If it's a "natural" tan line- something gotten while working or playing outside- no problem! If it's something gotten while "tanning" that's a huge turn-off for me. If a woman- or man- is actively trying to look better, for some reason that turns me off. I much prefer seeing the person as they are "naturally"- no make-up or anything. But other men vary!
I couldn't have said it any better. The women I was in relationship that felt compelled to use makeup said i was easy. Natural is beautiful to me.
Definately tan lines.
i prefer tan lines so i can show others and compare my natural colour
No tan lines what so ever!
Tan lines are hotter in my humble opinion.
Now that I think about...I'm not sure. I mean I always thought no tan lines were hotter, but now that I picture tan lines it's like..."Oh wow, look at those tan lines mmmm..." haha:P Umm, I'm gonna give "no" tan lines the edge, but not by much.
Tan lines. What do a cooked Thanksgiving turkey and a tanned women have in common? The white meat is my favorite part!
no tan lines. tan lines were cool in the 80's so i think the older men might prefer that but...they are old. sooo.... 1984 tan lines 2008 no tan lines.
No tan lines :)
Nothing hot about a big white ass..:)
I love beautiful warm looking skin, NO to the tan lines.
To me tan lines are hotter because it tells me that a woman has some modesty and respects herself enough to not be putting all her goddies on display for the world to see.
im not attracted to dudes, but they shouldnt have tan lines, at least not since David Hasselhoff's first season on Baywatch... On women, it depends on natural skin tone. A beautifully fair skinned lady should have at a minimum tan lines on the breast(down boy!)...something just sexy about milky white breasts, probably a sub-conscience affection for a mother child relation, if i had to guess. On darker skinned women, no tan lines is better. the abrupt contrast of skin is just, well...awkard. but i love em all
Try this question. Which is hotter? Skin cancer or no skin cancer?
it depend s how you feel about it i personlly love my tan lines
No tan lines are much hotter.
No tan lines.
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