Your health and pocket book.
Health benefits ... lungs are for processing oxygen, not poisonous smoke.
Umm...the fact that every cigarette is killing you.
Your teeth will not become as yellow, the cilia in your lungs will not be as damaged, you won't wake up with that awful tight chest and cough first thing in the morning, you'll save cash, the list goes on.
Death and the environment.
You won't be chained to cigarettes and ashtrays and matches/lighter everywhere you go.
if your health isn't enough, then the health and life aof everyone around you...
The best reason; your health in general. Next best reason, everyone else's health around you.
If you don't want your lungs to look like this, you may just want to stop.
Knowing that my wife and I would not be together anymore. I quit after a week in intensive care due to liver damage. The doctor told me and my wife that I would not survive. Proved him wrong!
for quitting? my opinion (which shouldnt be rated down cuz theres always one of you out there) is that theres no point. i quit for three months all that came of it was non stop cravings and too much time on my hands.
monkey see monkey can save the next generation.
1) not dying early 2) public distain 3) the cost 4) for women looking old before their time 5) for men, having you penis work later in life
For your own health and the health benefits to those close to you who inhale your second-hand smoke!
Cigs are f**king expensive!!! You'd have the disposable income necessary to find a new oral habit.
If everyone quits smoking cigarettes, then the tobacco industry will move to try and legalize marijuana. That might be a reason for some...
Because you want to. If you dont really want to quit it wont happen.
Live and let live!!!!!!
i think you have to decide what the most important reason is for YOU. a good place to start is make a list of reasons to quit, then a list of reasons to keep smoking. i would be really surprised if the reasons to quit does not out-do the reasons to keep smoking by at least 10+ reasons...
not only should you quit for yourself but you should quit for the ones you hold dear to your heart.
Because you want better for yourself.
It is now known that tobacco causes cancer and many other life threatening ailments. Hence it is considered as a poison. Administration of this poison kills. Suicide is illegal in many countries and is also forbidden in many religions (may also be the religion that you practice). You may be punished by law if you attempt to commit suicide but fail and caught by police. However, you may commit suicide by killing yourself by smoking and if successful, you may escape without any extra punishment, to some other world, if you so believe. However, you have no moral or ethical sanction, in any country or any religion, to commit homicide by forcing secondhand smoking to others around you,and unfortunately, most of whom are your near and dear ones. [email protected]
Many companies nowadays actually pay their employees a cash bonus if they quit smoking or lose 15 pounds because the company then pays less for health insurance for that employee. Several of my friends have quite smoking because of this reason. Pretty much everyone knows the harmful effects of cigarettes/cigars/etc., but since cancer and other related diseases always seem so far off, it doesn't seem like to big of a deterrent for most people since the tobacco companies are still making billions of dollars a year. However, an extra 500 bucks in a couple months is a lot easier to look forward to. Unfortunately, most people are short-sighted when it comes to things that have a big effect on the big picture, so in order to get them involved, you have to give them a reason to do so that they can witness for themselves in a short amoutn of time.
Live longer & save money
Some women will not kiss or date a smoker
You are NOT getting any younger! Give your body a break from smoking (quit) and enjoy life more.
for every cigerette smoked, 5 mins of your life is lost. what good does smoking do anyway?
You will live longer, stay healthier and save money!!
To avoid the constant focus on making sure that, where ever you go or whatever you do, that you will be able to light up. It controls your life and keeps you from visiting people who don't smoke or doing things that non-smokers don't even consider. And, oh yeah, the horrible health hazards of smoking.
so you dont get cancer
Do you want to live longer?
To expensive
Increased risk of cancer
Best reason is to prevent diseases like certain cancers, copd, emphezema etc. Plus its considerate for others, especially lung , heart issues.
To look younger. 😄
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