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Masterbation is good for your mental and physical wellbeing. Lack of sexual release could lead to physical or mental problems in the future, so feel free to love yourself.
It depends on how you do it. Some people die from it, they choke themselves to death.
Fuck Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feels Good To It!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very good. It causes pleasure (pleasure is good for you). It also relieves stress.
Who cares ... even when peopled believed it would render them blind with hairy palms, it didn't seem to stop them ...
I think its very good .All my sisters masturbate and when I have kids I hope they will enjoy masturbation as well.
Scripturally speaking: A spiritually unhealthy habit, masturbation instills attitudes that foster self-centeredness and corrupt the mind. A masturbator may also grow to view others as mere sex objects
In my opinion it's something that's usually healthy and important but can easily become bad like if your doing it to much or doing it in inappropriate places, I recommend once or twice a day at most and once a week or once every two weeks, at least, do not completely abstain from it I believe that can lead to rape, if you feel like it's really affecting you in a bad way than quit until you feel better and start doing it again but this time not as much as before (try to find your healthy range that's what I mean).
Masturbating is healthy and normal for boys and girls
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