There is no real answer to this, but: Darkness travels at the speed of light, but nobody can see darkness travel. (Unless accompinied by light)
- kill me. Lack of photons make dark. No Photons, no movement.No movement no speed to measure.
According to the 2nd Never Ending Story movie, it's faster than the speed of light, but logically I'd have to think it's identical to the speed of light.
A little faster than the speed of light, because wherever light gets to, dark always gets there first.
1) "Theory 1: Darkness does not move, it is always present, and light is layed on top of it. (As an analogy, consider a table as being darkness, a tablecloth as being light: when you pull the tablecloth off, the table itself (darkness) doesn't move). Theory 2: Darkness moves at the same speed as light, and it meets the laws of motion in that Darkness is the equal and opposite reaction for the action of the movement of light. Theory 3: A man stands at the doorway of his bedroom, attired in boxer shorts and a sleeveless undershirt. One hundred times in a row, he turns off the light switch and dashes for the bed. How many times does he see himself land under the covers? Zero. There isn't any light there. Obviously dark got there quicker than light. Ergo: Let " d" equal the speed of dark d = SQRT( e/m ) + 1 1 what? Hey, I provided the equation. You do the dimensional analysis. Theory 4: Light moves. Darkness is the absence of light and does not." Source and further information: 2) "The Speed of Dark is a near-future science fiction novel by American author Elizabeth Moon, first published as a paperback in 2002. The story is told from the first person viewpoint of an autistic process analyst. It won the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 2003, and was also an Arthur C. Clarke Award finalist." Source and further information: 3) "Recent work by researchers working for Lausten Transit established that the light and dark were in a continual battle for supremacy. It was established that dark was nocturnal and it was postulated by Lausten Transit that the speed of dark was variable. Considering the viscosity of dark as described by Lausten Transit it may be shown that dark must in fact have a constant speed, using quantum electrodynamics, QED. Here, researchers from The Mill (YSA's new research labs) present the theoretical basis for these conclusions as well as a practical method for calculating the speed of dark are demonstrated." Source and further information: 4) Here an interesting article: "Defining The Speed Of Dark" Source and further information:
300,000km/s as well
Probably about as fast as the tractor I always seem to get behind on the highway when I am in a hurry. God bless our farmers, but most of them will not move over to let traffic by even if there is a shoulder wide enough to build a house on. But...The answer might seem to be very straightforward and logical. It would be all too easy to deduce that light must "push" the dark away at the same speed it approaches. So the speed of dark must also be 186,000 miles per second.
I would imagine it would be inversely proportional to the speed of light, but I have to consult with einstein on that one.
It must be pretty quick. The world has had more dark times than good.
Darkness is not a real energy or is just the absence of light. So really darkness has no speed...unless you count the time for light to disappear.
Actually darkness technicially doesn't exsist. Darkness is just a term we created to describe an absence of light. Darkness actually can't be measured, only light. =)
I would agree with maestrothief, its the opposite of light, ( well light is an essence, darkness is an absence) so the speed of it would be negative in proportioan to light speed !! :)
Somewhere around the speed of smell I would think.
I'm supposing that it is 0 miles per hour in regular space and it is proportionately faster given the mass and density of a black hole where it reaches it's terminal velocity at the singularity.
According to "The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter" , the speed of darkness is faster than the speed of light.
Darkness is just like temperature. If a room feels "cold" that is just because there is not a lot of heat in it. Samething for darkness. Just the absence of light.
Nobody knows, but it is faster than the speed of light, because wherever you look, dark got there first.
When light leaves a place it becomes dark, so it has the same speed that light has.
The speed of darkness is constant and infinite.
I agree with the above answers unless you are refering to the Dark Matter that makes up about 70%-75% of the universe. But again, dark matter is just a type of strange matter which is also expanding along with the the whole universe at near the speed of light.
less than the speed of light
The speed of darkness varies the speed of light. because for every action there is an opposite reaction and the photon of light is the initiator of action. If the light has a source then darkness has it also. It is written in the Bible: "Do you know where the light comes from or what the source of darkness is?" - Job 38:19 by
"Do you know where the light comes from or what the source of darkness is?" - Job 38:19 Based on that Bible verse we can conclude this following; 1.) There is no such thing called a main source of light. 2.) Light just came from ? (Do you know where the light comes from) 3.) Light is just a product of something else that we can call the main source. 4.)Darkness has a source.
Wouldn't the speed of dark mean the absence of light? If it is, the speed of light would have to equal the speed of dark. but according to this website This website states 4 theories. I say it is unknown
I'm probably going to get some DRs, but here's my theory: When you turn on a flashlight, a continuous beam of light travels from the source to the target. When you cut off the power, the beam's source stops emitting light, but light is still traveling, so darkness, which is the absence of light, travels the same speed as light. Think of it as a bow and arrow. When the arrow is released, which travels faster, the tip of the arrow or the end of the arrow?
Lol... Darkness is the absence of light. There's no real answer to your question, but if you absolutely need an "answer", I'd say it's the same speed as light, since the time it takes to something appear for you, is the same time it will take for it to disappear once the light goes out.
Everybody is wrong. The darkness exist from the beginning in the Universe, then is passive. The light could be artificial (Flashlight per example) or natural (our Sun), and they are active. Therefore the darkness cannot be measuring, since don't have speed in having existence from ever as passive phenomena.
darkness is defined as the absense of light since nothing travels faster than light, nothing can travel faster than the absence of light so they are the same speed
All very valid comments. I would like to say that dark has no speed. Only because dark (which is 0 speed) is the only way you can actually measure light (186,000MPH). Without dark as a comparison, how could one measure light? If anyone knows about electricity: Imagine that dark is a "ground plane". The light uses the darkness to travel. Darkness is neutral and in someway allows the light to flow and travel and volts and currents in electricity. Without dark, light could not travel and exist. Like hot and cold, one doesn't exist without the other from a polarity stand point. It's all relative. Any comments send to [email protected]. Thanks
well, appearance of darkness is a phenomenon of light. i say speed of darkness (time of appearance) is equal to speed of light...
Slightly faster than light as it always manages to just get out the way when light comes along... (apologies to Terry Pratchett...)
Darkness is not speed, it is substance. Light merely pushes it out of the way while the lightwave occupies it's current space.
lightspeed when light pushes it, an considering light is always cutting the dark, i would sat a constant light speed
Dark is faster than light. When you turn on the light in a room you can see the light come on but you never see the dark leave.
Darkness is the absense of light -- it has no speed. Did I get it right?
It is the direct oppose of of light in every way. including speed.
THE SPEED OF DARKNESS EQUATIONS F2f FEf = & ≠ FMf FCf! F2f---F∞f----- F2f---F∞f---- qpFEf = & ≠ qpFMf qpFCf = & ≠ < ±qpFGf > ! Q.E.D. M. Abbott Lewis [email protected]
Actually darkness has no speed,the space surrounding our universe is full dark the galaxy get light from the sun,similarly in our house also the insulated space occupy will be dark until any light is lighted on
the speed of darkness is the speed of light. period. no questions asked.
Faster than light!
the speed of light is equal to the speed of darkness! it's the law of contrary....
As what I said scientist should focus this hint from the bible: "Do you know where the lights come from or what the source of darkness is?" - Job 38:19 Studying this hint will help the scientist to know the structure of the universe. we can't appreciate light without darkness. Darkness is like a water in space and light is like an invisible matter we only know that light is there by the movement of water(darkness).
..darkness is the absence of light... darkness does not travel
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