  • Bernard Rein is a magician from New Zeland He is an expert on Houdini He was the one that did discover the Birth certificate of Harry Houdini in Budda He also did discovered the film footage of the first flight in Australia that was performed by Houdini I met him in october on the Grand Princess on a cruise from New York to Québec City Airelux
  • He is a artist from Barbados. I have a picture of his I purchased 16 years go, bright and sort of cartoony with his characters
  • yes, he is the artist from barbados. i also have a picture of him (enjoyful one))
  • Bernard Reid is a Barbadian artist with a range of work from caricatures to landscapes on uniquely Barbadian themes. His work is featured as the main masthead on the Bajan Dream website ( and he can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected] (for orders/portfolio).

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