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well if i were u i would take the morning after pill. are you on the pill also? id be a lil worried.. you can get prego or an std..
Yes, you have a valid concern.
oh yea they have a nickname for people that happens to "parents"
That happend to me once. Luckly I didn't get pregnant at that time, but yes. You have reason to be worried.
Should you be worried? Certainly!
You know it.
Yes, but that's got to be a bit awkward for both of you, him poking around with a flashlight trying to find it... I can say that has never happened to me, nor have I broken one... for us it was antibiotics that countered the birth control and we were too young to know about that, and the doctor didn't mention it... thus our first child.
YES you should be worried. Anytime a condom breaks or comes off (especially during/after he's ejaculated), you could get pregnant or become infected with an STD. Get tested for both. You CAN get pregnant if you're on top. Anytime you have vaginal sex or of semen goes in or near your vagina.. you can get pregnant. People in general need to become more educated before having sex.
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