United Cerebral Palsy Foundation and Muscular Dystrophy Association are two that I have contributed to in the past.
I support my local hospice:-)
Personally I support my local Special Olympics. I've noticed many charities in my area have a 35-45% Administrative overhead, while the special Olympics only has a 5% overhead and none of it is profit.
I give to The United Way directly out of my paycheck every two weeks.
charity for battered women and abused children!
ur welcome!
I support antiwar groups in my area and recently set up a facebook front for my city's main antiwar movement. I'm also the leader of another growing antiwar group.
Red Cross.
Ones for animals (but NOT PETA) I am concerned about spaying and neutering and resuce organizations. I volunterr at local shelter and give supplies, whatever they need and I can afford.
I support Gay Rights and Charities through donations. That's it.
Greenpeace...of course! D.E.L.T.A....domestic animal kill shelter! I also donate blood every time (just about) that they call which is as often as I can do it again...I have a slightly rare type of they always want me! (I feel the love!)
MacMillan Nurses - heroes all!
Besides giving at MAss when I go to church I also spend time donating clothes and goods to the Disabled Veterans, money to the Red Cross, and during the holidays we cook etra food and take it to the homeless shelters in the area as well. I have also given money to the SPCA and the Salvation Army. I think the Salvation Army does a great job in the community.
Save the Whales ( I don't have the whole set yet, I am still saving) PETA ( I want to eat my steak rest assured that the animal was brutally slaughtered in the most humane way possible) The Catholic Church ( I think that by supporting them, I am helping keep their priests employed, thus keeping more pedophiles off the street!)
Save the Sheep
- Heart & Stroke Foundation - Cancer Society (and Breast Cancer Foundation) - CNIB I have family members who have been affected by the illnesses above, so I usually contribute to these.
St.Jude's Children Fund and Hospice.
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. They do amazing work. I donate money as often as possible.
My local voluteer fire department. Also a local group that helps raise funds for children that fall between the cracks. Children with parents that don't make enough money to get the help they need, but make too much money to get government help. They concentrate on getting medical devises (wheelchairs, prosthetics etc.) to these children.
Cancer and Child Abuse Charities
Charities working to rescue and save the Wild Mustangs Enviromental organisations Groups that work to help child soldiers
I support needs in my local community I like to see where my hard earned money is used and who it goes to. If I hear of a family that is struggling or has needs I'll help there also because the help is immediate for them, and that is what they need.
Shriner's Hospitals for Children. The other form of charity I support is anything that benefits public schools.
MSF (Drs Without Borders)- Human Rights Campain - [email protected] Oxfam PETA - Neuropathy Association- Save Darfur "Colleen Connors" - Samaritan Innovative Science Foundation - ASCPA - Bryan's House National Mental Health Assoc - Local MHMR chapters I
CRY a foundation which works to empower the girl child.
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