Only after I read the book.
Yes I do. And generally first. (In some cases it's the *only* thing I read... if the preface doesn't convince me why would the book?) A Scottish writer called Alasdair Gray compiled (and designed/illustrated) a fantastic book called The Book of Prefaces. He gathered hundreds of them from throughout the history of English literature. Check out the "search inside" feature here at amazon to see how gorgeous the illustrations are!
Yes, I do. I usually find something in it that will help the reading of the book or understanding of the author. And I may reread it afterwards to see if I learn something else I may have missed.
No I don't. I find most of them to be pretty boring.
If a preface is short and more than someone thanking other people by name whose names I do not recognize and probably will never meet, then yes, I may read it.
I feel compelled to read it, as if I haven't read the whole book if I don't and then I can't say that I've read it. Plus, I'm always afraid I will miss something essential to the story.
I used to skip them, then I read a few and found they were quite interesting. So, yes... NOW I read them.
Almost never, unless it is a Jane Austen novel.
Yes I do.
i skip the preface.
Yes, most of the times after I have finished reading the book I do read the preface.
Yes. Sometimes all you need is to read the preface to understand the contents of the book without actually reading it in its entirety.
I usually do, it helps me.
It there any book or writing about how to read the preface? I think the preface is very important in the sense that it tells you how to use the book, what this book is about, what you should focus on when you read it. But always feel very confusing when I read a preface, so I need help! If anybody has any information about how to read the preface, please send it to my email [email protected]. Thanks in advance.
actually lol, now you mention it I never read the preface :)
sometimes, depends on what book im reading
I will give it a go and only read it through if it adds to the reading experience.
I will give it a go and only read it through if it adds to the reading experience.
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