Been there. Done that. My advice is don't bother. If you have a competant admin they monitor the accounts and will shut it down if they see that stuff. Keep your account, use it for class, then go home and do wut u want. There were ways I used but they learned from me at my old school. It's a bit more locked down now...
Go to a word and when the site that you want to go to comes up choose the cached version. The cached link will be near the end of the site link. Dont be stupid and get caught.
At my school Myspace got banned, so everyone was using google translate. I've never done it myself, but supposedly it screws with the filter.
try this my eager internet ready friend... or they are both the same place, but they are proxy servers and they can get you anywhere you wanna go! Trust me, I was there and they work!
Another website to bypass filter is It did work for me.
- works like a charm
thats why you sycronise the website first!! hehe
Do a Google search for 'phproxy'; there are loads to choose from.
absolutely not, that is ilegal. you should be ashamed of your self.
unfortunatly, if your school is even vaugly on the ball, once a website gats a certain number of hits (in our school its 30) then the admin check it out - and block it.
Here you go, sinner. lol
you can use it work i was just on it
If you Google "unblock myspace" you'll find dozens of options.
The school's computers (unless you attend a private school) are GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. It is a federal offense to tamper with that property. Unless you want to end up in a federal (fu$# me in the a$$) prison, leave the computers alone. You can do your PERSONAL computing on your PERSONAL computer.
if its porn you want?? then do a google image search with the safe search turned off. Or if you school system was like mine you could go into the network and look at everyones folder including teachers without password, found out one of our teachers was a lesbian haha, but they found out and blocked it, damn!!! lol
- and i use all the time at school for the whole school!
You can't, just wait till you get home. The server does it and I doubt you could tmaper with it.
Try: [The ones in ALL CAPS are ones I go to most of the time.] WWW.SCARCUP.COM WWW.CUTEKNIFE.COM WWW.HIDEU.NET WWW.YOUNGCHEESE.COM Also try: [These are ones I'm not so sure about.] I hope I helped some teens out there. ^_^ If none of these helped let me know by comment or e-mail me at: [email protected] [USE SITES AT OWN RISK. I WILL ADVICE EVERYONE AND ANYONE NOT TO ABUSE THESE SITES BY USING THEM TO SEARCH PORN. TRY MYSPACE, HOTMAIL, YAHOO, MSN, OR SUCH A SITE.]
- My school already blocked these, but maybe you'll have more luck with them.
My school blocked these but they might still work
Just look for Proxy servers online.
Try these worked at my school for a long time..
There is another way besides using websites to by pass the filters but it only works on windows. Another way you could by pass them is go to the run program (it should be on the second column when you press start) and type in cmd. This will bring up the command prompt. In the command prompt, type in ping(space) and then the website your trying to get to. This will give you a bunch of lines of code but all you want is the number in the brackets [XXX.XXXX.XX]on the first line. Type this into the address bar and your good to go!
The Best would be to follow the rules that your admin has set as the sys/net admins could easily find out from which pc has the sites been opened. so take care..
- works on certain sites like myspace
Download microsoft isa agent 2004.make sure that the instal file is greater then 500kb.instal isa agent 2004.this wil automaticaly detect ur sever enterprise.using interent explore u should google for free proxy severs in ur country..find a proxy and nw copy it into LAN Settings in ur IE. Once thats done al ur urls wil be opening. Ur I.T department wil find u dialing to 1 proxy bt wil n0t beable to find ur url. Alngest u r on the network internet wil b 4 free.enjoy guys.
If your at school, you should be doing school work. Not checking out your Myspace account.
Use the free software U98
Don't bother with websites they get blocked still want to hack? *try setting up your own CGI proxy *messing around TCP/IP ports *encrypting your signal *remote access home computer
They are blocked for a reason.
how can you get to the bypass websites if thay are blocked... is there a website that bypasses wedsite bolcks (websites that cant be blocked and can bypass school blocks)?
Do a google search for "online proxies" and you will have tons of sights to choose from.
you don
you don
Nothing on the internet is too important to wait. Respect the rules and don't access the website(s) until you get home.
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