I think men find it as a turn off
The same as that of men whom do the same. I shall attempt to relieve them of my company. To me, the F word is for emergency use only, like a fire alarm. It signals that you are very upset or angry indeed. Someone who uses it all the time is constantly giving out false alarms. These have the opposite to the desired effect - I ignore what they are saying while looking for the emergency.
That she is either very angry all the time, or that she needs to hone her vocabulary skills. I wouldn't think it was any worse than a man that uses the f-word a lot. All in all, it's just a word. Please don't say it around my kids and we haven't got a problem.
I really don't care.
Either they're very angry, very rude or a bit of both.
I don't have a problem with it...........just as long as it stays in the bed with us.
It's not right, and it gives me look at that person differently. Cussing is not called for; it really makes a person look bad.
She must be an Answerbagger....;-D...
Probably fiesty. Probably good in bed.
extreme intelligence
It's probably better if she does, otherwise she might look down on me for how often I say it.
im one of those im afraid, however there is a time and a place, i know the differnce when i should use a little class and when im with my friends and were letting off steam and having a laugh....i also would never swear in an argument as i believe it shows you have nothing contructive to say and to be honest it shows a lack of intelligence...
I really don't care, and my opinion of a man or woman doesn't change based upon use of this word.
I think we are excellent!
Same thing I would think on swearing men. I'd think her as a rude person who demeans herself demeaning others. Maybe she could be nice, and I could still enjoy her company... but I'd keep wishing she used the f-word less often.
doesn't matter to me
don't want to be anywhere near her. cannot stand to hear that said.
i would say that women have the as much right to swear as men but over using it can be very annoying whatever your sex.
Does she eat & kiss with that mouth??????
I don't particularly like it but it's not something I'd freak out about unless there were small children around.
She must be a sailor.
a lack of character and a lack of expression and communication...unreasonable ignorance....:)
My kind of gal!
She might be a nice person, but without more information, she sounds like someone that is under-educated, unmotivated and possible lacks self-esteem. I hope I'm wrong!
Of a grown woman. Not much of a lady, and the ones that I know that talk like are truly not a lady. A teenager immaturity usually but they should grow out of that.
I guess it would depend on context. I work in a psychiatric hospital and many times while relaying information from one shift to another when we are charting and documenting what a patient says, we repeat verbatim and the f bomb is dropped many times. There are women I work with that use the f word probably 3 or 4 hundred times a shift. I wouldn't work with any other crew though.
I use the f word a lot.
I think that a woman should be able to say the "f" word whenever she wants. She's a woman, she's an adult, and I think she has every right to say that word. What, is it a "man's" word? Freedom of speech.
I think she says the f-word, the end. Personally, I think it's a highly versatile word. I'm rather fond of it.
I don't like it at all..although I do swear myself at times..I don't like people swearing in public..its bad enough men doing it but women!! I understand people swearing when they get angry..but when they use it as part of everyday chat its common..
I would say that she is a bucketmouth. Could you imagine having her as a mother? LOL
They need to add a few words to their vocabulary. It is a word I don't want used around small children, clergy, people I want to impress, and not for for general conversational use. Yes, it is just a word and probably has made it into the dictionary. It is a word of frustration or can be used to prove a very vivid point but using it as a common part of the vocabulary shows the person is crude and has no regard for the sensitivity of others. I wouldn't hang around a person who used the word a lot regardless of their age or sex.
Well,not many do who are around me,but I know a some people who do it a lot and never admit it.So,it's their life and they can lead it in a way they want.They won't give a damn on my opinion hence,I'm not giving any.
depends if they are being f-worded at the time,lol
I think i use it too husband thinks it's a turn off.....but he says it all the time too (double standard much?) . Anyway...I think it's a generational thing....It's more just another word now I also find it useful for transitions....or when I lose my train of thought LOL
women or men, it makes no difference to me, if a person uses the f-word, i see that person as ignorant, insecure and vulgar
She says the word "fuck" a lot...
I do not have a very high opinion of her, at all.
That maybe they are confident in themselves, and don't feel the need to please other people or to care what they think? I make no apologies for who I am. I don't need anyone's approval. If someone has a problem with anything I do or say, fuck 'em. That's their problem, not mine. They are just words, nothing more. They only have power if you let them.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it. According to most people who answered your question, I personally must be vulgar, vile, insecure and a major turn-off. Hmm. What the fuck ever.
Someone has pissed her OFF. . . . . . .really badly!
She hate the person and the world.
I have a woman friend who uses that word occasionally, but only when she is pissed about something. I don't consider it offensive. She is entitled to her opinion.
It wouldn't actually be that important to me.
shes a bad ass. i like it when women cuss a lot i think its kind of funny.
That she likes to do the f-word a lot! LOL :)
it would depend on the context, if every third word out of her mouth is f*** then she probibly only knows 3 or 4 words, tiring if she uses it as emphasis alot then on the one hand she's being a little crude but on the other crude and prude don't usually go together, bonus
Not worth much of my time.
Same as my opinion of men who use that word a lot. Why would gender change that?
Uncouth, angry, and disrespectful in normal discourse. If she's yelling at her idiot boyfriend/husband then it's OK. ;)
ANYONE who uses it a lot seems to have a limited vocabulary.
Usually they are not very well educated and have a limited vocabulary. Keep in mind that she may have grown up with that kind of talking around her. It also says a lot about the type of people she associates with.
I sometimes find it a turn on while in the process of the 'f' word.
That she is either very angry all the time, or that she needs to improve her vocabulary
That's why I can't stand Debra Morgan on Dexter. She cusses too much and it makes her annoying. I dont mind the f word but too much really gets on my nerves. It makes you sound like a 14 year old trying to sound hard.
She needs to have a man take control of her and slap her when she speaks out of turn. She only needs to be able to say four things. 'Yes Sir', and 'no Sir'.
I don't mind as long as she says (f*** me) I'm cool with that
I have a problem with anyone using it too often, takes the effect away.
If you ask them they always pass the buck and say "men do it too" that's the new excuse women have for bad behavior they think if men cheat,lie,have an affiar or other BS like that they can to.But they need to be accountable for there own actions and so do men.Two wrongs don't make a right.I also think it shows a lack of intellegence on there part they don't look cool which is the drive behind it and they don't look tuff so if they don't look cool or tuff then whats the point.
If they look cute it can appear cheeky, otherwise it doesn't sound good and makes the person appear rough.
The same if a man uses it, people who abuse certain profane words a lot, are advertising there lack of communication skills, all profanity is is a lot of filler mixed with some useful information, that way its harder for someone else to interupt when your speaking
She should fuck off. ;-)
It puts me off a little, but it makes me feel more comfortable swearing in front of her. I swear quite a lot to be honest... if I never hear a girl swear at all I feel really self-conscious because I know a few will slip out somewhere in the conversation and I don't want to feel embarrassed.
Not so great. +5
im a girl i say it all the time its just a word & i f****** like it
Jeff Stohr
would you consider yourself emasculate?
I have a very good female friend who uses it all the time. I literally can not spend time with her and not hear "Fuck." (and other curse words, too!) And, to be frank it's not a pretty all. But, to be fair it would be equally unattractive on a male.
Must be a bit of a slapper.
Crass and uncultured. Not very attractive.
I don't care if people use course language around me but if they continue using the course language around small kids or at inappropriate times then I would withhold my blessing of them. That'll teach them.
Women who often say the F-word have a short fuse.
I would wonder if she does and also if she can cook.
she probably wont have that many friends
i think she needs to stop doing that
Well I know she grew up with parents and siblings that must have used that word a lot but it makes me very uninterested in her company I really don't like to hear the f word
Boring, trashy
low class, ghetto, uneducated. every now and again it's appropriate. but never a lot.
I would talk to her and find out how young she is for one, then find out just where is all the anger coming from.
I suspect her vocabulary is rather unlimited. Especially when it comes to adjectives. Plus there may be an anger , temper issue. She's vulgar too.
I try not to have knee-jerk reactions and judge. I wait to find out about them. That helps me understand why. Usually its just age or influence of peer groups. Generally speaking though to me it looks like trash coming out of their mouths. Same with cigarettes. But that goes for men and women.
ywomen with very limited vocabulary. Esepeciall y regarding adjjectivees. y cP:lus very crass, crude and cursing like crazy.
If they're ugly go ahead and swear all you want. But if they're a hottie, don't swear. It deters from their sweetness. They probably need a good spanking too! lol
I have a low opinion of anybody---men or women---who uses the "f-word"
t is a word that I don't like .
No such expression as "a women". The word "women" is plural and cannot follow the singular "a".
Anyone who does that is very immature. I used to use it a lot until I got put in my place.
"not for me"
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