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You seriously need to find a different way to express your feelings. Making a statement like this one isn't cool no matter how you slice or dice it.
Well, since this is located in US Politics, I assume your despair comes from one of the presidential candidates or Congress. In either case, I'd wait until after the election, and then only kill myself if a Democrat wins. But that's just me.
NO, just move to Mexico. Or anywhere that isn't the US. I suggest Latin America, England, or if you're really desperate, Canada
No, let's all move to Australia.
wait for the after noon light, the setting sun is more dramtic.
I would depend on how you look at it.The Democrats with Obama are offering change to get the country out of the terrible shape it is in now.When things are not working change is the only way to make improvements.It is looking more and more that Obama will be the next president.McCain is a lame duck candidate.
well, i guess you'd be kinda getting a head start on everything...but you might as well finish off these last four years. (2012, end of the world)
Yeah...that's what all the kool kids are doin'.
After you pay me then fine.
Right after you pay me back the $400.00 I loaned you. Then be on your way.
Things can always be fix but if you want to.... go out noticable and I don't mean taking others with you. "stupied"
Yeah. Jump.
That's your prerogative.
No you should wait until 12/12/2012 thats when we will be passing out special kool-aid and waiting the aliens to come get us...
did you trade your heroes for ghosts?
I think you should, and you better do it right this time lastly, i believe you owe me 50 bucks. now pay it dude before you go
you might hurt someone
Naaa, there's a lot more good stuff to come yo...
you have your whole life to kill yourself
If you are feeling suicidal now, please stop long enough to read this. It will only take about five minutes. I do not want to talk you out of your bad feelings. I am not a therapist or other mental health professional - only someone who knows what it is like to be in pain. I don’t know who you are, or why you are reading this page. I only know that for the moment, you’re reading it, and that is good. I can assume that you are here because you are troubled and considering ending your life. If it were possible, I would prefer to be there with you at this moment, to sit with you and talk, face to face and heart to heart. But since that is not possible, we will have to make do with this. I have known a lot of people who have wanted to kill themselves, so I have some small idea of what you might be feeling. I know that you might not be up to reading a long book, so I am going to keep this short. While we are together here for the next five minutes, I have five simple, practical things I would like to share with you. I won’t argue with you about whether you should kill yourself. But I assume that if you are thinking about it, you feel pretty bad. Well, you’re still reading, and that’s very good. I’d like to ask you to stay with me for the rest of this page. I hope it means that you’re at least a tiny bit unsure, somewhere deep inside, about whether or not you really will end your life. Often people feel that, even in the deepest darkness of despair. Being unsure about dying is okay and normal. The fact that you are still alive at this minute means you are still a little bit unsure. It means that even while you want to die, at the same time some part of you still wants to live. So let’s hang on to that, and keep going for a few more minutes.
i think you should, if everybody suicidal killed themself and stopped their miserable life of boredom and stopped wondering what they're gonna miss out on when they're not here, then it would save the sad lives of samaritans who wait around for your phone calls.
No ! I think you should put it off for the next 80 years or so !!!
NO you should not, if you feel that away please get some kind of help, killing your self is never the answer, think of all the people who love you, and what that would do to them, call someone and talk to them about what ever is wrong, please get help.
Is this question a joke!? Dude if you are serious, please get some help...and if it is a joke, so not funny!
probely not the best idea
No. Stop. Please don't.
Nah, you'll be ok. Just give it some time.
Nope..then you will miss the end..all kidding aside..suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem :)
Promise one thing: that you will watch "Taste of Cherry" by Abbas Kiarostami first.
Nope- whatever is wrong can always improve!
what ever tickles your fancy.. but make it dramatic ok.. oh and make sure you dont hurt anyone else.. bye bye.. see you in hell
Just put it on youtube so its a source of amusement for all of us.
Don't use a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
ha.. is this a serious question.. do what ever your heart tells you.. just dont hurt anyone else.. make it nice, big and dramatic.. have fun..
Yeah! And let us know once you did!
Suicide is the last desperate act of a coward....Don't be a coward. Have the courage to not inflict needless pain on those who love you who will have to deal with your cowardice for the rest of their life, while your chickenshit ass rots in the ground. Smarten up.
Go ahead.It's your life. But do the right thing and don't blow your brains,blood and guts all over the place for little kids to see. It's probably best for you to quietly OD on heroin,or pain killers like oxycodone. Sleeping tablets are good for suicide.But make sure you take a whole scripts worth.Preferably at least 50.Because you don't want to end up waking up and being a brain damaged vegetable. PS,.,wear an adult incontinence diaper if you commit suicide.This secures the shit you will excrete when you die.It's not nice for rellies and friends to find someone dead and covered in crap. I found a friend who had hung herself and the stink from her death bowel release was extremely unpleasant. ========++++++-------........,,,,,, PS..cop this last thought,.,"don't put off until tomorrow,what you can do today,,NORM ;-0)"
No, not now not ever.
No. Wait for more points for this question 1st! ;-)
Because you have feelings.
You can never, ever fire up another doob. *Think* about it, guy! ;-)
If you do please leave a note so no one has to wonder why.
No way!!!!!!!! think of all your family and friends think of all the good things in life you should talk to someone
I don't know you so I can't answer this. +4
Don't bother. It will happen all by itself eventually.
Only if you're fully prepared to live with the consequences of becoming permanently disabled or even a vegetable if you don't succeed.
The answer is no you should not kill yourself ,although at the present time you might feel like it due to "circumstances" you would be amazed who has contemplated this stance at some stage of thier lives.There seems no light at the end of the tunnel,but that is a frame of mind at present.It is a natural course of circumstances that pull us all through difficult times.When you look back on dark times remember without the bad times we could not appreciate the good times.Difficult times teach us all lessons in life.Please see your doctor just the talk will put a new perpective on things.
you are almost 15 and have your whole life ahead of you, to CREATE yourself, to be who YOU want to be and do the things you want and dream to do, to learn, and grow to be a strong beautiful person and woman inside and out that BOTH you and your mother (and a good guy, a great man someday) will be proud of, love and adore. BELIEVE in yourself and stay strong. Don't you have dreams? there is a whole world out there full of amazing things to see and do. I PROMISE YOU. as for being a virgin at 15, i have several things to say on that, but i will only say two. first, i lost it at your age (AND I REGRET IT). second, you are the guardian of your virginity, just as you are the guardian of your life and your future. protect wisely. I was you not so long ago. TRUST ME. somehow i have a feeling you are a very smart girl with alot of good inside and that's why you are reaching out. what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. don't let anyone else win except you (and your dear mom) keep your head up
wow there are some crazy answers on here. having a ton of friends means very little. having 1 good quality honest solid friend can mean the world and not everyone has that. surround yourself by good people who bring out the best and you and never let them go. ask them for help. ask your mom or an adult you trust for help. get RID of negative people IMMEDIATELY. try to get a part-time job and stay focused on school. it will take you places TRUST ME!!! make an effort to meet new people. it will change your life.
Nah, just stop being goth for awhile. Goths can be so depressing and death focus.
What would your mother say?
Sure why not. Actual answer: Dude, seriously. Why are you asking us? Is this a cry for help? If you were serious about this, you would've gone ahead with it and not have asked everyone else's opinion. You need help. Go find counseling.
The fact that you are concerned about being a virgin at 14 is more worrying to me than your thoughts of suicide. There are plenty of very healthy, very happy virgins in college and even after. Concentrate on finding good friends before finding another boyfriend. And don't give up just yet--hang on a few years more and see where your life is headed. I've been in your place before.
Just asking that question to strangers on Answerbag tells me your problem is much deeper than even you realize. It is a misconception that people who talk about suicide generally don't do it. Likewise, people who talk about it may not know how truly close they are to making some really really bad bad decisions. You need to talk to someone immediately!! I know. I was you. I tried and nearly succeeded in killing myself. Unfortunately, I wound up drinking something deadly that only killed my kidneys. Now I live with dialysis, and the realization that God is the only one who can make that decision, and my purpose here is not yet fulfilled. In many ways I'm a better person, because I know now that everything that led me to that question was so very shallow and meaningless. Life is what we do with it. Not what others do to us. If you aren't liking what you see....CHANGE YOUR VIEW!!!!!
If you're about to rape or kill or hurt someone and you know that you can't avoid it then I think you should.
no. you'll die eventually, don't you think that you will find a redemption from whatever it is that's making you wonder wether or not to commit suicide would go away??
No, you shouldn't. Give it another year or two then come back and ask us again.
no, you should hang in there knowing that things change.
Just in case:
well..i do wish sometimes i died but then gosh there are these whole lot of ppl m supposed to live for ugrh!!!! ( i might be kidding :O)
hell no.your imagination could be your ticket out of where you are."fanged demon babies" is very funny.find a way to express what you feel and maybe you'll understnad where it comes from and you'll be able to deal with it better.just a thought.
and let "the man" win.
i think if you have to ask, you probably already know the answer. yes.
No there are way too many good things you would miss.
Why you asked this question in a first place? I mean on Answer Bag? Just to "hear" from other ppl "no, you shouldn't, there are so many reasons to live for?". Maybe you just want other ppl to feel pity for you? Well, I don't.
if you don't do it after asking this question then your a pussy.ignore all those people who say ur lifes gonna get bettter, if your in highschool then obviously its never going to get better and this is the high point of your life. the best way to get attention is draw it out a long time and make your troubles known to all around you so that everyone tries to give you a reason to live, but don't let them know its helping, just keep being mundane and depressed, then one day which might not be particularily different on any other kill yourself and if at all possible take a couple other stupid teens with you to help the rest of us. make sure you leave a note that blames it on this tough society that forces people to stop being wusses and succumb to peer pressure.
My answer is 'no'. You really shouldn't. But, whether or not you're going to listen to some stranger on a website, I have my doubts. Just know that there are a shit-ton of people in the world who have been where you are and even have had it worse and, they're still truckin'. Also...Not to make it sound like I know it all, but...I've been there. I've been there bad. Rock bottom. You will find people who will care for you, if you stay yourself and keep. looking. Do NOT try to rush love, no matter how badly it may seem you need it, but, watch out for someone while you're picking yourself up. He'll find you. Focus on other things, for a bit. It's going to be rocky and tough as Hell, but, you can get support and help if you ask for it. Please ask for it. It'll only make you stronger. Also...I lost my virginity when I was twenty. To someone I love, dearly, and, who loves me, back. Wait to lose it. Don't worry about it. And, above all: DO NOT LET THOSE PEOPLE WHO THINK YOU'RE UGLY AND WEIRD GET TO YOU. They know SHIT about you. They're most likely going to fail at their lives, and, they'll die someday and you can laugh at it when they do, if you decide to stick around for it. But, like I said, before. Whether you take the advice of someone you don't know, on the internet, is totally up to you. But, in order to get help, you have to open your mind enough to let advice help. I seriously wish you luck. <3
Probably not. But I've had some friends do it. There lives were hells they couldn't face. If that's you, there is no one alive to blame you.
Dude, i dont even know you and i just dont care... What a stupid question anyway? It's your life, do what you want. And all those ppl who enswer "no dont kill yourself!" dont realy cares too. If you'll do it they will forget in few days and that's it.
no, just get some help instead
Your life belongs to you. Not to any god. Not to any religious zealots. Not to society. Not to the humanists, moralists and ethicists. Not to family. Your life belongs only to you. Period. In life there is not a lot a person has absolute control over....but we can decide on when, where, and how we die. Whether you choose to exercise such dominion, or let nature/fate run its course, is up to each person. No one has any right to tell you to die, nor tell you to live. The choice is yours alone. I will say that if you are hoping death will end your present problems and tribulations, you are will only delay the inevitable. Death will change the circumstances, the stage, and the actors, but the plot of the play will remain mostly the same. The same or similar problems you escape from today will await you tomorrow.
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