• lol so far I cannot find any, and I've been searching for years, no logical proof exists.
  • No proof at all. Proof would negate "belief"
  • Nobody has any proof - what they have is faith, which requires no proof.
  • There is no proof. It is taken in faith. It is expected that you accept upon faith, without proof. God has no need to be proven by anyone, you believe, or you don't, or you're just not sure, everyone was given the free will to feel/believe/not believe.. the way they want. :-)
  • Okay, you lost me with the "He" part. Can I answer this question if I don't think God has a gender? Oooooh, I feel the negative points coming....
  • Heck, I can't even figure out what it'll take for an honest politician to get elected President, much less prove anything about God.
  • Can God make a stone that he can't lift?
  • Without faith you will never know. Faith is the way to have a relationship with Him. Once you feel His Love Grace and Glory you will never again doubt His existence. C'mon give it an honest try, what have you got to lose?
  • I have my faith, and prayer. Both have gotten me through some very difficult times.
  • Thats one of the first questions they address at many Theological Universities world wide. The basic response taught goes something like this: When some one says prove God exists you counter with Prove God doesnt not exist. Having a stalemate a quick reference to the Gospels shows that when Jesus Christ is asked a similar question his responce is something like "an evil and adulterous people seek a sign (i.e. proof by mircle performance etc), but none will be given". The gospels also indicate that Jesus would not go to some villages because he could not perform many miracles there because of their unbelief. This shows the need for person to have faith & if the dont have faith they need to pray for it
  • A lot of people will tell you that they have faith. But true faith is a state of openness or trust. To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float. And the attitude of faith is the very opposite of clinging to belief, of holding on. In other words, a person who is fanatic in matters of religion, and clings to certain ideas about the nature of God and the universe, becomes a person who has no faith at all. Instead they are holding tight. But the attitude of faith is to let go, and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be.
  • Re: [email protected] that's an easy way out. of course we cannot unprove it. Now unprove that Isis or Zeus does not exist... or the flying spaghetti monster. Same thing. Just because it cannot be unproven does not mean it actually exists. In fact, the fact there's not a shred of evidence of his existence, is the most strong fact God does not exist.
  • I would suggest that many, if not most, of those who believe in God interpret "all-knowing" and "all-seeing" symbolically rather than literally. As to proof of a "superintelligent" God (Creator) outside the scope of the Bible, at this point in time, God's existence has no proof. That doesn't preclude a future determination of proof any less than Einstein's Theory of Relativity disproving significant portions of Newton's established, universally accepted science regarding the Theory of Gravitation proves that scientific facts are bogus and will ALWAYS change over time. The truth exists with or without "scientific" proof. Scientific "truths" have, in fact, changed as we learn more about the universe. At best, all honest science merely shows a percentage of certainty, and much science is disputed by other respected scientists. It is well established that funding source can dictate science "fact" - even in the presence of peer review studies. The above said, one can merely look at nature and come to a conclusion as to whether the earth and it's glory was created by a power greater than man or whether it was accidental and/or random. I've made my choice. Good news, everyone gets to make that choice. However, your comment that scientist's don't try to convert people to their point of view is naive and disingenuous - witness the pro and con debate on global warming. Keysha, you comment often in this thread that individuals have not answered your unanswerable question. Is that your usual method of attempting oneupsmanship? While I personally have determined, based on my observation of life and nature, that there is indeed a God, I can not point to PROOF of the existence of God (at this point in time). Now my turn, for those who don't believe in God, what is your proof that God doesn't exist, and have you ever tried to convert someone to your POV? If so, do you consider your arguing for that POV akin to those who try to convert others to belief in a Creator and/or a particular religion?
  • The proof can only be given to you by Him.
  • None, but none is needed. Such is the nature of faith.
  • The problem with these questions is that they are futile. Do you honestly think you will convert anyone with a question that's been asked about all Abrahamic religion since the great Ancient Greek philosophers? The only thing this question succeeds in doing is making you appear to be an anti-western religion bulldog - except without any of compelling Dawkinsesque arguments. It's just as annoying as the antithesis of this question: the ones that say "Don't you love God? Isn't Jesus the most awesomest guy ever?"
  • its a matter of how ur brought up. if ur brought up to not believe nothin will ever happen, because God is not goin to waist his time blessing someone that doesnt believe nor appreciate His blessings. if you have faith then its whole different ball game. i dont care what you say about my religion and what i believe in, theres nothin you or anybody can say thats going to change my commitment to my faith. if u dont believe, thats ur deal..all i know is that ive hit rock bottom several times in life and FAITH has helped me ALOT... im not here to start a fight, im just saying that everybody that has doubted my religion has been Athiest and ive noticed that they are all miserable filled with anger and negativity. its not my fault u feel this way. life is beautiful even if ur goin through ruff times,faith makes you appreciate the good and bad times.
  • What proof do you have that He is not?
  • There is no proof. It is called faith. Believing in something that you can't prove, see, touch, hear, etc. - faith.
  • Proof is not required. Faith brings us to this understanding. All life is of God. If He did not exist, we would not be. The Bible was written by God through men.
  • What proof do you have that he doesnt exist? Why is it that people who DONT believe always require proof and are told the same thing all the time? Faith is what drives belivers to believe in something greater than ourselves. If you don't believe thats on you, there is no proof other than what is in our hearts and what we choose to believe. *steps down off his soapbox and goes for a tall cold glass of milk*
  • Let me say---I believe. Just like I believe people can also do amazing things that are extraordinary. Thing is we are all creators of amazing. It's impossible to prove the unseen to someone who maybe looking for evidence that they can trust. Some say Faith. Religion is practice-- not faith. If you want evidence look at our world and its perfect design our human bodies the function--- not our human behaviors. Design requires a creator from nothing to something. God doesn't worry--so why should you. Just use the gifts he has given us to create a good life.
  • it's called faith~and everyone has a choice to trust and believe or not.......... i can't see air~but i trust that i am breathing it right now i can't see gravity~but i trust that's why i'm not floating in space just because you can't see or touch something doesn't mean that it's not there......
  • Kesha--the Bible was written by men over 2,000 years ago. Men who lean and prayed in the essence of spiritual wisdom. Men who had a connection to the ways of God w/o the tons of distractions we have in today's world. History is experience--Experience with warning and results for living against the laws of God. Once we take to personal human aspect out of the equation we can see better w/ our heart and soul rather than our mind. I think we pay too much attention to the stories rather than the love of mankind--the bases of the Book. Love is the greatest of all gifts. Unconditionally, its the power that can change lives if we use it--the way God intended.
  • The proof that He is not all-knowing, not all-seeing, not super intelligent is the Bible itself.
  • I hope you didn't expect to get something more substantial than "the bible" or "faith". Your question is valid.
  • Keysha, there is no proof, only belief. I'm not one of the people who believe in that type of God, but I do understand where they are coming from, for the most part. Not the fanatics.
  • Since we have free-will we are allowed to accept him or reject him. Lucifer was a great worship leader once in heaven--he was magnificent--his name means morning star. But his pride got him cast out of heaven. That why he does what he does to those who listen to his twised truth. God gives man his divine protection when ask and recieved not by force. We are free moral people who are affected by those who rebell if we dont use wisdom given by those who have gone before us. We cant use circumstances to say --no way to his Word. We use his word against the circumstance and He is seen clearly from the promises his words so eloquetly says.
  • evidence of a god lol
  • Call on Him. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and you will see. He has direct dialing number. Jeremiah 33:3 "Call on me and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things thou knowest not"
  • Faith, it is when you believe in something that you can not see. However you can feel his prescence. You have to pray and call on him and in your weakest most needed moment for his mercy you will feel him wrap his arms around you. If you want to feel that and if you ever need anything in your life, you have to seek him and believe in your heart and you will see.
  • in case of Quran, muslims trace it back solely to prophet Muahammad. muslims distinguish it from the prophet's own inspired sayings (hadith). they also look at the life of the prophet before becoming a messenger. he was known as the trustworthy and never told a lie in his life. he was also known for his wisdom, kindness, leadership, and many other desired traits in a leader. but more importantly his trustworthiness. it is recorded in his biography that he actually stood one day on a mountain and asked people if they would believe him if he instantly said that an army was behind the mountain and was about to attack them. they all said they would definitely believe him because he never lied in his life. then the prophet told them that he was a messenger from God. so basically for muslims: Quran is traced back to Muhammad who was known to be trustworthy. then on top of that you add miracles, prophecies, miraculous composition of Quran, wisdom in teachings of islam, spiritul experiences, accounts of disciples and their descendants. all this add up to make a strong case for the muslim to believe. this is all in one hand, and God's control over the heart is in the other hand. but if you talk about scientific proof as in measurements and calculations, then not really. however, societies, relationships, organizations, history are not completely based on scientific measurement. scientific measurement are one way to study or adopt an ideology or philosophy especially for the physical world. in fact, no one really has seen an atom or a magnetic field but we accept their existence based on interacting with it through scientific measurements (measuring devices). this is fit for the physical environment around us. but does not necessarily fit into studying history, functioning in a society, or for that matter believing in a God that cannot be detected or measured by today's devices
  • When you have a personal relationship with God he does things in your life that could not possibly happen were it not for him. Sometimes you get a feeling that is indescribable. Its called the Holy Spirit. I never experienced it before i knew God. Now it happens all the time.
  • If i tried to describe all the moments that I have felt the lord keeping me standing or has stood by my side in difficult times, Or the amount of times I have had readings spoken to me at exactly the right time this would be a rediculously long answer... The bible may have been written by man, but if God is all knowing and superintelligent then he knew what was to be written and what would be decided to be put in the book (organised in 300AD). The fact that all questions can still be answered by looking in this 'written by man' book. If you concentrate on the prophecies alone, this should give you some insight into an all-knowing, all-seeing superintelligent being and than man alone could not possibly has written it without some kind of help. Have you read the bible?
  • you have the proof already you have always had it. God exists within you as you...
  • You're confused. The "bible" is not any sort of proof. It;s simply a bunch of writings from old gospels. God existing or not is a matter of faith. not logic. Logic cannot overcome it's own paradoxes let alone try and get involved in metaphysics, Only a dullard tries to use logic alone in an illogical world. The world is a lot more complicated than that buttercup.
  • The proof is all around you but you choose not to see it.
  • You're confused. The "bible" is not any sort of proof. It;s simply a bunch of writings from old gospels. God existing or not is a matter of faith. not logic. Logic cannot overcome it's own paradoxes let alone try and get involved in metaphysics, Only a dullard tries to use logic alone in an illogical world. The world is a lot more complicated than that buttercup.
  • I have a lifetime of proof but it's all predicated on faith if you won't exercise Faith you don't get the proof.
  • For the existence of a creator deity, I refer you to Descartes' "A Discourse on the Method"...but note that it is an advanced and lengthy work (and simultaneously a classic in several different fields of literature), and the reader should be well-versed in the fundamentals of logic before reading it. (It's actually one lengthy, entirely logical argument.) However: you ask a more difficult question: concerning particular characteristics of the Biblical God. I (no expert or even amateur in philosophy or apologetics) don't know of any logical proof (anything comparable to Descartes' work) that concludes any of those things. I mean: we could conclude that the creator God must know more than we do (because we cannot figure out how to do that, even if we had the energy). I suppose you could call that "super-intelligent" (I wouldn't). But I can't see any obvious way to deduce "all-knowing" or "all-seeing". . . . . SO: like all of the very, very many things that I believe - and the very, very many things that you believe - I have not observed logically-conclusive proof for what I believe. Those particular things haven't been proved to me, and I am not able (or motivated) to prove them to you.
  • Another boring atheist thinking I need to "prove" something to them.
  • 66 books written by over 40 guys that did not know each other over a period of almost 2,000 years that form an integrated message system intentionally designed which tells history before it happens. The orgin of such a book must be from outside of time. It is certainly a book that is worth looking into.
  • I don't believe the lies of men that say that God is all knowing and all seeing and all powerful I believe what the Bible says. God never goes around boasting! What I do know as a fact is that when I was an atheist and hanging out with the satanists I became a drug addict I lost the little bit of money that I owned it went up and smoke and I got very sick and I was almost dead hanging around with the atheists and the satanists and when I was dead broke they didn't help me all they did was laugh at me and leave me crawling around in the gutter looking for little crumbs of crack cocaine. All I know is what I've witnessed personally kind Christian people in Okeechobee Florida at a Christian camp called Dunklin helped me to get my life together. They showed me the words of the Bible and they helped me on a daily basis to do those words until I could see with my own two eyes that it improved my life and made me healthy it put food in my stomach it kept my mind from being sick and full of garbage thinking. When I left the camp I discovered that the law was no longer interested in taking me into custody for anything I discovered that I didn't get traffic tickets anymore because I didn't go around breaking the law I discovered that my insurance rates dropped I discovered that my credit score Rose I discovered that I got to live in a nice house and driving nice car and to keep a nice job. I discovered that there was a big alternative to living in a cheap apartment and working at day labor at a really crappy job and then calling the dope man at the end of the day to bring me a rock! Yeah friend I've seen the difference with my own two eyes atheists and satanists have nothing to offer me except death I'm not interested thank you

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