There could be paedophiles on any site.
There very well could be. I am not aware of any but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Just be careful is about all I can say.
It's likely. I just think they'd have a slightly harder time in this part of AB. I'd HOPE so anyway!!
There will be pedophiles anywhere. They may not be active here but happen to be here for other reasons.
Yes, there could be pedophiles here, just like any other website. The probability is always there. The good thing about this site though is that, compared to Yahoo Answers, it has relatively fewer users. Therefore, it would be easier to pinpoint who's a pedophile and who's not.
Yes probably as many as there are on any other site. They are usually the most unlikely people.
quite possibly..I believe that they are everywhere.
I did not know Pedophilia or paedophilia were different spellings of the same thing. I'm sure there are, but AB doesn't encourage personal communications as much as some other sites, so it less noticeable.
Always expect the expected.
It's possible. I've come across one person a while back that made me suspicious, but since then this person hasn't done anything to make me alert the staff...but I'm still watching!
I think those scum can be found anywhere...they seem to love the internet.
Sure there could be. Most of them probably hang out on AB4Adults though... since that seems to be where the majority of the underage crowd hang out.
There could be pedophiles anywhere. The only time you know for sure it is usually too late. The only thing a parent can do is to watch their kids, and know where they are and who they are with while they are still young. That develops the habit, and when they are old enough to understand that there are sickos out there, they will already be used to being careful!
Paedophiles are everywhere.
Unfortunately they can be everywhere and are - Sadly
I'm sure there are....they seem to be lurking everywhere, that's why it's never a good idea to let your guard completely down.
I'm sure there could be but let it be made clear that I am not one. I find these people to be abhorrent and find their aberrant sexual perversity as intolerable in every way.
Yehh They Make Me Sick
Sadly, yes, there could be some. Consider these government statistics: "According to the United States Postal Inspection Service, at least 80% of purchasers of child pornography are active abusers and nearly 40% of the child pornographers investigated over the past several years have sexually molested children in the past.6 From January 1997 through March 2004, 1,807 child pornographers were arrested and 620 of these individuals were confirmed child molesters.7 Therefore, between 34-36% of these child pornographers were actual child molesters, defined as someone who had confessed to acts of molestation, someone who had a record for molestation, or someone who was involved in an overt act in order to procure children for sexual purposes".
Indeed there probably could be, but I dont see why they'd use this site as oppose to some of the other sites dedicated to their interests. This is just a Q and A site.
I've read a few comments on AB questions before that made me believe a few people were guilty of that.
There was this one guy who freaked me out a while back. He emailed me, and said that he had saw my picture on here, and said that I couldn't be more than 16 or 17 (HA!!), and some other really personal questions. I emailed him back and asked him what his answerbag name was, he said he didn't have an account, he just browsed through for some very obscene reasons. I blocked him. So while there may or may not be any actual users that are paedophiles, they are crawling all over the internet, and apparently peruse this site as well..
their fucking everywhere these days. its sick.
I'm sure there are! And to them I say. GO SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FACE, YOU SICK F****!!!!!
Of course not, they are all on Yahoo answers.
There are sex perverts working in the school system and other areas where there are kids. The Internet is a pedophile's playground. Just ask Chris Hansen.
They're everywhere now
I am pretty sure there are. there are peadophiles everywhere, everywhere in cyber.
pedifiles are everywhere,just be careful!!
They are everywhere. Internet, next door, working at schools the list goes on and on. Keep in mind there are also undercover police signing on as a teenager just trying to find that one person foolish enough to set up a meeting place only to get arressted. Point of advice... Whoever you talk to through whatever site could be that policeman.
Highly likely!
thats a given
Everyone is a pedophile, or a murderer, or terrorist,or an armed robber. Never leave your house and live in constant fear. No one will every be safe again.
lol my religion teacher calls them "Lester the molester"
Although I'm not sure if there absolutely are or not, this site is yet another globally accessable internet website, so YES, there could be people of any type here, including pedophiles.
There could be, although AB may not be the best type of site to target for children. A few months back some ABers alerted staff to a user who was posting creepy questions about having places for little kids to sleep. There were quite a few questions this person asked, just slightly rephrased each time. I haven't seen that user since, so I assume staff dealt with it.
Of course there are. You can't walk on the information superhighway without stepping on a pedophile.
Of course they could -- they could be anywhere! Make sure you check the closet and between the sofa cushions before you go to bed tonight...
I am sure there are some as well as every other kind of person.
yes i guess there could be who knows and remember never give out personal infomation
Paedophiles are the new commies.
Yes! I have definately seen a couple of scary comments to some of the young teens that are on here. Anywhere kids can get on and communicate about sex is going to draw the perverts in. I am glad so many of us are watching.
No, i think they stick to playgrounds..
I'm sure there are ... They're actually everywhere, especially on the internet. I've not, myself, seen anything, and I tend to pay attention when someone states their age and it's a young person. (By TOU, they're supposed to be over 14, but I've seen a number younger.) If you run across anyone you think is one, contact a CL immediately (don't go by one question or answer... Not everyone pays that much attention to ages... Check out both users, and if the one appears to be following the other around...) and alert them. You can also (sometimes a bit slower) contact admins by going, from the suspected paedophile's profile, to FEEDBACK (bottom of page), and ask them to check into it. Or you can email the link to the questionable person to [email protected]. And, if you find someone younger than 14, technically, you can go to the blog with their profile link, and just say something like "Kid", their profile, and, if necessary, why you suspect they are under 14. For me, it usually depends on the questions, answers, and comments by them that I see on whether I do that or not. The CLs pay pretty close attention to the blog comment count, and watch for new ones all the time when they're on.
i had an abusive childhood - (not sexual abuse though) mainly humiliation and weird punishments..... i'd say that pedo's are I guess they could be on here - lurking in the shadows..... i don't understand pedophilia at all....and i don't want to.....
hello, yes, theyre everywhere!! i had one on yahoo 6 months ago,he and i were chatting on my yahoo im,he was very dirty minded,so i got suspicious of him and broke off our friendship,then my brother, through his computer got onto yahoos im and read his messages and sent him one of his own messages telling him to lay off me.then he notified the police,i notified yahoo and got him in trouble.pedophilles are like horse manure,theyre all over the who youre talking still hurt by this expirence.
Yoohoo, here I am.
i guess so,theyre everywhere.three years ago my space deleted 32,000 accounts belonging to pediphilles,anywhere you have the internet available,theres bound to be sex maniacs lurking about. its a sick world out there.we all need to be aware of what our children are doing while on the internet.i managed to can a pediphille last year on yahoo,he was on my yahoo m and my brother whos a cop got into my yahoo im and got a list of all this dirty old mans filth,he notified the police and i notified,hes gone.
IMPOSSIBLE! Pediphiles cannot make it past the gaurds, it is forbidden.
It's very likely. I use a mental health site run by a psychiatrist, and I know of 4 paedophiles on there.. and they're only the ones I KNOW of. So yes, There is a high possibility that there are paedophiles on AB.
pedofiles are everywhere... No-where is completely safe, so expect to at least spot 1... and be careful when ya do?
Dirty paedophiles are everywere ,they get were water cant the scumbags looking for innocent kids .
Most likely...
Yes, I'd almost guarantee it. Where there are kids, there will be pedophiles.
My understanding is that even people in prison have access to the internet. For all you know, you could be typing with a serial killer right now. :) Ok, maybe a cereal killer...
I am sure there are and yet people will come on here and leave info about themselves like their address, phone number, etc just so they can easily track them down.
I'm not sure whats your age?
there def could be, there are probably some living on your street. i know i can look at my local sheriff's department's website and put in my address and it will show if there are any around my neighborhood.
i know there was one on here already
i am , but i never act on it
iam , but i never act on it
I don't see why's not like they can apply creep filters...
Yes. By common definition, I am one.
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