hot and I liked her in Batman Begins.
Nope its not for me, whoever come a knockin' :-)
I'd say: Tom, you are nuts!
Absolutely not!
No I do not have time for a new cult in my life right now. Plus I do not believe that stuff.
Only if he was with John Travolta.
Nope. As a matter of fact, I'd slam the door in his face. I never did care for Tom Cruise except for some of the parts he played in movies.
I suppose if he paid me enough, I could be persuaded.
nuh i dont fancy him - hes too short and not sexy? now if you'd said justin timberlake............
No way, it's too expensive. What do you get when you take all the stuff that's common to most religions, say it's from aliens and stick a fat price tag on it? Scientology.
I don't know if I'd even see him. He's a very small person.
No I would not; to each his own but too many secrets about scientology
do you mean after I was able to recover from rolling on the floor with uncontrollable laughing?
I wouldn't give the time of day to that wimp.
Nope, not to mention he isn't much of an actor either, although he is tolerable.
Hell NO!
I wouldn't even open the door! He's a nut!
If I could have a night with his wife.
No Can you say “Washed up, has been, out of touch with reality, annoying little twerp” boys and girls? I knew you could. :) Oh wait..."has been" implies he was....sorry.
I was just reading a book about Scientology today. I'd have to say no. The 'belief' is ridiculous, and I can't stand Cruise.
I'd jump on my couch and tell him that I am in love with my God.
i would tell him the same as i tell all the other door knockers listen to my spill and i will listen to yours
Nope. I would introduce him to the Jehovah Witness and Mormon that that knock on my door and they can all go have a party together, somewhere away from my house.
If Katie Holmes got naked, I would at least listen....No I wouldn't, but I'd act like I was.
No. I might try to convince him that he was hurting others, though. He seems nice enough, just ... kinda crazy and not that bright.
Can't we have him arrested for trespassing?
As long as the big secret about the whole religion was that you become rich, then sure why not. There is no god anyway, at least not one of any particular religion so I have nothing to fear.
Not a chance. Tom has lost all credibility IMO.
I almost cursed reading the question but um.....heck to the no. I'd tell him to get the motherfather off of my front porch. lol
Im a atheist, so no.
no Not even if he had the entire cast of South Park with him
I'm not a big Tom Cruise fan but I am a big Beck fan and he is a scientologist as well...but even then, I am not gonna go become a scientologist just because I am a fan of someone. Though for all the bad rap scientology is getting I don't find it any more weird than christianity or any other religion. In fact I read dianetics and thought it was an ok book. I agreed with it more than the bible. And as far as Cruise being nutty because he is a scientologist...well for every one of him there's 10,000 crazy jesus or allah or mohammed freaks out there.
mmmm-send John Travolta and I'd enjoy listening to him--but Scientology? No Thanks.
never in a million years
I would greet him enthusiastically, get his autograph, and a picture of us together, and promptly give him the finger.
I would tell that pathetic pansy-assed pipsqueak to take a long walk on a short pier! Then I would inform Mr. Cruise that I refuse to follow a "religion" based on a stinking bar bet and endorsed by a gaggle of self-congratulatory Hollyweird scum. Do you think that I might have made myself sufficently clear? I was holding back.
Echt! Tom Cruise would make no headway with me - especially joining an obvious scam like scientology.
Absolutely not. I have my own faith.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeellll No.
I don't think he would do that in the first place. I would love to shake hands with him and then ask him what is scientology!But would not join!
Not because of him. I know of some real positives about Scientology though. I haven't completely researched it. It certainly works for him. I mean he's rich, famous, has a beautiful wife, a beautiful baby girl, an apparently exciting life....
I might say yes, if he gives me his autographed shorts, and then I'd sell them on e-bay. (of course this only applies, if I have access to a good set of tongs)
Never in a month of Sundays
No, I'd kick him in the dick.
No I already Get alien weekly.
oh yeah i'll join some crazy cult because a weird midget asks me to. makes perfect sense:)
Nope. I'd shake my head no, and then offer him a cocktail while pouring one for myself.
No, but I might ask him to bring over his kids and wife to my son's birthday party at the end of the month. :o)
No, I would order him to leave immediately. I do not like him or his silly cult.
Depends on what kind of chotchkies he brought with him.
maybe not since i dont even know what it is
we are dough 68
I wouldn't open my door.
i dont think so
No I would talk to him about Jesus.
we are dough 68
The presence of that obnoxious cretin would make me triply sure not to join his stupid cult.
probably not
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