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In a bed, its warm and comfortable. Other places can be fun, but thats better for first time.
shower it funny and feels good
A bed with a soft tuffted top in a beautiful hotel with room service :)
Bring a bed in the woods,,,,, and fuck there, if your scared that your parents will walk in..
Up in a tree house with a clean blanket on the floor
my first time was in my backyard in the grass. hopefully you'll choose something soo much better!
to make it romantic in her bed or your bed it depends were u live i live in the contry and we hav a gorgus sunset and gorgus stars to me it would be out side on the roof
in a bed. anywhere else might be a little more uncomfortable. like the back-seat of a car for example.
Any place is good.
Anywere yiu can get some privacy.
A bed. It's comfortable and supports you.
My first time was in his bed.
In bed.
Either your bed or his.
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